Village of Sciota
Recent News About Village of Sciota
Most frugal cities in West Central Illinois
Village of Littleton, Village of Exeter and Village of Bentley top the list in West Central Illinois with the lowest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
Biggest spenders: What West Central Illinois cities rank highest?
Village of Brussels, City of Roodhouse and City of Bushnell top the list in West Central Illinois with the highest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
The price of local government in 2017: Village of Sciota
The Village of Sciota budget was $84,660 for its 2017 fiscal year, or $2,822 per household.
Income tax hike will cost Sciota residents $69,945.85 more this year, ranked 9th in McDonough County
Sciota taxpayers will pay an additional $69,945.85 in income taxes this year, according to an analysis by Local Government Information Services (LGIS).
The price of local government: Village of Sciota
The Village of Sciota budget was $77,316 for its 2015 fiscal year, or $2,577.20 per household.