
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jersey CUSD 100 dinner and auction raises $25,000

Basketball 300x218

The district approved the hiring of five basketball coaches for the winter season. | File photo

The district approved the hiring of five basketball coaches for the winter season. | File photo

The Jersey Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met May 19 to learn the District 100 Foundation's dinner and auction raised approximately $25,000.

The Jersey CUSD No. 100 board meets at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Board of Education

Regular Meeting

Open Session

May 19, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 100 was

held Thursday, May 19, 2016 in the office of the Board of Education. The regular meeting was

called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Ed Test, President. Other board members present were: Sherry

Droste, Vice President; Stan Kary, Secretary; Peggy Perdun, Julie Pohlman and William Yamnitz.

Board member Terrie Kallal was absent Also in attendance were Lori Franke-Hopkins,

Superintendent; Alan Churchman, District Administrator; Mary Schell, Director of Finance and

Human Resources; Chip Fabry, Special Education Coordinator Michelle Brown, Principal; Debbie

Trochuck, District Secretary; District employee Genevieve Mossman; Angie Cory, the Jersey

County Journal; Gary Goode, Roger Newberry, Dave Bryden, Denny Kallal and Jo Test.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Test informed the Board the recommendation for JCHS Custodian is Kimberly Pirtle under

Personnel, item D.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to approve the consent agenda as presented:

I. Minutes & Finance

A. Approve Board Minutes

1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - April 21, 2016

b. Special Meeting - May 9, 2016

2. Closed Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - April 21, 2016 (held)

b. Special Meeting - May 9, 2016 (held)

B. Bookkeeper's Financial Position/Treasurer's Reports

C. Budget Report - April 2016

D. Approve Expenditures - May 2016

II. Personnel Items

A. Accept Resignation(s)

1. Sarah Bland, JCHS English Educator, effective the end of the 2015-16 school year

2. Sarah Bland, JCHS Speech Coach, effective the end of the 2015-16 school year

3. Angie Beiermann, Assistant Volleyball Coach, effective immediately

B. Approve Extra-Curricular Assignment(s)

1. Gwen Brunaugh, JCHS Class of 2021 Sponsor

2. Maddie Steckel, Volunteer JCHS Volleyball Coach, effective immediately

C. Approve Leave of Absence - None

D. Approve Non-Certified Personnel

1. Kimberly Pirtle, Custodian, JCHS

E. Approve Temporary Disability Leave - None

F. Employ Certificated Personnel - None

G. Employ Educational Support Personnel - None

On roll call, Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion



Roger Newberry addressed the Board regarding his opposition to the bathroom directive by

President Obama.




Enrollment and Suspension and Expulsion Reports

April Enrollment and Suspension and Expulsion reports were provided for informational purposes.

Principals’ Reports

Mrs. Brown shared with the Board that the District 100 Foundation dinner/auction raised

approximately $25,000. The Foundation provides scholarships to graduates, grants to schools, and

grants to educators.

Directors’ Reports

District Administrator

Mr. Churchman shared that the facility committee had met recently to review summer plans and

project costs.

Special Education Coordinator

Mr. Fabry shared that, even though the Special Olympics Spring Games were cancelled due to

weather, participants and families were able enjoy a stay in the hotel. Through Mr. Brunaugh’s

efforts, half of the cost was donated back.

Director of Finance and Human Resources


Director of Technology


Early Childhood Director


Superintendent Report

Dr. Hopkins presented information on the following:

? College Options Report indicating that 84% - 86% of high school graduates plan to attend

post-secondary education

? Congratulations to retirees – Michelle Bidlack, Barbara Collins, Renee Elliott, Kevin

Robertson, Wayne Schell, Terri Taake, and Vicki Watkins

? District 100 Foundation – Mini Grants awarded


1. Intergovernmental Agreement

After discussion a motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the

following Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Jersey, City of

Jerseyville, and Jersey CUSD No. 100:


This Agreement is made this ____ day of _____, 2016 between JERSEY COMMUNITY UNIT

SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 100 (referred to hereinafter as “District 100”), COUNTY OF JERSEY,


referred to as “Parties”).

WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq. (2006), authorizes District

100 to enter into intergovernmental agreements in order to jointly exercise, combine, transfer or

enjoy any power, privilege, function or authority which they may possess;

WHEREAS Article 7, Section 10(a) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois authorizes the Parties

to contract in any manner not prohibited by law and to use their credit, revenues and other resources

to pay costs related to intergovernmental activities;

WHEREAS, District 100 currently owns various parking lots and other surface areas which from

time to time require minor asphalt and pavement improvements located within District 100;

WHEREAS, the COUNTY OF JERSEY and CITY OF JERSEYVILLE, are within the boundaries of

District 100;

WHEREAS, the Parties deems it advisable to enter into an intergovernmental agreement whereby

COUNTY OF JERSEY and CITY OF JERSEYVILLE, will provide minor asphalt and pavements

improvements to District 100 possesses for the safety and security of the residents of COUNTY OF


WHEREAS, the Parties agree nothing in this Agreement shall require COUNTY OF JERSEY and

CITY OF JERSEYVILLE to provide these services outside the limits of their respective boundaries.

WHEREAS, the Parties further agree that this Agreement shall not require COUNTY OF JERSEY

and CITY OF JERSEYVILLE, STATE OF ILLINOIS to make improvements should funding,

manpower, or other cause prevent said improvements.

WHEREAS, the Parties further agree that any costs associated with these improvements will not be

assessed against District 100.



1. Recitals: The Recitals set forth above are intended by the Parties to evidence their intent in

executing this Agreement. The Parties intend that this Agreement be construed in a manner

consistent with the Recitals. Accordingly, said Recitals are, by express reference, made a part of the

covenants herein, and this Agreement shall be construed in light thereof.

2. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall become effective upon approval of the respective

boards of the Parties. The Agreement shall be renewable each year upon mutual agreement of the

parties with modifications as needed.

3. Amendment: This Agreement may be amended in writing from time-to-time as necessary to

facilitate the provision of services as set forth herein.

4. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated at any time for any reason by the mutual

agreement of both parties. Either party may terminate the Agreement at any time for any reason with

at least 90 days written notice to the other party of its intent to terminate the Agreement.

City of Jerseyville, State of Illinois

By: ________________________________ __________________

Mayor Date

Attest: ______________________________ __________________

City Clerk Date

Jersey County Community School District No. 100

By: ________________________________ __________________

Board President Date

Attest: ______________________________ __________________

Board Secretary Date

County of Jersey, State of Illinois

By: ________________________________ __________________

Board Chairman Date

Attest: ______________________________ __________________

County Clerk Date

On roll call, Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes.

Motion carried.

2. American Legion Request for Use

After discussion a motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to approve the request

for use of Schell field by the American Legion as presented. On roll call, Perdun, yes;

Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes. Motion carried.

3. Designation of Hazardous Areas and Roadways

After discussion a motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kary to approve the

designation of hazardous areas and roadways as presented. On roll call, Pohlman, yes;

Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes. Motion carried.

4. Underground Tank Financial Assurance Resolution

After discussion a motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to approve the

following resolution:

RESOLUTION designating $20,000 of Operations & Maintenance fund balance of

Community Unit School District Number 100, Jersey and Greene Counties, Illinois for

financial assurance for underground storage tanks.

WHEREAS, the Board of Education (the “Board”) of Community Unit School District Number 100,

Jersey and Greene Counties, Illinois (the “District”), has a Operations & Maintenance fund balance;


WHEREAS, the Board is required by the State Fire Marshal Office to designate $20,000 as financial

assurance for underground storage tanks owned by the District;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT and It is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Education of Community

Unit School District Number 100, Jersey and Greene Counties, Illinois, $20,000 of the Operations &

Maintenance fund balance will be designated as financial assurance for the underground storage

tanks owned by the District.

Adopted May 19, 2016


President, Board of Education


Secretary, Board of Education

On roll call, Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes. Motion


5. Bids

A. Fuel & Petroleum

Mr. Churchman reported that a bid opening was held May 4, 2016 for the

purchase of petroleum products. Three vendors submitted bids. It is his

recommendation to accept the low bid of $3,263.24 from Medford Oil for motor

oil, anti-freeze, and wiper fluid. For fuel, vendors submit their name and phone

number and will be called for current pricing when fuel is needed.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Perdun to accept the low bid from

Medford Oil for the purchase of petroleum products as presented. On roll call,

Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes.

Motion carried.

B. Garbage

Mr. Churchman reported that a bid opening was held on May 4, 2016 for garbage

pick-up. One vendor submitted a bid. His recommendation is to accept the bid

from Sanders Waste Systems for $2,300 during school months and $1,425 during

non-school months.

After discussion a motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kary to approve

the bid from Sanders Waste Systems for garbage pick-up as presented. On roll

call, Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes.

Motion carried.

C. Bread

Mrs. Brown reported that a public bid opening was conducted May 4, 2016 for the

purchase of bread products. Four vendors were invited to bid and two submitted

bids. No vendors were present. After extensive comparisons her

recommendation is to accept the low bid from Bimbo Bakeries as follows:

WG White Bread 24 oz 20 slices @ $1.75 per loaf

WG White HB Buns 26 oz 12 pkg @ $1.97 per pkg

WG White Hotdog 34.4 oz 16 pkg @ $2.62 per pkg

WG Wheat Bread 24 oz 20 slices @ $1.75 per loaf

Price Per Unit = 0.11897

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to accept the low bid from

Bimbo Bakeries for the purchase of bread products as presented. On roll call,

Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes.

Motion carried.

D. Milk

Mrs. Brown reported that a public bid opening was conducted on May 4, 2016 for

the purchase of milk. Two vendors were invited to bid and one submitted a bid.

There were no vendors present. It is her recommendation to accept the bid from

Heitzig Distributing for milk purchases as follows:

White Milk.28

Chocolate Milk.29

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to accept the bid from Heitzig

Distributing for milk purchases as presented. On roll call, Perdun, yes; Pohlman,

yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes. Motion carried.

E. RISO Ink & Masters

Mrs. Brown reported that a public bid opening was conducted on May 4, 2016 for

the purchase of RISO Ink and Masters. Five vendors were invited to bid and four

submitted bids. No vendors were present. It is her recommendation to accept the

following bids if the items can be purchased separately at the same price:

RISO Ink The Office Pal $35.00 per case ($2,450 total)

RISO Masters DaCom $51.00 per case ($2,040 total)

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to accept the bid from The

Office Pal for RISO Ink and DaCom for RISO masters as presented. On roll call,

Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes.

Motion carried.

F. Paper

Mrs. Brown reported that a public bid opening was held May 4, 2016 for the

purchase of duplicating paper. Seven vendors were invited to bid and four

submitted bids. No vendors were present. It is her recommendation to accept the

low bid of $23.84 per case for a total of $10,489.60 from Staples.

A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to accept the low bid from

Staples for duplicating paper as presented. On roll call, Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes;

Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes. Motion carried.

Dr. Hopkins thanked Mrs. Brown and Mr. Churchman for taking on the bidding process.

6. Winter Coach Rehires

A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the hiring of the following

winter coaches as presented:


1. Stote Reeder Boys' Basketball

2. Kevin Strebel Girls' Basketball

3. Allen Snyder Wrestling

4. Chris Skinner Boys' and Girls' Bowling

5. Brenda McCreary Poms

6. Chelsea Bohannon Cheer

7. Julie Greer Co-Scholar Bowl

8. Gwen Brunaugh Co-Scholar Bowl


1. Steve Flowers 8th Grade Boys' Basketball

2. Jim Woelfel 7th Grade Boys' Basketball

3. Nick Crnokrak Girls' Basketball

4. Darren Perdun Wrestling

5. Brenda McCreary 7th Grade Volleyball

On roll call, Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes.

Motion carried.

7. Employment of Summer School Teachers

After discussion a motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the hiring

of the following summer school teachers subject to enrollment as presented:

1. Bryan Brown Drivers Ed

2. Scott Burney PE

3. Bob Siemer English

4. Brett Beauchamp Government

5. Lisa Kolkmeyer Math (Aleks)

On roll call, Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes.

Motion carried.

8. Board Committee Assignments

After discussion a motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the

following Board Committee assignments:

Curriculum Committee: Terrie Kallal, Peggy Perdun

Facility Committee: Stan Kary, Ed Test

Finance Committee: All Board Members

Negotiating Committee: Stan Kary, Julie Pohlman

Policy Committee: Sherry Droste, Peggy Perdun

*Public Relations Committee: Sherry Droste

(*All issues go through the Superintendent)

On roll call, Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes.

Motion carried.


1. Dow Facility

Mr. Test informed the Board that there was an interested party for the purchase of the

Dow facility. Discussion was held with discussion to continue in closed session.




Mr. Test asked Board members if they would be attending graduation.


A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Droste to move to closed session for the purpose of

the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific

employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on

a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public

body to determine its validity.

On roll call, Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes. Motion


The board moved to closed session at 7:27 P.M.

The board returned from closed session at 7:46 P.M.

A motion was made by Kary seconded by Droste to resume open session. An aye or nay vote was

taken with all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.



A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to adjourn. An aye or nay vote was taken with

all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

The regular meeting of May 19, 2016 adjourned at 7:47 P.M.


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