
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pittsfield approves variance for Jackson Street project


The city of Pittsfield City Council met Tuesday, Aug. 2 to approve a variance for construction at 409 N. Jackson St. | File photo

The city of Pittsfield City Council met Tuesday, Aug. 2 to approve a variance for construction at 409 N. Jackson St. | File photo

The city of Pittsfield City Council met Tuesday, Aug. 2 to approve a variance for construction at 409 N. Jackson St.

The council is the governing body for the city of Pittsfield. Members typically meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from May through October, and at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from November through April.

August 2, 2016

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the City Council room at 215 North Monroe Street. The following officers were present: Mayor John Hayden, City Clerk Cindy Prentice, and Aldermen Kevin Ketchum, Ed Knight, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Bill Scheiwe, Robert Wilson, Kevin Wombles and Robert Wood.

Mayor Hayden presided.

Alderman Ketchum moved to approve the minutes of the last regular Council meeting.

Alderman Lennon seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for Demetrius E. and Cathy J. Welch, owners of the property located at 220 East Perry Street to permit the placement of a garage which will leave a rear yard of sixteen feet (16’) instead of the required twenty-five feet (25’) on the north property line.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for Thomas and Mackenzie Beach, owners of the property located at 409 North Jackson Street to permit the placement of a room addition which will leave a rear yard of one foot (1’) instead of the required fifteen feet (15’) on a corner lot.

Alderman Lennon seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for the City of Pittsfield Fire Department, owners of the property located at 121 East Jefferson Street to permit the placement of a Fire Department building which will leave a rear yard of eight feet (8’) instead of the required twenty feet (20’) when it does not abut an alley.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

August 2, 2016

Alderman Ritchart moved to approve Ordinance No. 1565, An Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2016 to Pay the Debt Service on $270,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sewerage System Alternate Revenue Source), Series 1999, of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, on its second reading, by title only.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve Pay Request No. 7 for Newman-Alton Inc. in the amount of $67,270.32.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve Ordinance No. 1567, An Ordinance Regulating the General Prevailing Rate of Wages Under Contract for Public Works, on its first reading.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Wilson, Wombles, Wood (7)

Nay: Scheiwe (1)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to suspend the rules and have the second reading of Ordinance No. 1567 (described above).

Alderman Ritchart seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Wilson, Wombles, Wood (7)

Nay: Scheiwe (1)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to approve Ordinance No. 1567 (described above) on its second reading, by title only.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Wilson, Wombles, Wood (7)

Nay: Scheiwe (1)

The motion carried.

August 2, 2016

Alderman Wood moved to approve Ordinance No. 1568, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 688 Relating to the General Operation of the Water Utility Distribution System Including Rates and Fees for the City of Pittsfield, Illinois, Pursuant to Pittsfield Code of Ordinances, Section 52.31 of Chapter 52 of Title V. Public Works, for the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, on its first reading.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to suspend the rules and have the second reading of Ordinance No. 1568 (described above).

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to approve Ordinance No. 1568 (described above) on its second reading.

Alderman Ritchart seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to deliver bid specifications for sealed bids for two 2017 two-wheel drive basic fleet model trucks to local dealers only, with bid opening August 16, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Street & Alley Foreman Jeff Griggs said they are working at the intersection of Madison Street and Jefferson Street where they had a breach in the sewer main going into the manhole.

Mayor Hayden reported there is work being done on the old Higbee School.

Mayor Hayden also report the Little League state championship tournament went very well. The community jumped in with a lot of volunteer help, which was much appreciated. Many participants said they would love to come back and hope Pittsfield hosts it again sometime. The Pittsfield boys’ team finished fourth in the state and the girls’ team finished second in the state. There was also a jet that landed at Pittsfield Penstone Airport with a parent who flew in to watch his son play the championship game. Alderman Wombles echoed the Mayors sentiments.

August 2, 2016

Alderman Ritchart moved to approve the Finance Committee Report and the clerk be directed to issue the claims thereon.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to go into closed session at 7:20 p.m. to discuss personnel and litigation.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wilson moved to go back into open session at 7:49 p.m.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Knight moved to adjourn this meeting at 7:49 p.m.


City Clerk