Jerseyville City Council met Tuesday, Sept. 27.
The Jerseyville City Council makes laws, budgets city money, investigates city agencies and employees as needed, and generally serves as the legislative division of the municipal government. The council meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
Here are the minutes as provided by Jerseyville:
SEPTEMBER 27, 2016
The Jerseyville City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Jerseyville City Hall.
Roll call: Present were Commissioners Steve Pohlman, Gary Goetten, Kevin Stork, Richard Perdun and Mayor Bill Russell. Also present was City Attorney Bill Strang.
Comm. Pohlman led the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Comm. Perdun and seconded by Comm. Stork to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting on September 13, 2016, Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Stork, seconded by Pohlman, to approve the bills as presented which totaled $404,663.52. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Goetten, seconded by Comm. Perdun, to approve the Resolution to adopt the Jersey County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Stork, to approve the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board to approve the petition of Chris Lorton to rezone the properties located at 205 & 207 S. State from B-2 to B-3 with a special use for the sale of alcohol. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried. ORD #1678.
Adam Lott, Heneghan & Assoc, presented a change order for the Curtis/Adams Phase 2 Project for a $13,171.94 deduction to the project due to a quantity adjustment. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried. A motion was made by Comm. Goetten, seconded by Comm. Stork, to approve the change order in the amount of $13,171.94. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
Comm. Stork explained the proposed IT agreement with Acropolis Technology was designed to upgrade and provide a higher grade of security for our computer system. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Stork to approve the agreement with Acropolis Technology to maintain and manage our computer network, including labor, support and assessment of needs for the system in a month to month contract for the service at $1750 per month. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
Bob Kincade reported that the Water Dept. would soon be starting the lime spreading. Comm. Stork asked about the results of the cross connection survey. Kincade responded that about 1200 had been submitted, but EPA would want another 1800 turned in for a good result. The survey would be back on the City website or could be picked up at the City Clerk’s office. Mayor Russell said that this was an EPA requirement so we might have to do another mailing or go door to door to meet the response goal. The Mayor also said that due to traffic safety, parking would be prohibited on State Hwy #67 during the upcoming Apple Festival at the Historical Museum on October 1st.
With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Comm. Stork, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 p.m. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.