
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Godfrey considers LaVista Park name change

Wv state park

The Godfrey Parks and Rec Committee reviews request to change LaVista Park to LaVista at Gladys Levis Allen Park. | File photo

The Godfrey Parks and Rec Committee reviews request to change LaVista Park to LaVista at Gladys Levis Allen Park. | File photo

The Village of Godfrey Parks and Recreation Department promotes and develops parks and recreation by addressing local needs and providing open space, parkland and recreation opportunities to meet and serve the needs of its constituents.

Village of Godfrey

Parks and Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2016

Members Present: Chairman Mike Walters, Trustee Sarah Johnes, Norma Glazebrook, Ford Green, Max

Heinz, Mark Lorch, Don Long, Kimberly Caughran-Director of Parks and Recreation, Jim Lewis-Director of

Parks Maintenance, Jessica Wiedman-Recreation Supervisor, and Angela Bosoluke-Administrative


Members Absent: Trustee Eldon “Twirp” Williams, Jess Woodman, and Rob Hasse

Ford Green made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2016 meeting as written. Don Long

seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Kimberly Caughran introduced Annie Hoagland and Lori Milnor representing the Great Rivers Land Trust

whom are requesting to have the name of LaVista Park changed to LaVista at Gladys Levis Allen Park.

Annie stated the Levis family gave the land to the Oblate Fathers in honor of the Levis family and due to the

community work and dedication of the Levis family throughout the years. She feels this would be a great

tribute to Gladys and the family. She presented a signage proposal to the committee for approval. Lori

Milnor stated this would be a good time to change the signage to preserve the history and stated the Great

Rivers Land Trust would incur the expense of the signage to be installed on the brick pillar at the entrance

to the park. Norma Glazebrook asked how the park became named LaVista Park and Annie Hoagland

stated Robert Levis donated the land to the Village of Godfrey and the name LaVista is the novitiate that is

located on the bluffs and she did not know why the previous Mayor had chosen to name the park LaVista.

Sarah Johnes suggested instead of renaming the park, possibly installing a plaque to explain the history of

Gladys Levis and the donation and how the park transpired. Annie commented this would be a great

addition at some time in the future, when more monies might be available and incorporate it within the park

plan, but at this time they would request this simple addition of the sign be posted recognizing Gladys Allen.

After much discussion, Ford Green made motion to approve the sign as presented and Max Heinz

seconded the motion. Motion passed. Kimberly Caughran stated she would present this recommendation

to the Village Board at the April meeting.

Norma Glazebrook commented that Robert E Glazebrook Park is always to remain as Robert E Glazebrook

Park and if in the future the Village of Godfrey cannot maintain the land the State of Illinois will continue to

maintain it as green space.

Kimberly Caughran reported that she has been working on the 2016-2017 Parks Capital budget. She

stated she had applied for the Madison County grant in the amount of $90,625 towards the $100,000

toward replacement of the Homers Adams playground. She presented the playground design which had

been selected and was designed for children ages 5-12 years. She explained that surfacing is included

with the playground and that she does not anticipate any problems with the funding being approved at the

County level. Kimberly continued the interior road project for Glazebrook Park has been shelved for now

as the Capital Projects committee does not feel it is high priority since the remainder of the Stamper Lane

road project is to be completed in phases whereas to not affect the ingress/egress of the ball park during

baseball season. Kimberly stated she would seek to apply for the OSLAD grant again this year for

development of the remainder of Glazebrook Park to include the interior road, multi-surface court, trails,

grading for soccer fields, two small ball fields, wedding gazebo, and parking lot. Mike Walters questioned

the number of tennis courts and Kimberly stated she would recommend one tennis court and possibly two

pickle ball courts. Mike Walters suggested additional tennis courts due to the Alton tennis courts being in

disrepair and Marquette being unable to use the Alton courts. Max Heinz questioned if the interior roadway

would run alongside the new lake at Glazebrook and where there is a low area, would this area be filled in

or would the roadway be developed over this area. Kimberly commented this area would likely be filled in.

Kimberly stated this project would cost approximately $1.2 million and the grant would cover $400,000 and

the Metro East Parks & Rec Grant in the amount of $300,000, with the Village to cover the remainder of the

project. Sarah Johnes made a motion to recommend Kimberly apply for the OSLAD grant and the MEPRD

grant for the development at Glazebrook Park as presented and Don Long seconded the motion. Motion


Kimberly also reported that on the Capital Projects budget is the ball field lighting. She stated she is

looking into the MLB Baseball Tomorrow Fund grant and the Ameren grant which both have financing


Sarah Johnes inquired on the status of the video gaming monies being earmarked for the ball field lighting

project and Kimberly stated the Mayor is comfortable that the money has not been spent elsewhere and we

are tracking the amount of monies collected and will work closely with the Finance Director to track and

keep the monies earmarked for Parks Capital Projects. Max Heinz suggested contacting Ameren to see if

they would agree to install the lighting with the monies promised to come by a certain date, with the

projection of video gaming funds. Kimberly stated she will investigate the options with these two grant


Jim Lewis reported the parks employees have recently been working to clean up tree limbs from recent

winds. He stated they have also been working to install the paver bricks around the new planter at the ball

diamonds and will begin working on the ball diamonds in preparation for the ball season. He continued the

Street Department will lay hot mix asphalt along the area from the maintenance shop to the entrance of

Glazebrook Park for the gators and equipment to drive on from the shop to the park eliminating the need to

drive on the roadway. He stated this work will be done the first week of April.

Jessica Wiedman reported the youth basketball and cheerleading programs will wrap up their season with

the end of season March Madness tournament on Saturday, March 12 at Lewis & Clark College. She

stated the tournament will run from 9 am – 4:30 pm, with the cheer performance beginning at 10:45 a.m.

She continued the department is currently taking registrations for youth baseball/softball league. Max

Heinz inquired about the number of players in comparison to last year and Jessica stated the numbers are

about the same as last year, the numbers in the minors division is down, but the Majors division is up.

Also, the junior’s division has doubled in registrants. She stated we are also taking registrations for spring

rookie soccer, 4X4 volleyball, tennis, earthworms, and rookie baseball. She stated it is a very busy time for

the recreation department.

Kimberly Caughran reported that she and Jessica Wiedman recently graduated from the Pro Connect

South Mentorship program and attended the ceremony which was held at the Wheaton Park facility last

week. She stated she, Jim, Jessica and James will be attending the Haunt Show in St. Louis next week to

look at options and ideas for the upcoming haunted maze. She stated she is registered to attend a

classroom session at the haunt show entitled; Cheap thrills that Won’t Scare Your Wallet. She reported the

Sustainability Grant through Madison County to help fund bike/walking trails within the Village was

completed and submitted this week. She stated the total amount for the master plan is approximately

$23,000 and funds from the Business District will be used as this plan will connect the business district to

the rest of the community and then the County will reimburse the Village $15,000 once the grant is


Kimberly also reported the PEP grant will be used to replace the Homer Adams playground and poured-inplace

surfacing. She continued the date for installation has not yet been scheduled, but there will be a time

when the old playground will be out of service when removing the old and replacing with the new. Kimberly

stated the spider climber and both set of swings will remain at the playground. A suggestion was made to

investigate the option of donating the old playground and bouncers to an in-need community. Kimberly

stated she would further investigate this option instead of just scrapping the equipment. She stated the

parks staff will remove the old equipment and the playground company will install the new equipment.

Kimberly continued the Godfrey Women’s Club is funding the purchase of two new Expression swings, one

for each park playground. She stated the village will purchase these swings and the Women’s Club will

then reimburse for the purchase.

Kimberly reported the Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday, March 20 at the Glazebrook ball diamonds

with children divided into age divisions to hunt for prize filled eggs. She also stated the Arbor Day

celebration will be held on Friday, April 29th from 4-9 pm, with the tree memorial dedication ceremony to

begin at 6 pm and hotdogs will be grilled and given away as in previous years. Ford Green stated his

family would be willing to help with grilling of hot dogs again. Kimberly also stated a movie will be shown

on the big screen following the Arbor Day celebration to kick off the baseball opening day which is the

following day. She continued the Big Truck Day will be held on Wednesday, May 11 from 10-1 pm with a

large number of school groups already reserving shelters to attend the event.

Kimberly reported that she had attended a drone webinar which highlighted the different types of drones

and indicated the FAA is behind on regulation of drones therefore making it difficult for the parks districts

and communities to enforce any regulations on drones within the parks. Mark Lorch questioned if

something should be in place to state usage of drones not allowed in the parks when programs are in

place. Discussion was held regarding the need for a policy or no policy. Don Long suggested the village

observe and see what other parks districts do in regard to drones and use as needed.

Kimberly also reported that Madison County Transit came out and mapped out the trails within Godfrey with

GPS to include within their trail guides.

Mark Lorch inquired about the timeline for the Glazebrook park expansion plan and Kimberly stated she

would like to see this development completed within the next ten years. Kimberly Caughran thanked the

board members for attending the meeting at the Boy Scout camp.

There being no further discussion, Sarah Johnes made a motion to adjourn. Ford Green seconded the

motion. Motion passed, at 9:21 am the meeting adjourned.