
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Auburn City Council approves appointment to the library board

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Auburn City Council met Monday, Oct. 3.

Members of the Auburn City Council come from each of the city’s four wards and serve four-year terms. Council meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 324 W. Jefferson St. If a council meeting should fall on a holiday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday.

Here are the minutes as provided by Auburn:

City of Auburn

Council Minutes

October 3, 2016

Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Present: Barb Stamer, Tom Appelt, Chris Warwick, Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. Absent: None.

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhliker (Absent), Mike McCarthy (covering for Karhliker), and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor's Comments

a. Visitors

A. Stamer made the recommendation that Amy Kaufman be appointed to the Library Board since Janice Rothering has stepped down. Gillock made motion to accept the Mayor's recommendation, second by Hemmerle. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: Nome, PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0). 

Stamer announced the Trick or Treat hours of Sunday 10/30/16 and Monday 10/31/16 from 5 PM to 8 PM. Trick or treaters should look for homes with a porch light on, Stamer brought up the use of farm ground for the disposal of grass clippings and leaves. Centko pointed out that if there is vandalism or issues, the effected party would be Tim Seifert because he rents the land from the City. Seifert asked for no bags, bricks, or other waste products. The Council felt we could give this a try on the first Saturday of November 11/05/16. 

Johnson made a motion to trial the leaf and grass clipping drop off on the city property on the first Saturday in November 11/05/16, second by Gillock. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: Larry Hemmerie, ABSENT: None. (7-0-1-0).

Stamer reminded the Council that the Home Rule question is coming up on the November ballot, Stamer asked if the City was going to discuss the issue to the citizens, Berola recommended a Town Hall style meeting to answer any questions from the citizens. It was noted that the Village of Sherman is a Home Rule community, Williams brought up that he is hearing that people think this is all about raising taxes, Berola noted that the ordinances currently safeguard against taxes because each item for passage requires two readings and the citizens can elect council members that reflect their values. There will be Town Hali meeting on Tuesday 10/25/16 at 7:00 PM to answer questions about Home Rule,

No visitors asked to speak,

III. City Clerk's Report - Warwick

Warwick noted that the Bi-Annual Review of Closed Sessions had been moved to Monday 10/03/16 at 6:30 PM.

b. Warwick presented the 09/19/16 meeting minutes for the Council's review and approval. Barnhill noted that Karhliker was absent and should be marked accordingly on the minutes, Grischow asked that minutes needed to reflect that if the Council wanted the garage offered by Morton Building then they should accept their bid, but if the Council is fine using a different gauge they should accept the lowest bidder. Madaus clarified that the land needing to be annexed is 33 strips of land approximately 3 feet in size and that there was approximately 50 parcels in total. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the meeting minutes with corrections, second by Berola. AYE: Julie Barmhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0). 

c. Warwick reported that there was a Biannual Review of Closed Session recordings and it was recommended that the Closed Session on 01/07/13 and 01/20/15 be opened. Berola made a motion to approve the opening of the two meetings, second by Johnson, AYE:Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: Vic Devos, Jr. ABSENT: None, (7-0- 1-0). W. City Treasurer's Report - Appelt

a. Appelt presented the Bills List from 09/20/16 to 10/03/16 for the Council's review and

approval. A motion was made by Gillock to approve the Bills List, second by Williams. Voice Wote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, RodJohnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: Nome. PRESENT: Nome. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0). V. Attorney - Grischow

a. Grischow noted that she is working on the annexations, and there are 50 parcels. VI. Department Heads

a. Centko

i. Centko presented the resignation of Danny Carrigan effective 09/28/16.

Williams made a motion to accept the resignation of Carrigan, second by Devos, AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, RodJohnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: Nome. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0).

ii. Centko brought forth that we did not have a fine for dog defecation on someone else's property. Centko recommended a $50 fine. Gillock made a motion to direct Grischow to update Ordinance 6-37 to include a $50 fine per offense for dog defecation on someone else's property, second by Hemmerle. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, RodJohnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: Nome. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0). b. Karhliker

i. Mike McCarthy was present in Karhiker's absence. McCarthy presented the initial plans to have a sidewalk crossing Route 4 at Lincoln Street, Hemmerle stated that Karhliker relayed to him that Option C was his preferred option because of cost and best design at a cost of $37,000,00. This would be paid for from MFT funds. Johnson made a motion to accept Option C, second by Devos, AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None, (8-0-0-0). ii. Johnson reported that Karhiker indicated that Wicks Buildings can start on 01/01/17, but the preferred start time is 04/01/17. The City is waiting on the final Contract.

C, Ponsler

i, Ponsler reported that we have reached the threshold that was previously approved for Comprehensive Plan work with Greene and Bradford, More work is needed because of the donut holes in the City. An additional $1,500 is needed. Madaus made a motion to approve up to $1,500 to Greene and Bradford to finalize the Comprehensive Plan, second by Johnson. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None, (8-0-0-0). VII, Committee Reports

a. Administration

i. Berola reported that John Edie has made a request for 2" employment with

Medics First, Edie is trained as an EMT and he has assured Karh liker that the other work would not interfere with his city work. Berola made a motion to approve the request, second by Madaus, AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None, PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0). 

ii, Berola reported that we currently have Cadillac plan for health care and we have another year until we would have to move to a metallic plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Berola stated that the Unions are fine with keeping the plan for one more year and they are aware that changes would be coming, Berola made a motion to keep the insurance coverage for the 2017 insurance year. 

iii. Berola reported that there is a plan out there for vision, dental, and an AFLAC type plan. The employees would pay for the additional coverage. The insurance group would come and talk to the employees about their options, Berola made a motion based on the committee's recommendation to make these offers available to the city employees, second by Madaus, AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: None. PRESENT: None, ABSENT: None, (8-0-0-0). b. Public Works

i. No report. 

C. Public Utilities

i. Hemmerle noted that Ms. Myers meter reading was normal for the month of September.

d. Health & Safety

i. No report. e. Health & Housing

i. Berola reported that all of the properties that were sent letters have been addressed.

f. Parks

i, Hemmerle reported that the last meeting was cancelled but it is rescheduled to Monday 10/10/16 at 7 PM. VIII, Adjournment

a. A motion to adjourn was made by Madaus at 8:19 PM; second by Hemmerle. Voice Vote

AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None. (8-0-0-0).

Resperly Submitted,

Christopher Warwick

City Clerk