
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Southwestern CUSD No. 9 Board approves teacher hires


The board accepted a fuel bid from CHS for 40,000 gallons of Premium Diesel Fuel B2 Blend and 7,000 gallons of Gasohol 87 Octane or better. | File photo

The board accepted a fuel bid from CHS for 40,000 gallons of Premium Diesel Fuel B2 Blend and 7,000 gallons of Gasohol 87 Octane or better. | File photo

The Southwestern CUSD No. 9 Board of Education met June 21 to approve the hiring of new teachers and coaches.

The Southwestern CUSD No. 9 School Board includes seven members who make employment decisions for the district; oversee the annual budget, tax levies, major expenditures and all other aspects of financial affairs related to the district; evaluate and approve curriculum, textbooks and educational services; establish and support student disciplinary policies; and ensure an equal opportunity educational experience for all students.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the district: 

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Piasa, Illinois 62079


The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session on June 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in

the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Don Little-President asked Randy GallaherSecretary

to call roll showing those members present were: Don Little-President, Tim BaakerVice

President, Randy Gallaher-Secretary, Steve Reed, Mike Wegener, Brad SkertichSuperintendent

and Rose Bagley-Recording Secretary. Board Members Brad Gillespie and

Dara Simmons were absent. Visitor’s sign-in sheet is attached. Don Little-President led the

Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:

Parent Brian Watts was present to present his concern with the High School softball coaches

that the Southwestern School District has put out the last few years. He says there are some

girls thinking about not playing next year if the coaching doesn’t change. He says the girls

can play select softball in the spring rather than play for Southwestern and go backwards. He

would like to offer his services to help with the team.

Approval of the Minutes:

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the minutes of

the Regular School Board Meeting of May 17, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Steve Reed to approve the minutes of the

Closed Session Meeting of May 17, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


Review and Approval of Bills:

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Don Little to approve the May Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Gallaher

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

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A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Don Little to approve the May Consent

Agenda Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the May

Imprest Bills.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Randy Gallaher to approve the May Extra

Pay and Substitute Pay.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


Review and Approval of the Financial Report:

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the Financial

Report as presented showing a balance in the Education Fund of $2,353,159; Operations and

Maintenance Fund of $1,048,645; Transportation Fund of $-218,665 and Working Cash Fund

of $1,817,380. Mr. Skertich reported that we are expecting a little money to come in yet this

year and the Education Fund should end up in the black this year. There is no progress with

the state having a budget. There is a scenario that there won’t be a state budget and no line

item for education before we start the next fiscal year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Reed, Wegener and Little

Nays: None


Correspondence & Recognition: None

Committee Reports:

A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Don Little to approve the Policy

Committee Report from May 24, 2016.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gallaher

Nays: None


Superintendent’s Report

Resignations: None

June 21, 2016

Page 3

Retirement - None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to employ Samantha Leav,

High School Math Teacher, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Steve Reed to employ Kiera Gottschall,

Elementary Band and Music Teacher, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to employ Kurt Frischman,

High School Assistant Football Coach, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Don Little to employ Seth Rich, High

School Assistant Football Coach, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Gallaher

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Tim Baker to employ Mike Paslay and

Rich Arnold, High School Assistant Football Coaches, for the 2016-17 school year with the

two men splitting the 3rd Assistant Coach stipend.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Tim Baker to employ Steve Wooley, 7th

Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

Page 4


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Randy Gallaher to recall Amanda Madson,

Pre-K Teacher, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Mike Wegener to recall Tonya Dierking,

Bus Driver, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to recall Bruce Murray,

Van Driver, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Tim Baker to recall Chelsea Kroeschel,

Teacher Aide, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None



A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Don Little to approve Connor Robinson,

High School Football Volunteer, for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


Leave of Absence: None

Substitute List:

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Tim Baker to approve Substitute List

#11 as presented.


Ayes: Reed, Wegener, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

Page 5

Enrollment and Suspension Report:

A motion was made by Don Little and seconded Mike Wegener to approve the Enrollment and

Suspension Report as presented showing an Enrollment of 1512, Suspensions at 6 and 0

Expulsions for the month of May.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


District Highlights:

Stephanie Renken, Special Education Coordinator, reported that the online IEPs are being

upgraded. The Special Olympic track team competed at State in Bloomington, IL.

Mark Bearley, High School Principal, reported that the Special Olympic team brought home 2

bronze medals, 1 silver medal and a 7th place ribbon. Graduation went well. Compliments to

the speakers, students, maintenance, custodians and office help for all they did. The baseball

team won the conference for the 4th year in a row. There have been lots of camps going on

since school got out. The High School baseball team and scholar bowl teams were taken out

to eat for their accomplishments.

Scott Hopkins, Southwestern Middle School and Medora Intermediate Principal, recognized

the maintenance and custodial staff for getting the buildings ready. They are looking good

already. The coaches have been holding camps this summer.

Mr. Skertich said there is a shortage of storage by the practice football field. There was a

chicken coop not being used so they moved it there and it will be painted and made into a

storage shed for football. They have oiled and chipped the parking lots at the High

School/Middle School, Brighton North, Medora and Shipman. The new phone system is

arriving. We will save around $24,000 with the new phone system. In July, they will install

the new electric service at the High School so next year we can get air conditioning. The

window project at the High School will start in July.

Old Business:

There was the 2nd reading of February 2016 issue 91 Press Plus Updates. A motion was made

by Tim Baker and seconded by Randy Gallaher to approve these updates.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

Page 6

New Business:

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Don Little to approve the Student

Handbook Changes for the 2016-17 school year as presented.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gallaher

Nays: None


A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Steve Reed to keep the July 2015

until December 2015 Closed Session Minutes Closed.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Don Little to approve the Prevailing Wage

Act Resolution.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


11.4 and 11.5 were tabled until after Closed Session.

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to accept the Fuel bid

from CHS for 40,000 gallons of Premium Diesel Fuel B2 Blend and 7,000 gallons of Gasohol

87 Octane or better.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Steve Reed to accept the Bread Bid from

Lewis Bakeries for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Tim Baker accept the Milk Bid from

Prairie Farms for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Gallaher

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

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A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Tim Baker to accept the Food and Nonfood

bid from Kohl’s Wholesale for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to accept the Trash

Removal Bid from Sanders Waste for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the Integrated

Pest Management Proposal with Garella Pest Services for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Randy Gallaher to approve the Certified

and Non-Certified Substitute Pay Increases for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little

Nays: None


A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Randy Gallaher to go into closed

session at 8:23 pm for “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance,

or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel for the public body,

including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or the public body or

against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity,”

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gallaher

Nays: None


At 9:17 pm a motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Randy Gallaher to go into

regular session.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Gallaher

Nays: None


June 21, 2016

Page 8

A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Tim Baker to approve the appointment

of the individuals identified in the attached list marked as Exhibit A to the corresponding extracurricular

activities for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Gallaher and Baker

Nays: None


A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Tim Baker to approve the nonappointment

of the individuals identified in the attached list marked Exhibit B to the

corresponding extra-curricular activities for the 2016-17 school year.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reed, Little, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener

Nays: None


A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Don Little to adjourn the meeting.

Ayes: Little, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed

Nays: None


The meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.


Rosemary Bagley

Recording Secretary


Board President


Board Secretary