
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Jersey CUSD approves Special Olympics trip


Jon Adkins was named football coach at Jersey Community High School, | File photo

Jon Adkins was named football coach at Jersey Community High School, | File photo

The Jersey Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met Tuesday, May 31 to approve an overnight trip request for the Illinois Special Olympics Summer Games.

The Jersey CUSD No. 100 board meets at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the school board:

Board of Education

Special Meeting

Open Session

May 31, 2016

5:30 P.M.

The special meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 100 was

held Monday, May 31, 2016 in the office of the Board of Education. The meeting was called to

order at 5:30 P.M. by Ed Test, President. Other members present were: Sherry Droste, Vice

President; Stan Kary, Secretary; Peggy Perdun, Julie Pohlman, and William Yamnitz. Board

member Terrie Kallal was absent. Also present were Dr. Lori Franke-Hopkins, Superintendent;

Mrs. Mary Schell, Director of Finance and Human Resources; Ms. Lisa Schuenke, Principal, Mrs.

Debbie Trochuck, Unit Secretary; Mrs. Angie Cory, the Jersey County Journal.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.




1. Overnight Trip Request

A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the overnight trip request of Mrs.

Neely Kinkel for the Illinois Special Olympics Summer Games to be held at ISU, Normal, IL

from June 10 to June 12, 2016. On roll call, Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman,

yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion carried.

2. Transportation Use Agreement

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kary to approve the Transportation Use

Contract Agreement between the District and the Jerseyville Ministerial Alliance as presented.

On roll call, Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes.

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to move to closed session. On roll call, Perdun,

yes; Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kary, yes. Motion carried.

The Board moved to closed session at 5:35 P.M.

The Board returned from closed session at 5:55 P.M.

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kallal to reconvene open session. An aye or nay

vote was taken with all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.


1. A motion was made by Perdun, seconded by Kary to approve the employment of Mr. Brian

Madson as middle school educator, effective for the 2016-17 school year. On roll call,

Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes.

Motion Carried.

2. A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the employment of Ms.

Kristina Frank as special educator at Jersey Community High School, effective for the

2016-17 school year. On roll call, Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary,

yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes. Motion carried.

3. A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the employment of Mrs. Sara

Hensley as English educator at Jersey Community High School, effective for the 2016-17

school year. On roll call, Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes;

Pohlman, yes Test, yes. Motion carried.

4. A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the employment of Mrs. Kelly

Adkins as English educator at Jersey Community High School, effective for the 2016-17

school year. On roll call, Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes;

Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion carried.

5. A motion was made by Droste, seconded by Kary to approve the employment of Mr. Jon

Adkins as physical educator and head football coach at Jersey Community High School,

effective for the 2016-17 school year. On roll call, Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes;

Pohlman, yes; Test, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes. Motion carried.

In response to a question by Dr. Kary discussion was held regarding the recent Alliance Legislative


A motion to adjourn was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kary. An aye or nay vote was taken

with all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

The special board meeting of May 31, 2016 was adjourned at 6:02 P.M.