Fifteen graduate programs at the University of Illinois Urbana campus are ranked in the Top 5 and 36 are in the Top 10. | Contributed image
Fifteen graduate programs at the University of Illinois Urbana campus are ranked in the Top 5 and 36 are in the Top 10. | Contributed image
The University of Illinois Board of Trustees met March 16 to discuss the newly released graduate program rankings from U.S. News & World Report.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the university.
--- "The discussion held in executive session has not been approved for release to\r\nthe
public and has thus been deleted from these minutes.\r\nPress Proof (Not for Publication)\r\nMEETING
meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in Illini\r\nRooms
B and C, Illini Union, 1401 West Green Street, Urbana campus, Urbana, Illinois,\r\non
Wednesday, March 16, 2016, beginning at 8:00 a.m.\r\nChair Edward L. McMillan called
the meeting to order and asked the\r\nsecretary to call the roll. The following
members of the Board were present: Mr. Ramón\r\nCepeda, Mr. Ricardo Estrada, Ms.
Karen Hasara, Dr. Timothy N. Koritz, Mr. Edward L.\r\nMcMillan, Mr. James D. Montgomery,
Ms. Jill B. Smart. Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Ms.\r\nPatricia Brown Holmes, and
Governor Bruce Rauner were absent. Mr. Dominique\r\nWilson, voting student trustee
from the Springfield campus; Mr. Jaylin D. McClinton,\r\n1\r\nstudent trustee from
the Urbana campus; and Mr. Jauwan Hall, student trustee from the\r\nChicago campus,
were present. President Timothy L. Killeen was in attendance.\r\nAlso present were
the officers of the Board: Mr. Walter K. Knorr,\r\ncomptroller (and vice president/chief
financial officer); Mr. Thomas R. Bearrows,\r\nUniversity counsel; Dr. Susan M.
Kies, secretary of the Board of Trustees and of the\r\n 1 Mr. McClinton arrived
at 8:02 a.m.\r\n2\r\nUniversity; and Ms. Dedra M. Williams, secretary-designate
of the Board of Trustees and\r\nof the University. Ms. Marna K. Fuesting and Ms.
C. Ellen Foran, both assistant\r\nsecretaries, were also in attendance.\r\nMOTION
FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION\r\nAt 8:02 a.m., Mr. McMillan stated: “A motion is now in
order to hold an executive\r\nsession to consider University employment or appointment-related
matters; pending,\r\nprobable, or imminent litigation against, affecting, or on
behalf of the University;\r\ncollective negotiating matters; and security procedures
that require the use of personnel\r\nand equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened,
or a reasonably potential danger to\r\nthe safety of employees, students, staff,
the public, or public property.”\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada,
this motion was\r\napproved. There were no “nay” votes.\r\nEXECUTIVE SESSION\r\nMaterial
redacted pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.06d)\r\nEXECUTIVE
SESSION ADJOURNED\r\nThe executive session adjourned at 9:15 a.m.\r\nREGULAR MEETING
RESUMED\r\nThe meeting resumed at 9:30 a.m., with all Board members recorded as
being present at\r\nthe start of the meeting in attendance. \r\n3\r\nOPENING REMARKS\r\nMr.
McMillan welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that on March 12, 1867, the\r\nfirst
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University was\r\nheld.
He said that March 2, 1868, is known as Founder’s Day, or the birthday of the\r\nUniversity
of Illinois.\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THE STATE SONG\r\nMr. McMillan then invited the Rip
Chords, an all-female a cappella group from the\r\nUrbana campus, to sing the State
song, Illinois. Their performance was followed by a\r\nround of applause, and Mr.
McMillan asked each member of the group to introduce\r\nthemselves.\r\nINTRODUCTION
Killeen to provide some introductions. President\r\nKilleen welcomed everyone to
the meeting and introduced the vice presidents of the\r\nUniversity in attendance:
Dr. Barbara J. Wilson, interim chancellor, Urbana campus, and\r\ninterim vice president,
University of Illinois; Dr. Michael D. Amiridis, chancellor,\r\nChicago campus,
and vice president, University of Illinois; Dr. Susan J. Koch, chancellor,\r\nSpringfield
campus, and vice president, University of Illinois; Dr. Christophe Pierre, vice\r\npresident
for academic affairs; Mr. Walter K. Knorr, comptroller (and vice\r\npresident/chief
financial officer); and Dr. Lawrence B. Schook, vice president for\r\nresearch.
President Killeen stated that Dr. Schook has announced his plans to retire as \r\n4\r\nvice
president for research and will return to work as faculty in the Department of Animal\r\nSciences.
President Killeen also introduced Mr. Thomas P. Hardy, executive director for\r\nUniversity
relations, and Ms. Lindsay Anderson, executive director for governmental\r\nrelations,
pending approval by the Board later at this meeting. President Killeen then\r\nintroduced
the senate observers and the representative of the academic professional staff:\r\nDr.
Sally Jackson, professor, Department of Communication, College of Liberal Arts and\r\nSciences,
Urbana, representing the University Senates Conference; Dr. David O’Brien,\r\nassociate
professor and chair, art history program, College of Fine and Applied Arts,\r\nUrbana,
representing the Urbana Senate; Dr. Mary Jo Ladu, professor, Department of\r\nAnatomy
and Cell Biology, Chicago, representing the Chicago Senate; Dr. Betsy Goulet;\r\nclinical
assistant professor, Department of Public Administration, Springfield,\r\nrepresenting
the Springfield Senate; and Ms. Melissa Madsen, associate director of\r\nhuman resources,
College of Fine and Applied Arts, Urbana, representing the academic\r\nprofessional
staff. President Killeen also introduced Dr. Nicholas C. Burbules, Gutgsell\r\nprofessor,
Department of Educational Policy, Organization, and Leadership, Urbana, and\r\nchair
of the University Senates Conference, and Dr. Harley Johnson, professor,\r\nDepartment
of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Urbana.\r\nCOMMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT\r\nPresident
Killeen gave a brief update on the strategic plan process, which he said is well\r\nunderway.
He said the plan will be provided at the Board meeting in May, and he\r\nreferred
to many events that have been held at the campuses to gather input. He indicated\r\nthat
a draft plan is available online and said it has gone through multiple iterations,
with \r\n5\r\nmore changes to come. President Killeen stated that materials from
the steering\r\ncommittee are also available online, and he discussed the four strategic
goals, or pillars,\r\nthat are the basis of the plan. He said the plan emphasizes
that people are the\r\nUniversity’s most important resource. Mr. McMillan said the
process has been positive\r\nand has highlighted the role of the University and
the benefits it brings to the State.\r\nWELCOME FROM THE CHANCELLOR AT URBANA\r\nNext,
Mr. McMillan asked Dr. Wilson to provide a welcome from the Urbana campus.\r\nDr.
Wilson discussed the newly released graduate program rankings from U.S. News &\r\nWorld
Report and stated that 15 programs at the Urbana campus are ranked in the top five\r\nand
that 36 are in the top 10. She highlighted some of the highest ranking programs.
Dr.\r\nWilson then referred to the recent appointment of Mr. Joshua H. Whitman as
the director\r\nof intercollegiate athletics and commented briefly on his appointment.
She said that Mr.\r\nLovie L. Smith is being recommended as the new head varsity
coach, football, and stated\r\nthat season ticket sales and gifts have increased
since his selection as head varsity\r\nfootball coach was announced. Dr. Wilson
then reported on offers for admission and told\r\nthe Board that applications have
increased in all areas, noting that efforts are underway to\r\nincrease yield. She
announced that five members of the faculty have received Sloan\r\nFoundation Fellowships
and said that the faculty performed well compared to other\r\ninstitutions. She
then recognized Ms. Leah Matchett, a senior at Urbana with a double\r\nmajor in
global studies and geology who was recently named a Marshall Scholar. Dr.\r\nWilson
listed some of Ms. Matchett’s many accomplishments and congratulated her on \r\n6\r\nher
achievements, which was followed by a round of applause. Mr. McMillan and\r\nPresident
Killeen also extended their congratulations.\r\nFINANCIAL UPDATE\r\nAt 9:50 a.m.,
Mr. McMillan asked Mr. Knorr to provide a financial report (materials on\r\nfile
with the secretary). Mr. Knorr gave an update on financial matters that have taken\r\nplace
since the last Board meeting and discussed the impact of the State budget impasse.\r\nHe
outlined the governor’s budget recommendation that was made on February 17, 2016,\r\nwhich
he said affirmed reductions to the University’s appropriation and provided no\r\nfunding
for capital projects. Mr. Knorr said that this recommendation also included a\r\nState
University Retirement System (SURS) pension cost shift, Illinois Board of Higher\r\nEducation
performance funding, and Monetary Award Program funding. He discussed\r\nrecent
developments in the State’s finances and said that employees may see an increase\r\nin
health insurance costs in the future. Next, Mr. Knorr presented general revenue
fund\r\nappropriations and showed the anticipated decline for Fiscal Year 2016 and
Fiscal Year\r\n2017. He showed billings and collections of State appropriation revenue
through March\r\n14, 2016, noting that an appropriation for Fiscal Year 2016 has
not been enacted and\r\nsubmission of vouchers is not allowed. Mr. Knorr then presented
hospital revenue,\r\nexpense, and net income. He showed the increase in the cost
of payments on behalf and\r\nsaid that $2.5 billion is owed to health-care providers.
Mr. Knorr then presented charts\r\ndepicting University and University of Illinois
Foundation endowments and their\r\npercentage growth at the University compared
to other institutions in the Big Ten, and he\r\nshowed University of Illinois Foundation
distributions to the University. Next, he \r\n7\r\nprovided graphs comparing the
University’s cost of institutional support and academic\r\nsupport as a percentage
of total expenditures in Fiscal Year 2015 compared to others in\r\nthe Big Ten.
Mr. Knorr then showed the same graphs excluding hospital enterprises. He\r\npresented
changes in academic professional and civil service full-time staff from July\r\n2015
through February 2016 and discussed sources of staff earnings. He concluded his\r\npresentation
by showing the State and income fund and all fund budgets by campus\r\nduring the
last 15 years.\r\nMr. McMillan thanked Mr. Knorr for the report and referred the
recent\r\nsuccess in bond refinancing, which resulted in a significant savings.
Mr. Knorr thanked\r\nhis team for their hard work, and Mr. McMillan acknowledged
that this was challenging\r\nto achieve in this difficult environment. President
Killeen commented on the importance\r\nof advocacy and resolving the budget impasse.
Discussion followed regarding the\r\ncurrent budget situation and its impact, and
many expressed hope that this issue is\r\nresolved soon.\r\nCOMMITTEE REPORTS\r\nReport
from Chair,\r\nGovernance, Personnel, and Ethics Committee\r\nNext, Mr. McMillan
asked Dr. Koritz to provide a report from the Governance,\r\nPersonnel, and Ethics
Committee and noted that Mr. Fitzgerald, who was absent from the\r\nBoard meeting,
is chair of the committee and serves with Ms. Holmes and Dr. Koritz.\r\nDr. Koritz
stated that the Governance, Personnel, and Ethics Committee met on March 3,\r\n2016,
via videoconference at the Urbana, Chicago, Springfield, and Rockford campuses.
\r\n8\r\nHe reported that the committee approved the minutes of the January 7, 2016,
meeting and\r\nreviewed the items within the purview of the committee on the Board’s
agenda, and he\r\nlisted those items. Dr. Koritz said that Ms. Donna S. McNeely,
executive director of\r\nethics and compliance, gave an annual report from the Office
of University Ethics and\r\nCompliance, and Ms. Jennifer M. Creasey, assistant director
of governmental relations,\r\ngave a legislative update and discussed the governor’s
budget address and potential\r\nreductions to higher education funding. Dr. Koritz
reported that Mr. Mark Donovan, vice\r\nchancellor for administrative services at
Chicago, gave a report on the underreporting of\r\nviolent crimes in 2014 on the
Chicago campus and discussed the findings of a thorough\r\nreview to identify discrepancies.
Dr. Koritz stated that Mr. Hardy gave a Freedom of\r\nInformation Act 2015 year-end
review and discussed the increase in Freedom of\r\nInformation Act requests. Dr.
Koritz stated that the committee also briefly discussed the\r\nresults of the trustee
self-evaluation and said that Dr. Kies is following up on requests for\r\nadditional
training. He announced that the next meeting of this committee is scheduled\r\nfor
May 5, 2016, at 1:00 p.m.\r\nReport from Chair,\r\nUniversity Healthcare System
Committee\r\nNext, Mr. McMillan asked Dr. Koritz, chair of the University Healthcare
System\r\nCommittee, to provide a report from that committee. Dr. Koritz stated
that the committee\r\nmet on March 3, 2016, and that he serves on the committee
with Mr. Estrada and Mr.\r\nFitzgerald. Dr. Koritz reviewed the items within the
purview of the committee on the\r\nBoard’s agenda, and he listed those items. He
reported on the meeting’s collaboration \r\n9\r\nhighlight, which featured the College
of Nursing partnership between campuses. Dr.\r\nKoritz told the Board that the committee
also received an update on the University of\r\nIllinois Hospital from Dr. Avijit
Ghosh, chief executive officer of the University of\r\nIllinois Hospital, and Dr.
Koritz briefly reviewed quality and patient safety data. Dr.\r\nKoritz provided
an update on the hospital’s finances and said that an increase in the\r\nlength
of stay by more acute patients has resulted in decreased profits, and he also\r\ncommented
on the impact of Medicaid managed care and the shift to diagnosis-related\r\ngroup
(DRG) based payments. Board members discussed changes to the University of\r\nIllinois
Hospital medical staff bylaws, and Dr. Robert A. Barish, vice chancellor for\r\nhealth
affairs, Chicago, provided additional information on the proposed amendments.\r\nReport
from Chair,\r\nAudit, Budget, Finance, and Facilities Committee\r\nNext, Mr. McMillan
asked Mr. Cepeda, chair of the Audit, Budget, Finance, and\r\nFacilities Committee,
to give a report from that committee. Mr. Cepeda stated that he\r\nserves on the
committee with Mr. Lester H. McKeever, treasurer, Mr. McMillan, Mr.\r\nMontgomery,
Mr. McClinton, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Wilson. Mr. Cepeda reported that the\r\ncommittee
met on March 7, 2016, and approved the minutes of the previous committee\r\nmeeting
that was held on January 11, 2016. He said that that several presentations,\r\nincluding
those related to Board items, were provided. Mr. Cepeda said that Dr. Pierre\r\npresented
a draft Board item for student health insurance rates, Academic Year 2016-17;\r\nMr.
Robert Plankenhorn, assistant vice president for treasury operations, discussed
the\r\nrecommendation to approve alternative projects funded by the proceeds of
the Health \r\n10\r\nServices Facilities System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A; Mr.
Michael B. Bass, senior\r\nassociate vice president and deputy comptroller, presented
eight draft capital items for\r\ncommittee consideration; Mr. Richard D. Elmore,
assistant vice president for\r\nprocurement services, provided information on four
purchase and five renewal\r\nrecommendations; Mr. Dean A. Hagan, director of University
investments, presented an\r\nendowment investment performance and program update;
Mr. Patrick M. Patterson,\r\nUniversity controller and senior assistant vice president,
reviewed the results of the Fiscal\r\nYear 2015 financial audit; Ms. Julie A. Zemaitis,
executive director of University audits,\r\nprovided an internal audit report; and
Mr. Knorr gave a legislative, budget, and financial\r\nupdate. Mr. Cepeda stated
that committee members reviewed the items within the\r\npurview of the committee
on the Board’s agenda, and he listed these items. He reported\r\nthat the next meeting
of the committee is scheduled for May 9, 2016, at 1 p.m.\r\nReport from Chair,\r\nAcademic
and Student Affairs Committee\r\nMr. McMillan then asked Ms. Hasara, chair of the
Academic and Student Affairs\r\nCommittee, to provide a report from that committee.
He noted that Ms. Hasara serves on\r\nthe committee with Mr. Cepeda, Mr. Estrada,
Ms. Holmes, Mr. McClinton, Mr. Hall, and\r\nMr. Wilson. Ms. Hasara reported that
the Academic and Student Affairs Committee met\r\nthe previous day on March 15,
2016, and that they approved the minutes of the meeting\r\nof January 20, 2016.
She said that the committee reviewed the agenda items within the\r\npurview of the
committee on the Board’s agenda, and she listed those items. Ms. Hasara\r\nsaid
the committee also heard a status update on the president’s Task Force to Prevent
\r\n11\r\nand Address Sexual Violence/Misconduct, and she referred to the goals
of the task force\r\nand tasks that it has completed. She told the Board that that
faculty and staff at all three\r\ncampuses and University Administration are in
the process of completing online\r\nprevention training, and she thanked the task
force for their work. Ms. Hasara said that a\r\nproductive discussion followed the
presentation. She announced that the next meeting of\r\nthis committee is scheduled
for May 18, 2016.\r\nMr. Estrada commented on the presentation on the president’s
Task Force\r\nto Prevent and Address Sexual Violence/Misconduct that was made at
the committee\r\nmeeting and said it was outstanding and demonstrated the commitment
of the University\r\nto address these issues. Mr. McMillan acknowledged the work
of the committees and\r\nthanked the Board members for their service to the Board
and the University. President\r\nKilleen referred to the recommendations to employ
a construction manager for the\r\nDesign Center Facility at Urbana; to award a construction
contract for the Student Union\r\nat Springfield; and for the creation of a sheltered
market in the information\r\ntechnology/telecom sector to purchase temporary information
technology and consulting\r\nservices, and said that these and other Board agenda
items demonstrate the University’s\r\nprogress in spite of State budget issues.\r\nFACULTY
REPORT\r\nNext, Mr. McMillan asked Dr. Harley Johnson and Dr. Mary Jo Ladu to give
a\r\npresentation on faculty perspectives on federal research funding (materials
on file with\r\nthe secretary). Dr. Johnson said that federal funding enables faculty
to generate ideas and\r\nmake discoveries, and he described the benefits of this
funding, which he said raises \r\n12\r\nprestige of the University, increases the
value of a University degree, and attracts the best\r\nand brightest students to
the University. He described the role of individual faculty in\r\nsecuring funding
and said these funds are used to run research programs. Dr. Johnson\r\ngave an overview
of federal funding expenditures and the process for securing funding\r\nthrough
the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. He provided\r\nadditional
details on National Science Foundation funding for sciences and engineering.\r\nDr.
Ladu then described the type of research funded by the National Institutes of Health\r\nand
ways in which the funding is often used. She said that funding available from the\r\nNational
Institutes of Health has decreased in recent years, and she listed some additional\r\nsources
for private and State funding. Dr. Ladu then presented a chart depicting the\r\noutput
of this research, and she concluded the presentation by discussing the factors\r\ncontributing
to the increased workload required to secure a sustained level of research\r\nfunding.\r\nDiscussion
followed regarding opportunities for collaboration between the\r\ncampuses and the
types of funding for research that might be secured by faculty at the\r\nSpringfield
campus. Dr. Koch also described ways in which students at Springfield\r\nbenefit
from working on research projects with faculty. Dr. Schook commented on\r\ncompliance
and opportunities for collaboration, and Dr. Johnson and Dr. Ladu provided\r\nadditional
information on funding to support graduate students. Some discussion\r\nfollowed
regarding the time spent on grant applications and the intense competition for\r\nfunding,
and Dr. Schook emphasized the faculty’s success in this area, particularly\r\ncompared
to other universities. Dr. Burbules referred to research and scholarship that is\r\nimportant
to the University but does not generate large amount of research funding. Mr. \r\n13\r\nMcMillan
and Dr. Amiridis also discussed the commercialization of technologies and\r\nrevenue
stream of royalties, and Dr. Amiridis commented on the potential of\r\npharmaceuticals.\r\nPUBLIC
COMMENT\r\nMr. McMillan announced that there were no approved requests to speak
during the public\r\ncomment session.\r\nAGENDA\r\nNext, Mr. McMillan announced
that the agenda for this meeting would now be\r\nconsidered. All Board members recorded
as present at the start of the meeting were in\r\nattendance. Mr. McMillan explained
the items for which a voice vote of the Board is\r\nrequested would be first, and
that the secretary would read the titles of these items. He\r\nnoted that several
Board members had previously discussed concerns with President\r\nKilleen and other
staff members regarding these items, and he said that he would\r\nwelcome further
discussion at this time.\r\nBy consensus, the Board agreed that one vote would be
taken and\r\nconsidered the vote on each agenda item no. A1 through 14 inclusive.
The\r\nrecommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one time.\r\n(The
record of the Board action appears at the end of each item.)\r\nApprove Minutes
of Board of Trustees Meeting\r\n14\r\n(A1) The Secretary presents for approval the
minutes of the Board of Trustees\r\nmeeting of January 21, 2016.\r\nOn motion of
Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, these minutes were\r\napproved.\r\nAppoint Executive
Director for Governmental Relations\r\n(1) The President of the University recommends
the appointment of Lindsay\r\nAnderson as Executive Director, Office for Governmental
Relations, non-tenured, on a\r\ntwelve-month service basis, on 100 percent time,
at an annual salary of $170,000,\r\nbeginning March 1, 2016. Ms. Anderson succeeds
Katherine Laing, who retired July 15,\r\n2014.\r\nReporting to the President, the
Executive Director will lead the University\r\nOffice for Governmental Relations,
and will provide management and oversight of\r\nUniversity of Illinois government
relations activities at the State and f ederal levels. This\r\nposition will also
work with State and federal officials in obtaining the operating and\r\ncapital
budgets and research and student aid support for the University; will serve on the\r\nUniversity
Policy Council; and will act as senior policy advisor and strategist.\r\nThe Board
action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with applicable
State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral Rules Concerning
University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\n15\r\nThis
recommendation is made with the advice of a search committee.2\r\nThe campus Chancellors
are in concurrence with this recommendation.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded
by Mr. Estrada, this appointment was\r\napproved.\r\nAppointments to the Faculty,
Administrative/Professional Staff,\r\nand Intercollegiate Athletic Staff\r\n(2)
According to State statute, no student trustee may vote on those items\r\nmarked
with an asterisk.\r\nIn accordance with Article IX, Section 3 of the University
of Illinois\r\nStatutes, the following new appointments to the faculty at the rank
of assistant professor\r\nand above, and certain administrative positions, are now
presented for action by the\r\nBoard of Trustees.\r\n 2 Christopher Z. Mooney, Director,
Institute of Government and Public Affairs, and\r\nProfessor of Political Science,
College of Public Affairs and Administration, Chair;\r\nMichael B. Bass, Senior
Associate Vice President and Deputy Comptroller, University\r\nOffice of Business
and Financial Services; Michael T. DeLorenzo, Associate\r\nChancellor, Office of
the Chancellor, Urbana-Champaign; Thomas P. Hardy, Executive\r\nDirector for University
Relations; Princess U II Imoukhuede, Assistant Professor of\r\nBioengineering, College
of Engineering, Urbana-Champaign; Nicole Kazee, Interim\r\nAssistant Vice Chancellor
for Strategy, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health\r\nAffairs, Chicago; Marissa
B. McCord, Assistant Vice President for Alumni Advocacy,\r\nUI Alumni Association;
Ronald D. McNeil, PNC Professor in Banking and Finance,\r\nProfessor of Business
Administration and Dean, College of Business and Management\r\nAdministration, Springfield;
Abolfazl Mohammadian, Professor and Director of\r\nGraduate Studies, Department
of Civil and Materials Engineering, College of\r\nEngineering, Chicago; Michael
Warren Redding, Vice Chancellor for Public and\r\nGovernment Affairs, Chicago; and
Gene E. Robinson, Director, Carl R. Woese Institute\r\nof Genomic Biology, CAS Professor
of Entomology, Center for Advanced Study, and\r\nProfessor and Swanland Chair, Department
of Entomology, School of Integrative\r\nBiology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Urbana-Champaign.\r\n16\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in
all material\r\nrespects with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois
Statutes,\r\nThe General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure,
and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\n17\r\n18\r\nEmeriti\r\nLawrence
A. Bergman, Professor Emeritus of Aerospace Engineering, January 1, 2016\r\nKaren
L. Campbell, Professor Emerita of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, January 1, 2016\r\nMilton
Feng, Nick Holonyak Jr. Chair Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering,\r\nJanuary
1, 2016 (This is in addition to Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer\r\nEngineering,
approved by the Board on January 21, 2016.)\r\nSusan A. Fowler, Professor Emerita
of Special Education, January 1, 2016\r\nRobert B. Gennis, Professor Emeritus of
Biochemistry, and J. Woodland Hastings Chair\r\nEmeritus in the Department of Biochemistry,
January 1, 2016\r\nPhilip Graham, Professor Emeritus of English, January 1, 2016\r\nNick
Holonyak, Jr., John Bardeen Endowed Chair Emeritus in Electrical and Computer\r\nEngineering
and Physics, August 1, 2013. (This is in addition to Professor Emeritus\r\nof Electrical
and Computer Engineering, approved by the Board on March 6, 2014.)\r\nArthur F.
Kramer, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, April 24, 2016\r\nLaurie F. Kramer, Professor
Emerita of Applied Family Studies in the Department of\r\nHuman Development and
Family Studies, June 29, 2016\r\nPhilip T. Krein, Grainger Endowed Chair Emeritus
in Electric Machinery and\r\nElectromechanics in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering,\r\nSeptember 1, 2015 (This is an addition to Professor Emeritus
of Electrical and\r\nComputer Engineering, approved by the Board on January 21,
2016.)\r\nMark S. Kuhlenschmidt, Professor Emeritus of Pathobiology, January 1,
2016\r\nAnn M. Nardulli, Professor Emerita of Molecular and Integrative Physiology,\r\nDecember
1, 2015\r\nAllan J. Paul, Professor Emeritus of Pathobiology, January 1, 2016\r\nAngus
Alexander Rockett, Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering,\r\nJanuary
1, 2016\r\nEric R. Vimr, Professor Emeritus of Pathobiology, January 1, 2016\r\n19\r\nOut-of-Cycle
Promotion and Tenure\r\nBrittany Duff, from Assistant Professor, Carl H. Sandage
Department of Advertising,\r\nCollege of Media, to the rank of Associate Professor,
Carl H. Sandage Department of\r\nAdvertising, on indefinite tenure, effective August
16, 2016; and from Assistant\r\nProfessor, Institute of Communications Research,
College of Media, to Associate\r\nProfessor, Institute of Communications Research,
non-tenured, effective August 16, 2016\r\n20\r\n21\r\n22\r\nEmeriti\r\nJohn M. Cullars,
Associate Professor Emeritus, University Library, January 1, 2016\r\nRobert Allen
Daugherty, Associate Professor Emeritus, University Library, January 1,\r\n2016\r\nDennis
R. Judd, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, January 1, 2016\r\nLon Seth Kaufman,
Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, May 1, 2015 (This is in\r\naddition to
Dean Emeritus, Honors College, approved by the Board on July 23, 2015.)\r\nMark
A. Mattaini, Associate Professor Emeritus, Jane Addams College of Social Work,\r\nMay
16, 2015\r\nDeirdre N. McCloskey, UIC Distinguished Professor Emerita of History
and\r\nEconomics, Professor Emerita of Economics, and Professor Emerita of History,\r\nAugust
16, 2015\r\nMoshe Semyonov, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, January 1, 2016\r\nSpringfield\r\nEmeriti\r\nKaren
L. Kirkendall, Associate Professor Emerita of Liberal and Integrative Studies,\r\nJanuary
1, 2016\r\nDaniel Matthews, Associate Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership,
January 1,\r\n2016\r\nJane B. Treadwell, Dean Emerita of Library Instructional Services,
May 1, 2016\r\n23\r\n24\r\n25\r\n26\r\n27\r\n28\r\n29\r\n30\r\nOn motion of Ms.
Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, these appointments\r\nwere approved.\r\nAppoint
Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, Springfield\r\n(3) The
Chancellor, University of Illinois at Springfield, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity
of Illinois recommends the appointment of James W. Ermatinger, presently\r\nProfessor,
Department of History; Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and\r\nInterim
Dean, College of Public Affairs and Administration, University of Illinois at\r\nSpringfield,
as Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, non-tenured,\r\non
a twelve-month service basis, on 100 percent time, at a total annual salary of\r\n$193,000,
beginning June 1, 2016. In addition, Dr. Ermatinger will continue to hold the\r\nrank
of Professor of History, on indefinite tenure, on an academic year basis, on zero\r\npercent
time, non-salaried, effective August 16, 2016.\r\nDr. Ermatinger succeeds Dr. Patricia
L. Pardie, who will retire May 31,\r\n2016.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this
item complies in all material\r\nrespects with applicable State and federal laws,
University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral Rules Concerning University Organization
and Procedure and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\nThis recommendation
follows consultation with deans, directors, tenuresystem\r\nand specialized faculty,
and administrators.\r\nThe Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs.\r\n31\r\nThe
President of the University recommends approval.\r\n(A biosketch is on file with
the secretary.)\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this appointment
was\r\napproved.\r\nAppoint Interim Dean, Library Instructional Services, Springfield\r\n(4)
The Chancellor, University of Illinois at Springfield, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity
of Illinois, recommends the appointment of Hanfu Mi, presently Professor of\r\nTeacher
Education and Dean, College of Education and Human Services, University of\r\nIllinois
at Springfield, as Interim Dean, Library Instructional Services, non-tenured, on
a\r\ntwelve-month service basis, with an administrative increment of $12,000, beginning
May\r\n1, 2016.\r\nIn addition, Dr. Mi will continue to serve as Dean, College of
Education\r\nand Human Services, non-tenured, on twelve-month service basis, on
100 percent time, at\r\nan annual salary of $143,500, effective August 16, 2015;
and Professor of Teacher\r\nEducation, College of Education and Human Services,
on indefinite tenure, on an\r\nacademic year service basis, non-salaried, effective
August 16, 2015, for a total salary of\r\n$155,500.\r\nDr. Mi succeeds Dean Jane
B. Treadwell, who is resigning as Dean, Library\r\nInstructional Services, effective
April 30, 2016.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects
with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The \r\n32\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs.\r\nThe
President of the University recommends approval.\r\n(A biosketch is on file with
the secretary.)\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this appointment
was\r\napproved.\r\nSabbatical Leaves of Absence, 2016-17\r\n(5) The Chancellors
at the Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, and Springfield\r\ncampuses have recommended that
the following members of the faculty be given\r\nsabbatical leaves of absence in
accordance with the provisions of the University of\r\nIllinois Statutes and on
the terms and for the periods indicated.\r\nThe programs of research and study for
which leaves are requested have\r\nbeen examined on all campuses.\r\nThe Vice President
for Academic Affairs has reviewed the applications for\r\nthe leaves and recommends
approval of 121 leaves for Urbana-Champaign; 57 leaves for\r\nChicago; 10 leaves
for Springfield; and no leaves for University Administration. (A list\r\nof those
recommended has been filed with the secretary of the Board for record.)\r\n(For
the record and to provide an annual compilation, in 2015-16, 107\r\nleaves were
taken at Urbana-Champaign; 51 leaves were taken at Chicago; 8 leaves were\r\ntaken
at Springfield; and no leaves were taken by University Administration.)\r\n33\r\nThe
Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs in these\r\nrecommendations.\r\nThe
Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with
applicable state and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedures, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe President of the University recommends approval.\r\nOn
motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nAppoint
Faculty Fellows to the Institute for the Humanities,\r\nCollege of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, Chicago\r\n(6) The Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago,
and Vice President,\r\nUniversity of Illinois, with the recommendation of the Director
of the Institute of the\r\nHumanities and with the concurrence of the Dean of the
College of Liberal Arts and\r\nSciences and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
and Provost, recommends the\r\nfollowing appointments of fellows to the Institute
for the Humanities for the academic\r\nyear 2016-17, and for the programs of research
or study indicated.3\r\n Fellows are released\r\n 3 Faculty Fellows are chosen competitively
by the Institute’s Executive Committee\r\nthrough evaluation of research proposals.\r\n34\r\nfrom
teaching and administrative duties, normally for one year, so that they can devote\r\nfull
effort to their research.4\r\nSunil M. Agnani, Associate Professor, Department of
English and Department of\r\nHistory, “Overcoming Resentment: Enlightenment Thought
and the Impasses of\r\nDecolonization”\r\nMark E. Canuel, Professor, Department
of English, “British Romanticism and the Fate\r\nof Progress”\r\nAidan Douglas Gray,
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, “Constellations of\r\nReference:
Relational Approaches to Language and Thought”\r\nMary Beth Rose, Professor, Department
of English, “The Deconstruction of Heroism in\r\nShakespearean Tragedy”\r\nBlake
Stimson, Professor, Department of Art History, College of Architecture, Design,\r\nand
the Arts, “Seeing Like a State: Paul Strand and the Lost Compact of Modern Art”\r\nKaren
Underhill, Associate Professor, Slavic and Baltic Languages and Literatures,\r\n“Writing
in the Third Language: Bruno Schultz and Jewish Modernity”\r\nThe Board action recommended
in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with applicable State and federal
laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral Rules Concerning the University
Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\nThe
President of the University concurs.\r\n 4 Alternate 1: Syed Junaid Ahmed Quadri,
Assistant Professor, Department of History,\r\n “Transformations of Tradition: Islamic
Law in Modernity”\r\n Alternate 2: Hannah B. Higgins, Professor, Department of Art
History, College of\r\n Architecture, Design and the Arts, “Continuous Witness:
Mary Reynolds in Paris, 1920-\r\n 1950”\r\n Alternate 3: Jennifer L. Tobin, Associate
Professor, Classics and Mediterranean\r\n Studies, “Impossible to Build, Marvelous
to Describe: The Seven Wonders from\r\n Classical Antiquity Through the Middle Ages”\r\n35\r\nOn
motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, these appointments\r\nwere approved.\r\nEstablish
the Master of Science in Data Analytics,\r\nCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Springfield\r\n(7) The Chancellor, University of Illinois at Springfield, and Vice
President,\r\nUniversity of Illinois, with the advice of the Springfield Senate,
has approved a proposal\r\nto establish the Master of Science in Data Analytics
in the College of Liberal Arts and\r\nSciences.\r\nThe Master of Science in Data
Analytics, housed in the Mathematical\r\nSciences Department and in partnership
with the Computer Science Department, will\r\neducate students in the fundamentals
of data analysis, including the skills and processes\r\nnecessary for data-driven
decision making, an appreciation of the theoretical background\r\nof these techniques,
and hands-on learning activities with state-of-the-art software tools.\r\nWith an
emphasis on statistics, the degree program will be offered onground\r\nand online
and will cover topics such as data mining, statistical models, predictive\r\nanalytics,
and data visualization. Graduates of this interdisciplinary degree program will\r\nhave
the skill set to enter a range of high-demand data science careers in both the private\r\nand
public sectors.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects
with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The \r\n36\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs with
this\r\nrecommendation. The University Senates Conference has indicated that no
further\r\nSenate jurisdiction is involved.\r\nThe President of the University recommends
approval. This action is\r\nsubject to further review and approval by the Illinois
Board of Higher Education.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this
recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nEstablish the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre,\r\nCollege
of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Springfield\r\n(8) The Chancellor, University of Illinois
at Springfield, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity of Illinois, with the advice of
the Springfield Senate, has approved a proposal\r\nto establish the Bachelor of
Arts in Theatre in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.\r\nThe Bachelor of
Arts in Theatre will meet student interests in the creative\r\nand performing arts
while furthering the goal of the UIS Strategic Plan to enhance the\r\ncultural environment
of the campus. Students enrolled in the on-ground degree program\r\nwill gain an
understanding and appreciation for theatre as an evolving art form and learn\r\nthe
fundamental processes involved in creating theatre. Students will develop their\r\ntalents
as theatre artists by working with dramatic literature in the classroom and on the
\r\n37\r\nstage and will also develop a strong sense of teamwork, as the process
of creating theatre\r\nis largely collaborative.\r\nIn addition to preparing students
for occupations directly related to theatre,\r\nsuch as acting, directing, and producing,
the program will provide students with an\r\nimportant set of transferable skills
that prepare them for graduate study in a wide array of\r\nfields and diverse career
options, including arts management, non-profit management,\r\nradio/television announcing,
advertising, marketing, public relations, event planning, and\r\nfundraising.\r\nThe
Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with
applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs with
this\r\nrecommendation. The University Senates Conference has indicated that no
further\r\nSenate jurisdiction is involved.\r\nThe President of the University recommends
approval. This action is\r\nsubject to further review and approval by the Illinois
Board of Higher Education.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this
recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nReorganize the Department of Pediatrics, College
of Medicine at Peoria, Chicago\r\n38\r\n(9) The Chancellor, University of Illinois
at Chicago, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity of Illinois, with the concurrence
of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and\r\nwith the advice of the Dean of
the College of Medicine and the Regional Dean of the\r\nCollege of Medicine at Peoria,
recommends approval to reorganize the Department of\r\nPediatrics from its present
structure of a department organized with a chair to a\r\ndepartment organized with
a head.\r\nPursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the University of Illinois Statutes,
the\r\nDepartment of Pediatrics voted to change their mode of governance from a
chairmanship\r\nto a headship. Twenty-four of the faculty voted in favor of changing
the governance\r\nstructure, while 16 voted against the change.\r\nThe Board action
recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with applicable State
and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral Rules Concerning
University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\nThe
Vice President for Academic Affairs concurs with this\r\nrecommendation.\r\nThe
President of the University recommends approval.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded
by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nReappoint Member to the
Advisory Board, Division of\r\nSpecialized Care for Children (DSCC) in Springfield,
Chicago\r\n39\r\n(10) The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) is the
Illinois Title\r\nV agency that provides care coordination for families and children
with special healthcare\r\nneeds and financial assistance for those who meet financial
and medical eligibility\r\nrequirements.\r\nIn 1957, the Illinois General Assembly
created an advisory board for the\r\nDSCC to advise the administrators of the University
of Illinois regarding DSCC. The\r\nBoard of Trustees is charged with appointing
members to this advisory board.\r\nThe Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago,
and Vice President,\r\nUniversity of Illinois, recommends the following reappointment
to the DSCC Advisory\r\nBoard for the term April 1, 2016, through March 31, 2019:\r\nMiriam
I. Redleaf, MD, Louis J. Mayer Professor of Otology/Neurotology and Head of\r\nthe
Otology/Neurotology Program and Audiology Division, Department of\r\nOtolaryngology
– Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at\r\nChicago;
Member, American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery;\r\nMember, Chicago
Laryngology and Otology Society; Member, American Neurotological\r\nSociety; Member,
Triologic Society; Member, American Audiology Society; Member,\r\nAmerican Otological
Society; Diplomate, American Board of Otolaryngology; Certificate\r\nof Added Qualification
in Neurotology.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects
with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe President of the University concurs.\r\nOn motion
of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\n40\r\nName
the Glenn Netto Health and Wellness Center,\r\nCollege of Medicine at Rockford,
Chicago\r\n(11) The Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity
of Illinois, recommends the naming of the health and wellness facility, Room\r\nA146,
in the College of Medicine at Rockford in recognition of the late Glenn Netto,\r\nMD.
Ms. Rosie Netto and Ms. Alice Netto, sisters of Dr. Netto and former physical\r\neducation
teachers committed to health and wellness in the Rockford community, have\r\ncontributed
philanthropic gifts in his memory that fully fund the renovation costs of the\r\nspace.\r\nIn
2015, the Rockford regional campus leadership completed a strategic\r\nplanning
process with the support and feedback of various stakeholders, including\r\nfaculty,
staff, students, community leaders, and our partners in health care. Feedback\r\nresulted
in several key initiatives that are being implemented; one such initiative was to\r\nimprove
the student campus experience through promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle.\r\nTo
this end, on March 2016, the College will open the health and wellness center, which\r\nwill
be free of charge for faculty, staff, and students and operate 24 hours a day, seven\r\ndays
a week. The center is a 1,525.53 square feet athletic facility, which will be managed\r\nin
partnership with the YMCA of the Rock River Valley.\r\nDr. Glenn Netto passed away
suddenly on Sunday, July 13, 2014. Dr.\r\nNetto was raised in Rockford, IL, and
graduated from the University of Illinois College\r\nof Medicine in 1980 and completed
his residency in internal medicine at Blodgett \r\n41\r\nMemorial Medical Center
and Saint Mary's Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In\r\n1983, Dr. Netto joined
a large multispecialty medical organization, Rockford Clinic,\r\nwhere he practiced
primary care general internal medicine. In 1994, he was named\r\nAssistant Professor
of Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at\r\nRockford, teaching
second-, third-, and fourth-year medical students in history taking,\r\nphysical
diagnosis, and clinical medicine. He was promoted to Associate Professor of\r\nClinical
Medicine in 1997, and he was named Interim Chairman of the Internal Medicine\r\nDepartment
in 2007.\r\nDuring his tenure at the College of Medicine, he was the recipient of\r\nnumerous
honors: twice awarded the Golden Apple for excellence in teaching, the\r\nDistinguished
Teaching and the Distinguished Service Award, and the Leonard Tow and\r\nGold Humanism
Award for outstanding professionalism. To commemorate the love and\r\nrespect of
his students and peers, the College of Medicine at Rockford established an\r\nendowed
fund in 2014 for an annual student award known as “The Glenn D. Netto\r\nHumanitarian
Award.” The first award will be given in the spring of 2016 and the award\r\nfund
continues to actively receive contributions from Dr. Netto’s former colleagues and\r\nstudents.\r\nThe
Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with
applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives.\r\nThe President of the University concurs.\r\n42\r\nOn
motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nName
the Olga M. Jonasson, MD, Classroom, Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago\r\n(12)
The Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Vice President,\r\nUniversity
of Illinois, recommends the naming of the large classroom on the first floor of\r\nthe
Library of the Health Sciences, 1750 West Polk Street, in recognition of the late
Olga\r\nM. Jonasson, MD. Dr. Jonasson’s bequest created an endowed fund supporting
the\r\nLibrary of the Health Sciences. Dr. Jonasson also bequeathed her home at
1514 West\r\nJackson Boulevard in Chicago, which is the current residence of the
Chancellor at the\r\nUniversity of Illinois at Chicago.\r\nDr. Olga Jonasson was
a transplant surgeon who earned her medical degree\r\nfrom the University of Illinois
College of Medicine in 1958 and completed her graduate\r\nmedical education in surgery
at the University of Illinois Hospital in 1964. Dr. Jonasson\r\nwas a professor
of surgery at the University of Illinois College of Medicine from 1975\r\nuntil
1987. She subsequently served as the head of the Department of Surgery at The\r\nOhio
State University College of Medicine.\r\nDr. Jonasson developed one of the first
clinical transplantation services in\r\nIllinois and set up a statewide histocompatibility-testing
laboratory for donor-recipient\r\nmatching. As a clinician and researcher, she was
interested in immunological questions\r\nin organ transplantation, especially in
kidney and pancreas transplants. In that field, she\r\nstudied antirejection drugs
that fool the body’s immune system into accepting unfamiliar \r\n43\r\ntissue and
organs. Dr. Jonasson was also a respected educator of residents and surgeons\r\nin
training.\r\nIt has been the shared desire of Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest, the executor\r\nand
close friend of Dr. Jonasson; Mary Case, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries;\r\nand
Kathryn H. Carpenter, Associate University Librarian for the Health Sciences and\r\nAssociate
Dean that the accumulation of the payout from the endowed fund, totaling\r\n$274,000,
be used to support the current renovation of the Library of the Health Sciences.\r\nForemost,
Dr. Olga Jonasson identified herself as an educator and Dr. Bonbrest believes\r\nthat
she would have been honored to have her generosity recognized with her name on\r\nthe
large classroom in this renovated space.\r\nThe Library of the Health Sciences is
undergoing a significant\r\ntransformation of a 30,000-square foot space on the
first floor to provide an environment\r\ndesigned to meet the needs of students
in the health science fields. The renovated space\r\nincludes several valuable elements
promoting learning and collaboration, which includes\r\nindividual and group study
spaces that meet different preferences with regard to privacy,\r\ncomfort, sound,
and learning tools. One component of the space is a large classroom that\r\ncan
be divided into two smaller rooms. Library faculty will use this space to teach
health\r\nscience students important concepts in information literacy and evidence-based
practice.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects
with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois Statutes, The\r\nGeneral
Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees
policies and directives. \r\n44\r\nThe President of the University concurs.\r\nOn
motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas approved.\r\nAmend
the University of Illinois Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws, Chicago\r\n(13) The Medical
Staff of the University of Illinois Hospital recommends\r\nrevisions to the Medical
Staff Bylaws. Under the Bylaws, the Medical Staff must review\r\nits bylaws to determine
whether any changes or amendments need to be made in order to\r\nmaintain compliance
with accreditation standards, federal and State laws and current\r\nmedical staff
policies, procedures, and practices. The Bylaws Committee of the Medical\r\nStaff
is also responsible for reviewing any proposals for amendments to the bylaws.\r\nThe
amendments described below and included in the attached documents\r\n(materials
on file with the secretary) were recommended by the Bylaws Committee to the\r\nMedical
Staff Executive Committee and to the members of the Medical Staff. In\r\naccordance
with the bylaws, the amendments were voted on and approved by the Medical\r\nStaff
members on December 10, 2015. Amendments become effective only when\r\napproved
by the Board of Trustees.\r\nBoth the edited version of the bylaws as well as the
final document are\r\nsubmitted for consideration. (A copy is filed with the secretary
of the Board for record.)\r\nThe substantive changes are summarized below, including
the specific Articles and\r\nSections to be amended and the reasons for the proposed
changes. The revised\r\ndocuments also include nonsubstantive revisions not described
below, such as formatting \r\n45\r\nchanges, movement and renumbering of articles
and sections, and updates to the table of\r\ncontents.\r\n• Performance of the History
and Physical--Article III, Section 1\r\n(Page 4). The proposed revisions to this
Section clarify that a history\r\nand physical may be performed by a physician or
other individual in\r\naccordance with applicable law, policies and procedures and
the\r\nBylaws.\r\n• General Qualifications--Article IV, Section 1(A) (Page 6). This\r\nSection
has been amended to extend the effective date for certification\r\nin Basic Life
Support (BLS) as a requirement of Medical Staff\r\nmembership from January 1, 2016,
to December 31, 2016.\r\n• Provisional Members--Article IV, Section 3(I) (Pages
12-13). The\r\nrevised draft deleted the category of Provisional Members of the\r\nMedical
Staff and the requirement that the first year of the initial two\r\nyear appointment
to any class of Medical Staff membership be\r\nconsidered provisional (i.e., no
right to vote or hold office). All\r\nreferences to provisional membership were
deleted in the proposed\r\ndraft.\r\n• Medical Staff Appointment/Reappointment/Clinical
Privileges--\r\nNew Article V (Page 19). Certain sections have been moved, with
no\r\nsubstantive changes, from Article IV, Membership and placed under a\r\nnewly
created Article V, Medical Staff\r\nAppointment/Reappointment/Clinical Privileges.
The sections moved\r\ninclude Temporary Privileges, Telemedicine Privileges, and
Emergency\r\n(Disaster) Privileges.\r\n• Notification of Initial Appointment to
the Medical Staff and\r\nDelineation of Clinical Privileges--Article V, Section
1(E) (Page 20).\r\nThis time period for the Chair of the Credentials Committee in\r\nconjunction
with the Chief Medical Officer to notify an applicant of an\r\naction taken has
been modified from 60 days to 15 days. The revised\r\ntime period is consistent
with the requirement that has been in the Rules\r\nand Regulations and also current
policies and practice.\r\n46\r\n• Expedited Process for Appointment, Reappointment
and\r\nPrivileging--Article V, Section 7 (Pages 29-30). The Joint\r\nCommission
requires that the organized medical staff develop criteria\r\nfor an expedited process
for granting privileges and initial appointments\r\nto membership, reappointment,
or modification of privileges. Such\r\nexpedited process cannot be used in certain
situations delineated by The\r\nJoint Commission. This new Section has been added
to comply with\r\nThe Joint Commission standard and to document the current Medical\r\nStaff
process, which has been in place since 2010. Under the\r\nestablished expedited
process, the Medical Staff Executive Committee,\r\nafter receiving positive recommendations
from the Chief of the Clinical\r\nService in which the applicant would be a member,
and the Chairman of\r\nthe Credentials Committee, may forward its positive recommendation
to\r\nany two individual voting members of the University Healthcare System\r\nCommittee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for\r\neach’s final decision.
This is done pursuant to a delegation by the Board\r\nof Trustees approved on March
10, 2010.\r\nAn applicant qualifies for this expedited process if he or she meets
the\r\nfollowing standards, which are set forth by the Joint Commission and\r\nlisted
in the proposed new bylaws provision:\r\n? The applicant submits a complete and
verified application\r\nwhich provides all necessary or required information and
all\r\nprimary source verification procedures have been completed.\r\nThe Medical
Staff Executive Committee makes a positive\r\nrecommendation without any limitations.\r\n?
There are no current or previously successful challenges to the\r\napplicant’s licensure
or registration.\r\n? The applicant has not been subject to any involuntary termination
or\r\nsummary suspension of Medical Staff Membership or Clinical\r\nPrivileges at
another hospital.\r\n? The applicant has not been subject to any involuntary limitation,\r\nreduction,
denial or loss of membership or Clinical Privileges at the\r\nHospital or any other
hospital.\r\n? There has not been an unusual pattern or excessive number of\r\nprofessional
liability actions resulting in a final adverse judgment\r\nentered against the applicant.\r\n47\r\nIf
the applicant does not meet the requirements listed above, then the\r\nappointment,
reappointment and privileging decision must be voted on\r\nby the full Board of
Trustees.\r\n• Resignation/Leave of Absence--Article VI (Pages 30-31). A new\r\nArticle
VI was created for the existing sections Resignation and Leave\r\nof Absence and
Reinstatement After Resignation or Leave of Absence\r\nin Good Standing, without
substantive change.\r\nThe Board action recommended in this item complies in all
material\r\nrespects with applicable State and federal laws, University of Illinois
Statutes, The\r\nGeneral Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure,
and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\nThe President of the University
concurs.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas
approved.\r\nApprove Student Health Insurance Rates for Urbana, Chicago, and\r\nSpringfield
Campuses, Academic Year 2016-17\r\n(14) The Chancellors/Vice Presidents at Urbana,
Chicago, and Springfield\r\nrecommend approval of student health insurance rates
for Academic Year 2016-17. The\r\nstudent health insurance rate, combined with the
student health service fee, funds health\r\ncare programs tailored to meet the needs
of the students at the campuses. The campuses\r\nconsult with student advisory groups
on health program coverage and the resulting rate.\r\nStudents may choose not to
participate in the student health insurance program by\r\nproviding evidence of
comparable insurance coverage from other sources. Attached is a \r\n48\r\nsummary
of the student health program coverage. (A copy is filed with the secretary of\r\nthe
Board for record.)\r\nAs recently as 2014 and 2015 the Urbana and Springfield campuses
sought\r\ncompetitive proposals from commercial insurers to underwrite their student
plans.\r\nBeginning in 2004, the Chicago campus initiated a self-funded student
health benefit\r\nplan, CampusCare, to provide benefits and contain costs.\r\nInitially
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) applied\r\nonly to commercially
insured student health plans, and not to self-funded student benefit\r\nplans. However,
beginning Fall 2015 the U.S. Department of Health and Human\r\nServices declared
PPACA also applied to self-funded plans, like CampusCare. PPACAcompliant\r\nhealth
plans may not have lifetime or annual dollar maximums on any essential\r\nhealth
benefit, or any pre-existing condition limitations. In addition, the plans must\r\nprovide
comprehensive prescription drug benefits, and many of these must be provided\r\nwithout
cost to the individual. Plans must also cover pediatric dental and vision benefits.\r\nThe
PPACA encourages the use of campus health services and counseling centers to\r\nprovide
access and cost effective care for students. Given the scope and breadth of the\r\nPPACA-mandated
benefits our student health insurance rates are very competitive\r\ncompared to
our peer institutions.\r\nFor Fall Semester 2016 the Urbana campus continues to
be underwritten by\r\nUnited Healthcare, with a 12 percent increase for undergraduate
and a 10.5 percent\r\nincrease for graduate students. The undergraduate plan will
have an increase in the\r\noutpatient and out-of-pocket maximum deductibles in order
to stay within the Affordable \r\n49\r\nCare Act’s “gold” metallic band. To move
into a “platinum” metallic band would have\r\nrequired a larger premium increase.
No change in deductibles will be required for the\r\ngraduate student plan. For
Fall Semester 2016 the Springfield campus plan will be\r\nunderwritten by Blue Cross
Blue Shield, which was the result of a competitive RFP\r\nprocess. Changes include
increasing the out-of-pocket maximum and increasing copayments\r\nfor brand and
specialty drugs. In addition, the Springfield campus has lower\r\nparticipation
levels resulting in claims experience being spread over a relatively small\r\nbase,
necessitating a 21 percent increase for undergraduate and graduate students. For\r\nFall
Semester 2016 the Chicago campus proposes the rate remain flat for undergraduate\r\nand
graduate students.\r\nThe recommended student health insurance rates are as follows:\r\nLOCATION\r\nACTUAL
RATE,\r\nFALL SEMESTER 2016\r\nACTUAL RATE,\r\nFALL SEMESTER 2015\r\nUrbana Undergraduate--$320
Undergraduate--$286\r\nGraduate--$409 Graduate--$370\r\nChicago All students--$570
All students--$570\r\nSpringfield All students--$598 All students--$495\r\nThe rates
displayed are for the typical undergraduate, graduate, and\r\nprofessional student.
Rates may vary for the summer session. Students needing coverage\r\nfor their spouse
and dependents voluntarily pay a separate charge.\r\nThe Board action recommended
in this item complies in all material\r\nrespects with applicable State and federal
laws, University of Illinois Statutes, \r\n50\r\nThe General Rules Concerning University
Organization and Procedure, and Board of\r\nTrustees policies and directives.\r\nThe
Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President, Chief\r\nFinancial Officer
and Comptroller concur in these recommendations.\r\nThe President of the University
recommends approval.\r\nOn motion of Ms. Smart, seconded by Mr. Estrada, this recommendation\r\nwas
approved.\r\nBy consensus, the Board agreed that one roll call vote would be taken
and\r\nconsidered the vote on agenda item nos. 15 through 27 inclusive as listed
below. The\r\nrecommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one
time.\r\nAward Construction Contracts for Renovation, Everitt Laboratory, Urbana\r\n(15)
In March 2014, the Board approved the $50.0 million project to renovate\r\nEveritt
Laboratory for the Department of Bioengineering Instruction and Research. In\r\nMay
2015, the Board approved an increase to the project budget of $5.0 million to\r\ninclude
a second floor addition and a new Simulation Center. The proposed $55.0\r\nmillion
project will provide the opportunity to integrate bioengineering on the campus\r\nand
establish the University of Illinois as a national and international leader for
decades\r\nto come.\r\nBids for construction work have been solicited and for the
project to\r\nproceed the Interim Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
and Interim \r\n51\r\nVice President, University of Illinois, with the concurrence
of the appropriate\r\nadministrative officers, recommends that the following contracts5
be awarded.\r\nCompetitive bidding procedures in accordance with the Illinois Procurement
Code were\r\nfollowed; and the award is to the lowest responsible bidder on the
basis of its base bid\r\nplus the acceptance of indicated alternates:6\r\n\r\nDivision
1 – General Work\r\nWilliams Brothers Construction Inc., Base Bid $13,650,000\r\nPeoria,
IL Alternate 1 90,000\r\nAlternate 2 48,000\r\nAlternate 3 0\r\nAlternate 4 92,000\r\nAlternate
5 0\r\nAlternate 8 89,000\r\nTOTAL $13,969,000\r\nDivision 2 – Plumbing Work\r\nG.A.
Rich & Sons Inc., Base Bid $ 2,687,000\r\nDeer Creek, IL Alternate 1 0\r\nAlternate
2 0\r\nAlternate 3 0\r\nAlternate 4 1,500\r\nAlternate 5 5,550\r\nAlternate