
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Greenfield library board reviews bloodborne pathogen policy


The Greenfield Public Library has adopted a new Internet User Agreement. | File photo

The Greenfield Public Library has adopted a new Internet User Agreement. | File photo

The Greenfield Public Library Board of Trustees met  June 18 to review the board's bloodborne pathogen policy.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The board of trustees provides oversight, develops policies and supervises staff at the Greenfield Public Library.

Greenfield Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 18, 2016


Amy Turpin, Teri Cook, Martha Rawe, Brenda Shipley, Tabitha Barrow, Jimmy Naville,

Kelly Hall, Hanna Wood and Kate Fabion

The meeting was called to order by Amy Turpin.

Public Comment- None.

Meeting minutes were read by Kate Fabion, Secretary. See attached. Motion to accept was made by Kelly Hall, seconded by Hanna Wood. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was provided by Martha Rawe. See attached. Motion to accept was made by Hanna Wood, seconded by Kelly Hall. Motion carried.

Librarian’s Report: See attached.

Old Business:

Informational item- real estate tax research spread sheet attached

Book disposal: Joyce Auction in August (Jerry said that books are very hard to sell. May get $1-5 per box), recycle/city dumpster, Greene County Days sale.

Blood borne pathogen policy: Presented to the board to read policy. Kate Fabion made a motion to approve the policy as written. Motion was seconded by Teri Cook, motion carried.

Homecoming: Finalized items that we will offer for sale, signed up to work shifts and set pricing. Hanna and Tabitha will be purchasing some items from Sam’s and Teri will purchase the supplies for cotton candy.

Homecoming Raffle: gift card donations gratefully accepted (by Friday, 7/22). Tickets will be $1/each or 6 for $5.

Internet provider questions- No one really seems to know who our carrier is or how it is paid/provided.

Community survey-tabled until August meeting.

Usborne books: committee meeting with Amber to choose books using the grant money received from the Frech Trust

New Business:

Internet User Agreement: Start using new form January 2017. We will begin asking all patrons to sign a 2016 agreement on Monday, July 25, 2016. We need to organize the old ones by year, then alphabetically. The board decided to file minors by their names (not guardian’s) and require a form for each user.

Executive Session: To consider employment, compensation or evaluation of employees. Entered 8:50 pm; Exited 10:24 pm. Hanna Wood made a motion that we authorize the Treasurer, Martha Rawe to close the money market account and deposit the money into the general funds; seconded by Kate Fabion. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Kelly Hall, seconded by Hanna Wood. Meeting adjourned.