
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Greenville revises use agreement for heliport

Bell helicopter and rig1

The city of Greenville Plan Commission met March 28 to modify the matrix use agreement for the city heliport. | File photo

The city of Greenville Plan Commission met March 28 to modify the matrix use agreement for the city heliport. | File photo

The city of Greenville Plan Commission met March 28 to modify the matrix use agreement for the city heliport.

The City of Greenville Plan Commission is located at 403rd St, Greenville, IL 62246.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city:

Plan Commission P a g e | 1



Municipal Building

Monday, March 28, 2016

7:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The meeting of the Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman Jack Chism at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Chairman Jack Chism, Members Judy Cox, Scott Spencer, Don Stover, Brad Turner, Chance Vohlken

Also Present: Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Joe Craver, City Manager Dave Willey, Jeff Leidel, WGEL, Bill

Walker, Advocate

Review of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the August 24, 2015 Plan Commission meeting were reviewed. Moved by Spencer, seconded by Cox, to

approve the minutes.

Ayes : Chism, Cox, Spencer, Stover, Turner, Vohlken

Nays : None


? A request from AirEVAC EMS Inc. to change the Use Matrix, Table 153.0202(A), of the UDC to allow a Heliport to

be a Conditional Use in the CG Zoning District, and to apply for a Conditional Use Permit to conduct the heliport

operations at 2025 S Fourth St.

Chairman Chism opened the Public Hearing at 7:03 p.m. Code Enforcement Officer Joe Craver advised that this request

has been withdrawn by the applicant and no further action is required.

? A request from the City of Greenville to change Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Use Matrix, Table

153.0202(A), of the UDC in the categories of multifamily dwellings, restaurant with incidental consumption of

alcoholic beverages, automobile repair and service structures, car dealer, boat or marine craft dealer, car care

center, car washes, and services for elderly and disabled.

Craver explained the Use Matrix that was originally approved by the Plan Commission was inadvertently not included in

the Codified Unified Development Code. The Use Matrix reverted back to the template that was used, and therefore did

not include the changes that the previous Plan Commission Members had approved. This request is to correct the UDC

as it was written by the Plan Commission. After much discussion about the origins of this code, how the Use Matrix

works, and several of the categories and their uses, Spencer made a motion, with a second from Vohlken, to approve

the changes as requested by staff to correct the Unified Development Code as it was originally approved.

Ayes : Cox, Chism, Spencer, Stover, Turner, Vohlken

Nays : None

The next scheduled meeting is Monday, April 25, 2016.

Spencer made a motion to adjourn, and Cox seconded, and all voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jody Weiss

Recording Secretary