
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Southwestern CUSD No. 9 Board applauds FFA chapter


Kaci McAfee has been appointed high school agriculture teacher and FFA adviser. | File photo

Kaci McAfee has been appointed high school agriculture teacher and FFA adviser. | File photo

The Southwestern CUSD No. 9 Board of Education met June 17 to recognize achievements by the high school's Future Farmers of America chapter.

The Southwestern CUSD No. 9 School Board includes seven members who make employment decisions for the district; oversee the annual budget, tax levies, major expenditures and all other aspects of financial affairs related to the district; evaluate and approve curriculum, textbooks and educational services; establish and support student disciplinary policies; and ensure an equal opportunity educational experience for all students.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the district:

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Piasa, Illinois 62079


The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session on May 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in

the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Don Little-President asked Randy GallaherSecretary

to call roll showing those members present were: Don Little-President, Randy

Gallaher-Secretary, Steve Reed, Brad Gillespie, Dara Simmons, Mike Wegener, Brad

Skertich-Superintendent and Rose Bagley-Recording Secretary. Tim Baker-Vice President,

was absent. Visitor’s sign-in sheet is attached. Don Little-President led the Pledge of


Public Comment: None

Correspondence and Recognition:

Students from the Southwestern FFA were recognized. Mr. Skertich congratulated the FFA

for many of their achievements. Both Varsity and Novice teams for Parliamentary Procedure,

State Star in Agri-Science and Supervised Ag Experience Record Books, Keely Egelhoff is

trying for her State FFA Degree. Adlai Schetter is trying for his American FFA Degree. Mr.

Bearley thanked the FFA members and Mr. Crone for a job well done.

Approval of the Minutes:

A motion was made by Brad Gillespie and seconded by Steve Reed to approve the minutes of

the Regular School Board Meeting of April 19, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Brad Gillespie to approve the minutes

of the Closed Session Meeting of April 19, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


Review and Approval of Bills:

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve the April Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Gillespie

Nays: None


April 19, 2016

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A motion was made by Brad Gillespie and seconded by Don Little to approve the April

Consent Agenda Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Little, Gillespie and Simmons

Nays: None


A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the April

Imprest Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons and Gallaher

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Brad Gillespie to approve the April Extra

Pay and Substitute Pay.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, and Wegener

Nays: None


Tim Baker arrived at the meeting at 7:17 pm.

Review and Approval of the Financial Report:

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Brad Gillespie to approve the Financial

Report as presented showing a balance in the Education Fund of $2,165,020; Operations and

Maintenance Fund of $1,080,331; Transportation Fund of $-145,515 and Working Cash Fund

of $1,817,199. Mr. Skertich reported that we received the 4th categorical payment in July for

2014-15 transportation and just received the 3rd categorical payment for 2015-16

Transportation. We will see if we get the 4th one for this year since this is an election year. If

we get that 4th payment this year, we will probably get only three in FY17. Hopefully the State

of Illinois will have a budget by the end of May for FY17 and FY16 will roll into that. There

hasn’t been any talk as to what we will get. We lost some track equipment and fence at the

High School, dug out roof and shingles on concession stand in Shipman during a storm last

week. The State paid too much money out for corporate personal replacement property tax

and are wanting to get it back somehow. They paid us a little under $12,000.00 too much.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Reed and Wegener

Nays: None


April 19, 2016

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Committee Reports:

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Don Little to approve the Policy

Committee Report from May 5, 2016. They looked at the Press Plus Policy suggested updates.

They were going to look at the 2016-17 handbook changes but tabled that until later. The date

of May 24th at 6 pm has been set for the handbook meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


A motion was made by Dara Simmons and seconded by Tim Baker to approve the Finance

Committee Report from May 5, 2016. They discussed bond refunding options and the long

term impact on the district. They discussed concerns regarding the cost to replace the high

school track.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gillespie

Nays: None


Superintendent Report:



A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Steve Reed to accept the resignation of

Seth Rich, High School Math Teacher, as of May 20, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gillespie

Nays: Simmons


Retirement: None

Recall - None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve Seth Rich,

High School Assistant Track Coach, for the 2015-16 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons and Gallaher

Nays: None


April 19, 2016

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A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve Kathy Gwillim,

Middle School Assistant Track Coach, for the 2015-16 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve Caleb

Norris, Temporary Lawn Mower from May, 2016 until approximately October, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None

MOTION CARRIED. was tabled until after Closed Session.

Volunteer: None

Leave of Absence: None

Substitute List:

A motion was made by Brad Gillespie and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve Substitute

List #10 as presented.


Ayes: Little, Gillespie, Simmons. Gallaher, Baker, Reed and Wegener

Nays: None


Enrollment and Suspension Report:

A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded Randy Gallaher to approve the Enrollment

and Suspension Report as presented showing an enrollment of 1512, suspensions at 7 and 0

expulsions for the month of April.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


District Highlights:

Scott Hopkins, Southwestern Middle School and Medora Intermediate Principal, reported that

track ended April 14th. Three boys, John Watts, Noah Garner and Nate Hughes will be going

to State. Both buildings did Illinois Science Assessments. Both students and teachers did

well with them. Both schools saw the movie “McFarland” at the Jerseyville movie theater for

their reward for testing. Medora had their last two activity clubs, Astronomy Club and Rocket

Club. Both were sponsored by Mr. Marvin Allen and well attended.

April 19, 2016

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Stephanie Renken, Special Education Coordinator, was not present but Diane Milner reported

that the IEPs are finished.

Mark Bearley, High School Principal, reported that 38 straight A students were awarded with

lunch at Pizza Hut in Jerseyville. The High School Scholar Bowl team got 4th at the National

Tournament. Boys’ baseball won regionals for the 4th year in a row. The Softball team

honored cancer awareness by wearing different colored shirts for different types of cancer.

Diane Milner, Principal at Shipman Elementary and Brighton North Primary, reported that

Family Reading Night was successful in both schools. Both Book Fairs were well attended.

Students went to see “Big Hero 6” at Jerseyville the movie theater. Discovery Ed and AIMS

Web year end testing has finished. Second grade students went to Shipman to look at the

school and 4th grade students went to Medora to look at that school.

Old Business: None

New Business:

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Don Little to approve the Revised District

Food Safety Plan.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Gillespie

Nays: None


A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Dara Simmons to issue Request for

Proposals for Cafeteria Food, Milk, Bread and Non-Food items from August, 2016-June, 2017.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie and Simmons

Nays: None


A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Brad Gillespie to acknowledge

Southwestern School District Wellness Policy Review and readopt the current plan.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons and Gallaher

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Tim Baker to approve the Resolution

Authorizing and Directing the Sale of Personal Property in Accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-


Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


April 19, 2016

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A motion was made by Brad Gillespie and seconded by Steve Reed to approve the Thera Kids

PC Therapy Services Agreement Addendum from June 1, 2016 until June 30, 2018.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons. Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve Illinois Counties

Risk Management Trust as the District’s Workers Compensation Carrier from July 1, 2016

until June 30, 2017.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve WRM America

as the District’s Property and Casualty Carrier from June 1, 2016 until June 30, 2017.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


The Board had the first reading of Policy Updates February 2016, Issue 91.

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Brad Gillespie to go into closed session

at 8:02 pm for SEA negotiations and “The appointment, employment, compensation,

discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel

for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee

or the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity,”

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gillespie

Nays: None


At 9:21 pm a motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Tim Baker to go into

regular session.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie and Simmons

Nays: None


April 19, 2016

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A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Dara Simmons to employ Kaci McAfee

as the High School Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor for the 2016-17 School Year pending

the receipt of her Illinois Teaching Licensure.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons and Gallaher

Nays: None

Abstain: Wegener


A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Mike Wegener to adjourn the meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gillespie, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker,

Nays: None


The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.


Rosemary Bagley

Recording Secretary


Board President


Board Secretary