
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Nearly 200 attend Auburn's Movie in the Park

Movie reel 1

The Auburn City Council met Aug. 15 to review participation at the latest Movie in the Park. | File photo

The Auburn City Council met Aug. 15 to review participation at the latest Movie in the Park. | File photo

The Auburn City Council met Aug. 15 to review participation at the latest Movie in the Park.

Members of the Auburn City Council come from each of the city’s four wards and serve four-year terms. Council meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 324 W. Jefferson St. If a council meeting should fall on a holiday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the city:

City of Auburn

Council Minutes

August 15, 2016

Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Present: Barb Stamer, Chris Warwick, Tom Appelt, Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. Absent: Vic Devos, Jr.

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhliker, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor’s Comments

a. Stamer noted that the Economic Development Meeting with IDOT and DCEO this

morning was very informative and more will be shared at a later date. b. Stamer congratulated Ashley Aldridge on winning her Andrew Carnegie Hero Award; she was one of forty-seven recipients nationwide. There will be a Medal Presentation on Tuesday 08/23/16 at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers. c. Stamer reported that parent was concerned because her daughter hit the merry go

round in Union Park and the mother was asking that the merry go round be removed. It was noted that the insurance company reviews which items need to be removed from the parks and the merry go round was deemed safe. II. Visitors

a. Jason Garrett was present to present some ideas to the Council. Jason noted that he walks for his health and he recommended that Lost Caboose be converted to a walking area so residents have a safe place to walk. The area could easily be converted to a walking area because of the existing infrastructure. b. Garrett asked about adding a restricted area around driveways near the schools. He lives near the school and during events it is very difficult to pull into his driveway because people park so close to the driveway or even obstruct part of his driveway. c. Garrett mentioned that he noticed funds moved at the end of the fiscal year to savings accounts, could some of those monies be moved to the Parks fund. After a few years enough money could be saved for Red Bud Park. III. City Clerk’s Report – Warwick

a. Warwick presented the 08/01/16 meeting minutes for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the meeting minutes and destroy the recorded copy, second by Gillock. Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1). IV. City Treasurer’s Report - Appelt

a. Warwick presented the Bills List from 08/02/16 to 08/15/16 for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the Bills List, second Williams. Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0-0-1). V. Attorney – Grischow

a. No report. VI. Department Heads

a. Centko

i. Stamer wanted clarification on barking dog issues/fines. Centko stated that when the officer arrives they need to witness the dog barking. He also noted that some people antagonize the dogs into barking and then submit a complaint. ii. Centko noted that cameras in Union Park are moving forward. The project is moving the right direction but still needs more work. iii. Centko reported that the speed trailer has been returned. b. Karhliker

i. Karhliker noted that Johnson will cover the sidewalk update for the Weisgerber Building at the 100 Block of South Madison Street. ii. Karhliker reported that the railroad work should be completed by August 23rd, but he has his doubts they will be done by that date. iii. Cornerstone Church would like to use the lot by the City Water Tower for an event on Sunday 08/28/16. c. Ponsler

i. Ponsler reported that office now has the ability to take both credit and debit card payments. ii. Ponsler would like to seek bids for painting and general repairs to the Auburn Community Center. VII. Committee Reports

a. Administration

i. No report. b. Public Works

i. Johnson reported that when Kinney Contractor removed the old concrete at the Weisgerber Building the brick veneer was not connected and the brick fell out. There is a question on who will pay for the repairs; there might be an opportunity to split the cost. ii. Johnson asked Karhliker to see if Dave Beck from the Township has gotten back to him about the culvert on East Wineman Street. Karhliker will reach out to Dave Beck again. iii. Berola asked Karhliker if he has seen the crack in front of the Auburn Community Center. Berola noted that it is a large crack. c. Public Utilities

i. No Report. d. Health & Safety

i. Gillock noted that a couple of part time dispatchers are needed to fill a scheduling gap. Gillock made a motion to allow Chief Centko to hire two part time dispatchers, second by Williams. Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Ed Madaus, and Seth Williams. NAY: Rod Johnson. PRESENT: Larry Hemmerle. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (5-1-1-1). e. Health & Housing

i. Berola reported that the grass has been mowed and the property cleaned up at 413 North 1st Street. f. Parks

i. Hemmerle reported that the latest Movie in the Park was very successful with estimated 130 people in attendance. g. Library Liaison

i. No report VIII. Executive Session

IX. Adjournment

a. A motion to adjourn was made by Gillock at 8:02 PM; second by Madaus. Voice Vote:

AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Vic Devos, Jr. (7-0- 0-1).

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Warwick

City Clerk