
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Barry council members discuss feral cat community

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The Barry City Council met Oct. 3 to discuss the feral cat community.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:

The Barry City Council includes six aldermen elected for four-year terms. They meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at City Hall, 1005 Bainbridge St.


Mayor Rennecker called the regular monthly meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present.

Bob Dieker made a motion to approve the minutes with amendment to minutes clarifying Terry Beard's statement pertaining to the inspection of golf carts. Debbie Harshman seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent.

Debbie Harshman made a motion to approve payment of bills and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent.

Officer John Pennock from the Pike County Sheriff's Department gave the police report. There were 3 traffic arrests for the month. Officer Pennock stated that he thinks it is best if law enforcement does the inspections on golf carts and side by sides, that way they know who has the permit and who doesn't and that they be inspected each time there permits are renewed. He recommends purchasing permit for three years so they do not have to be inspected every year. He said he is more than happy to come over and do the inspection and has had no complaints on any of the inspections. Officer Pennock said everything went very good at the Apple Festival. There were several items reported missing during the week-end, but most have been found and returned to owners.

Melvin Gilbert said that the stage and everything else has been taken down from Apple Festival. Newell is working on the last sand filter and should finish in another day. Midco cleaned out the water tower.

Jeff Hogge reported on the fall clean up, we ended up with 4 dumpsters full. We had the work camp three days before the festival to help with getting ready for the Apple Festival and today to help take things down. Attended Abandoned Property Program webinar and for a town of our size we can get $20,000 - $25,000. Also, reapplied for SAM registration and attended Illinois Comptroller Workshop at JWCC in Quincy.

Mayor Rennecker discussed the two semi trailers the City has and putting them together to make stage and that the size would be close to the one being used now. Allen Flynn, Co-chairman for Apple Festival said they would like to have some input on the stage. He said the current stage is minimum size that most bands will accept. It needs to be at least 30 ft. wide and would like to have runway on new stage. We would also like to have foldouts on the sides. The Apple Festival has $750 in stage fund and would help with costs. Discussion was tabled to give chance to look into trailers of different sizes.

Megan Wilson from the Ice House Inn appeared before the Council asking for a donation for Barry Fire Department’s first fish fry to be held at the Ice House Inn on October 15" during color drive. They need help to pay for advertising. Steve Schultz made a motion to donate $500, however Terry Beard asked to amend the motion to donate up to $750 and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent and Debbie Harshman abstained.

William and Denise Hodgerny appeared before the Council to ask what can be done about all the cats in town. He said they have gotten on his truck and are scratching the paint on it. Debbie Harshman said this is a problem everywhere and animal control will not pick up, they are considered free spirits. The animal shelter will accept cats, but they charge a $5.00 fee.

Floyd Hayes talked to Council about the alley by his house. The alley is the only way into property behind his shop. The property behind his house has been sold to a lady that wants to build a home and use alley to get to property. Hayes uses his garage as a shop and uses alley to load and unload trailers. He asked Council if they could find another way into the property so he could continue using the alley for his business. Bob Dieker said legally you cannot block an alley. Hayes said her property is next to Hwy 106 and asked if she could use that way instead of alley. He was told that would be very costly to do. Mayor Rennecker said we will need to do some research on this before we can give 23SWC.

Debbie Harshman made a motion to adjourn and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


City Clerk