
West Central Reporter

Thursday, March 6, 2025

River Forest school committee members discuss professional development

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The River Forest Public Schools Committee of the Whole met Oct. 4 to discuss the professional development plan.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:


October 4, 2016

Place: Roosevelt Library Learning Center

Members Present: Mr. Ralph Martire, Mrs. Anne Gottlieb, Mr. Richard

Moore, Mrs. Barbara Hickey, Ms. Stacey Williams, Mr. Roman Ebert

Administrators Present: Dr. Alison Hawley, Director of Curriculum and


Mr. Casey Godfrey, Lincoln School Principal Mrs. Karen Boozell, Director of Special Education Mrs. Tina Steketee, Roosevelt School Assistant Principal

Community Present: Pam Moriarty, RFEA

Marisa Green, Roosevelt PTO Liaison

Recording Secretary: Mr. Anthony Cozzi, Director of Finance and Facilities

Mr, Martire called the Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at approximately 7:02 p.m.

Dr. Condon introduced Pack 67 Cub Scout WEBELOS II to perform a flag ceremony, After the ceremony, the individual troop members spoke about what each had accomplished in Scouts this year,

Mr. Martire welcomed visitors and invited comments from the audience. A copy of the Speakers Roster as well as the Attendance Roster is included in the official minutes.

It was moved by Mrs. Hickey and seconded by Mrs. Gottlieb that the Board of Education approve the agenda as presented,

On call of the roll, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Mr. Moore, Mrs. Gottlieb, Mrs. Hickey, Mr. Martire, Mr. Ebert, Ms. Williams NayS: none

The motion carried.

Education Committee Mr. Moore introduced Dr. Hawley, along with the members of the Math Leadership Team, to present the teams guiding questions, its goals for 2016-17 and its accomplishments to date. A lengthy Board discussion ensued.

Dr. Hawley and Dr. Condon then spoke in detail about the District 90 Professional Development Plan.

Superintendent Report Madison Street Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District - Dr. Condon updated the Board on

the status of conversations with the Village of River Forest regarding the proposed TIF Intergovernmental Agreement. Dr. Condon asked for clarification from the Board members about whether they wished the District Administration to continue to negotiate with the Village on the points of contention,

HVAC Systems - Dr. Condon seeked guidance from the Board to the Administration regarding Soliciting the District architect to revisit this matter and give cost estimate options for an upgraded HVAC system. Mr. Moore stated his desire to revisit the idea, but limited to adding air conditioning to targe group spaces in the two K-4 buildings, such as the auditoriums and the gymnasiums. He emphasized his position that improved air temperature quality will aide student performance. Mrs. Hickey and Mrs. Gottlieb expressed their concern about cost effectiveness of this type of a project due to the limited number of days with excessively high indoor temperatures. Mrs. Hickey wondered if there had been any recent teacher input. Dr. Condon noted that the RFEA brought forward its opinion that optimal climate would result in optimal learning. The Board asked if the room temperature data recently gathered could be brought back and revisited. Mr. Moore hoped to include air conditioning large group spaces on the next longrange facilities plan.

IASB Board Member Recognition - Dr. Condon was pleased to announce that Mr. Martire has earned the IASB designation of Board Member Level 2. He congratulated him on his achievement.

Personne It was moved by Mrs. Hickey and seconded by Mr. Ebert that the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report as presented.

On roll call, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Mrs. Hickey, Mr. Martire, Mrs, Gottlieb, Mr. Moore, Mr. Ebert, Ms. Williams NayS: none

The motion carried.

Adiou rimment There being no further business to discuss, the Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:33 p.m.