
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Auburn OKs liquor permit for Labor Day picnic


The Auburn City Council met Aug. 1 to consider a temporary liquor permit request by Rocki's Bar for the Labor Day Picnic. | File photo

The Auburn City Council met Aug. 1 to consider a temporary liquor permit request by Rocki's Bar for the Labor Day Picnic. | File photo

The Auburn City Council met Aug. 1 to consider a temporary liquor permit request by Rocki's Bar for the Labor Day Picnic.

Members of the Auburn City Council come from each of the city’s four wards and serve four-year terms. Council meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 324 W. Jefferson St. If a council meeting should fall on a holiday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the city:

City of Auburn

Council Minutes

August 1, 2016

Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Present: Barb Stamer, Larry Hemmerle, Julie Barnhill, Rod Johnson, Ed Madaus, Matt Gillock, Seth Williams, Vic Devos, Jr. Tom Appelt. Absent: Chris Warwick and Tom Berola

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhliker, and Kristy Ponsler, City Attorney: Raylene Grischow,

I. Mayor's Comments

a. Economic Development Meeting with IDOT and DCEO to take place on Monday, August 15" from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the council chambers.

b. Carnegie Medal Presentation for Ashley Aldridge will take place on Tuesday, August 23" at 6:30 pm in the council chambers. Member from the foundation will be in town to personally present medal to Ashley,

c. Temporary Liquor Permit has been requested by Rocki's Bar for the Labor Day Picnic, The same set up as last year.

II. Visitors

a. Deanna Gasen, Tonya Spears and Kelli Morton were present on behalf of the Auburn Activities Committee.

b. Request made by the committee to sell beer in cans as opposed to pouring in cups. The committee will be selling can coolies as a fundraiser.

c. Some highlights include parade, car show, mud volleyball, pageant, and bag tournament. Same food vendors as last year have requested to come back. Special insurance was obtained for the bounce house as requested and will be submitted to the city office.

d. Kelli Morton indicated that the Anti-Bullying committee would like to do a teen day for mud volleyball on Sunday before Labor Day. The committee thought a day for 6" grade to seniors would be a good way to get them involved. A talent show is in the process of being planned as well as food vendors to stay through Sunday. More details will be provided to the council once it is available.

e. Kelii Morton also shared concerns regarding the community center. She recently held an event at the building and indicated she was upset that the price to rent went up, however, the building itself has some water damage and paint is peeling off the walls, She asked the council to review the structure and potentially have someone come in and look at areas that need to be fixed and/or updated.

III. City Clerk's Report — Deputy Clerk Ponsler

a. Ponsler presented the corrected meeting minutes from 07/05/16 meeting for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the meeting minutes and destroy the recorded copy, second by Williams. Voice Vote: AYE: Hemmerle, Barnhill, Johnson, Madaus, Gillock, Williams, Devos, Jr. NAY: None. PRESENT: None, ABSENT: Berola (7-0-0-1)

b, Ponsler presented the meeting minutes from 07/18/16 for the council's review and

approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the meeting minutes, second by Barnhill. Voice Vote: AYE: Hemmerle, Barnhill, Johnson, Madaus, Gillock, Williams, Devos, Jr. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Berola (7-0-0-1)

IV. City Treasurer's Report - Appelt

a. Appelt presented the Bills List from 07/19/16 to 08/01/16 for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the Bills List, second Barnhill, Voice Vote: AYE: Hemmerle, Barnhill, Johnson, Madaus, Gillock, Williams, Devos, Jr. NAY: Nome. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: NONE (7-0-0-1)

b. A new tariff was put into place on the City of Auburn electric bill. Direct Energy then adjusted rates based upon the new tariff. They went back all the way to January's usage and made changes for what the city should have owed based upon this adjustment. There is a letter from Direct Energy in Dropbox pertaining to the adjusted rate based upon the tariff. This significantly raised the electric bill for the city for the month of July due to tariffs.

V. Attorney—Grischow

a. A new public act asks that by January 1, 2017 for municipalities that an ordinance or resolution be passed pertaining to reimbursable travel expenses, This would include travel, meal and lodging. The city would need to set limits and schedule an administration committee meeting to discuss this further. The council could review other towns to see what their limits might be.

b, Alderman Madaus made the recommendation to draft the ordinance whether the city stays as non-home rule or becomes a home rule entity after the election in November.

VI. Department Heads

a. Centko

i, Chief Centko requested a committee meeting, possibly Health and Safety and

Administration to discuss part time dispatch. Alderman Gillock will reach out to Alderman Berola for available dates,


ii. The railroad will start on August 2" and will shut down the Route 104 crossing

on Jackson Street. They have 21 days to complete the project. There were some initial issues with the detour route, but it has since been corrected.

iii. Reggie Benton came to look at the façade at Dr, Weisgerber's office on the

square. He will draft a letter to provide some suggestions on how to proceed with fixing the issue. b. Ponsler — No Report

VII. Committee Reports

a. Administration — No Report

b. Public Works – No Report

c. Public Utilities — No Report d.

d. Health & Safety – No Report

e. Health & Housing

i. 13905 State Route 4 (Rhodes) – There was some miscommunication between

the property owner and city pertaining to when the property was in fact abated, The issues that were addressed in the attorney letter pertaining to the stagnant water have been abated. Motion made by Johnson to strike all fines and only charge for the attorney letter written to the property owner, second by Williams. Voice Vote: AYE: Hemmerle, Barnhill, Johnson, Madaus, Gillock, Williams, Devos, Jr. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Berola (7-0-0-1)

ii. 403 East Jefferson (Reed) – The property is in foreclosure and the city has been attempting to work with a property manager to get the grass and weeds abated. The city will get a tractor on the property and mow, A fee will be assessed for mowing and will send the bill to the owner and property manager.

f. Parks

i. Zootopia will be played at East Park on August 6" at dusk, g. Library Liaison — All items to be reviewed were placed in Dropbox,

VIII. Attorney – Grischow (Morton Building)

a. In regards to the new city garage, the city has to either put out for bid or if it's not put out for bid, it has to be passed by 2/3 vote of the council. If not out for bid, the city would have to buy the materials and pay prevailing wage for services provided to erect the building.

b. A municipality cannot borrow money for more than 10 years, however, it was not a problem for UCB because they could do the financing for 10 years with a balloon note for the remaining 5 years,

c. The city would draft specifications for the building. The removal of old garages and construction of new garage would go out for bid and be due to the city office on or before August 31* at noon. This would allow time to review all bids placed and the city council could review at the first council meeting in September (Tuesday, September 6")

d. Motion made by Johnson to rescind approval of Morton Building bid and use similar specifications to put out for bid (removal of old garages and construction of new city garage. All bids due August 31” by noon. Second by Barnhill, Voice Vote: AYE: Hemmerle, Barnhill, Johnsom, Madaus, Gillock, Williams, Devos, Jr. NAY: None. PRESENT: None, ABSENT: Berola (7-0-0-1)

IX. Adjournment

a. Motion made by Johnson to adjourn at 7:59 pm, second by Madaus,

Respectfully T.J

Kristy Ponsler

Deputy Clerk