
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jersey CSD Board of Education accepts resignations

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The Jersey Community School District 100 Board of Education met Sept. 15 to accept resignations.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Board of Education Regular Meeting Open Session September 15, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 100 was held Thursday, September 15, 2016 in the office of the Board of Education. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:09 P.M. by Sherry Droste, Vice President. Other board members present were: Stan Kary, Secretary; Terrie Kallal, Peggy Perdun, Julie Pohlman, and William Yamnitz. Board member Ed Test was absent. Also in attendance were Lori Franke-Hopkins, Superintendent; Alan Churchman, District Administrator; Chip Fabry, Director of Special Education; Mary Schell, Principal/Early Childhood Director; Cory Breden, Principal; Jason Brunaugh, Principal; Kristie Hurley, Principal; Michelle Brown, Principal; Michelle Bidlack, Temporary Principal; Debbie Trochuck, District Secretary; District employee Christy Vice; Melissa Meske, the Jersey County Journal; Paul Riechman, and Paul Hamilton.

BUDGET HEARING The Budget Hearing, as required by law, convened at 6:34 P.M. Board member Sherry Droste, Vice President, Stan Kary, Secretary, and members Terrie Kallal and Julie Pohlman were present. Board member Peggy Perdun arrived at 6:42 P.M. Board members Ed Test and William Yamnitz were absent.

The hearing opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Lori Hopkins presented an overview of the district including the mission statement; student placements, number of students and staff by building; per student foundation level; history of district personnel; programmatic enhancements; instructional programs; clubs, events, groups, awards, activities; and partnerships. Dr. Hopkins reviewed the proposed FY17 budget addressing estimated revenues and expenditures by fund. Time was allowed for questions and discussion.

REGULAR MEETING Mrs. Droste announced that Tracy Lovel had been selected for the position of Speech-Language Pathologist, which is included in the consent agenda.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Pohlman to approve the following consent agenda as presented:

I. Minutes & Finance

A. Approve Board Minutes

1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - August 18, 2016 b. Special Meeting - None 2. Closed Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - August 18, 2016 (Held) b. Special Meeting - None

B. Bookkeeper's Financial Position/Treasurer's Reports – July 2016

C. Budget Report – July 2016

D. Approve Expenditures - September 2016


. Personnel Items

A. Accept Resignation(s) - None

B. Approve Extra-Curricular Assignment(s)

1. Cole Berry, Volunteer Football Coach, effective for the 2016-17 school year 2. Greg Brown, Volunteer Softball Coach, effective for the 2016-17 school year

C. Approve Leave of Absence

1. Debra Weiler, Medical Leave, effective September 2, 2016

D. Approve Non-Certified Personnel - None

E. Approve Temporary Disability Leave - None

F. Employ Certificated Personnel

1. Tracy Lovel, Speech-Language Pathologist, effective for the 2016-17 school year

G. Employ Educational Support Personnel - None

On roll call, Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion carried.




Enrollment and Suspension and Expulsion Reports The sixth day enrollment report was provided for informational purposes.

Principals’ Reports Mrs. Bidlack, Temporary Principal, West Elementary, reported that they are looking forward to parent/teachers conferences. They are planning a Grandparent’s Day. She informed the board that educator Julie Dugan was half-way through the process of writing a Lowe’s grant, which will be used for playground equipment.

Mr. Brunaugh, Principal, Illini Middle School, reported that they were excited about parent/teacher conferences. Their magazine sales fundraiser is now complete and was very successful. They are now planning a recognition night in honor of the 25th anniversary of the 7th grade girls’ basketball

team state championship.

Mrs. Brown, Principal, Grafton Elementary, reported on the success of their Grandparents Day with 110 grandparents in attendance. Educator Melissa Beauchamp assisted by teaching each class a song to perform.

Mrs. Hurley, Principal, East Elementary, was happy to report that their first PTO meeting had approximately 50 parents in attendance. She reported that, as a result of reading the book Beatrice’s Goat, their third grade students were inspired to form a committee and hold a used book sale to raise nearly $550, which will send two children to school for a year. Fourth grade students have formed a character council comprised of approximately 25 students who submitted applications to participate. They will promote a different character trait each month.

Mr. Breden reported that the homecoming football game will take place on Friday, September 23rd and the dance on Saturday, September 24th. He noted that both Erica Smith and the Family and Consumer Sciences classes and Brad Kimble’s girls’ soccer team initiative Niceness is Priceless were featured in the press.

Directors’ Reports District Administrator Mr. Churchman reported that the State has notified him that there will be a third lane put in along Rt. 109 and West County Rd. which borders the transportation department. That will mean the loss of some district property eliminating parking on the east side of the building.

Special Education Coordinator Mr. Fabry reported that Mrs. Amber Blackorby, who holds the Splash Dash each year with proceeds donated to the special education program, has decided to wait until April 2017 to hold the event in an effort to coincide with Autism Awareness month.

Director of Finance and Human Resources Mrs. Schell reported on grant submission and increased regulations. She also noted that the auditors are wrapping up.

Director of Technology None

Early Childhood Director None

Superintendent Report Dr. Hopkins expressed her appreciation for Mrs. Schell, who spent many hours preparing the budget. She also expressed appreciation to her administrative team and educators and staff who have handled a hectic start of year well, including a last minute personnel change.


1. FY2016-17 Budget Adoption

After Mrs. Droste read the resolution a motion was made by Kary, seconded by Perdun to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREBY the Board of Education of Community Unit School District #100, counties of Jersey and Greene, State of Illinois caused a budget to be prepared in tentative form, and the same has been made conveniently available for public inspection for at least thirty days prior to final action thereon;

AND WHERAS as public hearing was held as to such budget on the 15th of September, 2016; notice of said hearing was given at least thirty days prior thereto as required by law, and all other legal requirements have been complied within;

NOW THEREFORE BE it resolved by the Board of Education of said District as follows:

Section 1: That the fiscal year of this School District be and the same as fixed and declared to be beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017.

Section 2: That the following budget containing an estimated amount available is hereby adopted as the budget of the School District for said fiscal year:

FUND Estimated Revenue/Transfers Estimated Expenses/Transfers Educational $15,982,658 $16,785,616 Operations/Maintenance $ 2,817,098 $2,088,512 Debt Service $2,855,692 $2,935,702 Transportation $1,862,650 $1,992,700 IMRF/Social Security $1,257,373 $1,078,300 Capital Projects $1,000,000 $ 766,297 Working Cash $ 152,700 $ 964 Tort Immunity $1,502,973 $1,087,811 Fire Prevention $ 152,300 $ 165,000 Grand Total $27,583,444 $26,900,902

Adopted this day September 15, 2016


President, Board of Education


Secretary, Board of Education

On roll call, Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes. Motion carried.

2. Board Policies – First Reading

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Perdun to approve the following board policies for first reading as presented.

6:130 – Program for the Gifted 6:300 – Graduation Requirements 7:150 – Agency and Police Interviews 7:190 – Student Behavior – Renamed and Rewritten 7:200 – Suspension Procedures -- Rewritten 7:210 – Expulsion Procedures – Rewritten 7:220 – Bus Conduct 7:240 – Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities 7:305 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries 2:70 – Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies 2:70-E – Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment – New to the District 2:120 – E1 – Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member – New to the District

2:120 – E2 – Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members 2:240 – E1 – PRESS Issue Updates – New to the District 2:240 – E2 – Developing Local Policy – New to the District 6:100 – Using Animals in the Educational Program 7:10 – Equal Educational Opportunities within the School Community - NEW 7:270 – Administering Medicines to Students 8:90 – Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs 8:110 – Public Suggestions and Concerns Policies Undergoing 5-Year Review 1:10 – School District Legal Status 1:20 – District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements 1:30 – School District Philosophy 2:10 – School District Governance 2:130 – Board-Superintendent Relationship 3:10 – Goals and Objectives 3:30 – Chain of Command 4:80 – Accounting and Audits 5:150 – Personnel Records 6:255 – Assemblies and Ceremonies

6:260 – Complaints about Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs 7:280 -- Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease 7:285 – Food Allergy Management Program 6:130 – Program for the Gifted 7:290 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

On roll call, Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes. Motion carried.

3. Application for Recognition of Schools

Dr. Hopkins explained that the applications for recognition must be completed by building principals showing compliance with various mandates. The Board must then approve the applications.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Kallal to approve the applications for recognition of schools as required by ISBE and presented. On roll call Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes. Motion carried.

4. Overnight Travel for Sports and Activities

Dr. Hopkins explained that, due to participation in IHSA state competitions occurring with short notice, she is requesting the authority to grant approval on their behalf.

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kallal, to authorize the Superintendent of District No. 100 to grant approval for participation in IHSA state competitions as presented. On roll call, Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes. Motion carried.


1. Placement of Coop Students

Mr. Fabry presented an overview of the co-op program including funding and average number of students who participate each year.

2. Placement of Students Outside of District

Mr. Fabry reported on out of district placements including funding and number of students involved.

3. Student Participation Report

Due to a conflict Mr. Tonsor will report on student participation at the October board meeting.

4. State Assessment Presentations

Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Brunaugh, and Mr. Breden reported on state assessments including populations tested, test format, individual building scores, planned steps for growth and improvement, and decisions based on the resulting data. Discussion was held.

Mrs. Pohlman exited the meeting at 8:17 P.M. and re-entered the meeting at 8:19 P.M.


BOARD PRESIDENT’S PREROGATIVE Mrs. Droste acknowledged the efforts of district staff as well as community members and parents in getting school up and running for a new year.

Mrs. Droste read a story sent by a colleague entitles “Old Warwick” which was a lesson in teamwork.

Mrs. Droste also asked for continued prayers for Mr. Test and his family.

Mrs. Droste made the following announcements:

? October 7 - Half Day In-Service, 11:30 Dismissal

? October 10 - Columbus Day, No School

? October 12-13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Evenings)

? October 14 - No School / End of First Quarter

CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Kallal, seconded by Kary to move to closed session. On roll call, Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes. Motion carried.

The board moved to closed session at 8:30 P.M.

The board returned from closed session at 9:26 P.M.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Pohlman to resume open session. On roll call, Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Kallal, seconded by Kary to adjourn. An aye or nay vote was taken with all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

The regular meeting of September 15, 2016 adjourned at 9:26 P.M.