
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board approves general obligation bonds for school repairs

Webp meeting41

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met Monday, Oct. 17.

The seven members of the school board have broad authority to adopt and enforce all necessary policies for the management and government of the public schools in the district.

Here are the minutes as provided by Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10:


October 17, 2016

The Board of Education of Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Office, on October 17, 2016.

1. Vice-President Rodney Knittel called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Chris Goode, Rodney Knittel, Brandi Rynders, Josh Roberts and Elliott Turpin. Russ Bishop and Chris Weller were absent. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Bowman, Ron Plogger and Becky McClelland.

2. A motion was made by Turpin and seconded by Goode to approve the agenda as presented. Upon roll call Rynders, Goode, Knittel, Roberts and Turpin voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

3. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to approve the regular minutes of the September 19, 2016 board meeting and the September 19, 2016 Budget Hearing as presented. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Knittel and Rynders voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

4. Goode motioned and Roberts seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call Turpin, Rynders, Roberts, Goode and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 1 attached to the Official Minutes)

5. District Highlights—Erate Funding-Becky McClelland

Universal Service Administrative Co is a not-for-profit corporation that serves under the Federal Communications Commission. USAC, or E-rate as the program is known, provides support for schools to pay reduced rates for telecommunications, internet access, internal connections and basic maintenance of those connections. The E-rate program has reimbursed Greenfield CUSD #10 $58,708 over the past five years for telephone/internet service and internal upgrades to operating systems. USAC has committed $24,578.45 to Greenfield CUSD for Fiscal Year 2016.

6. Superintendent Bowman presented the Board with a finance update.

7. Ron Plogger reported on Transportation/Facilities:

- #10-PreK bus will be taken to Litchfield on October 21st to check out air-conditioner issue

-#4-New bus has a sensor issue and will be repaired under warranty

-Received a quote for asphalt repair at the Elementary of $9,000

Plogger recommends waiting until spring and revisit the issue

-High School Gym sidewalk will be coated before winter

-Football field lights, bricks and scoreboard are all operational

-High School bleacher curtains will be repaired by H & K Auto in Jacksonville

8. Superintendent Bowman reported that District water testing has been completed and we received great news that the water in all schools is safe. Greenfield Schools were not required to test, but with all of the worry about water safety, the District wanted to ensure that our water supply was safe for students and staff.

9. Superintendent Bowman reported on the October 5, 2016 Technology Committee meeting. The committee has recommended that three Promethean boards be purchased for Elementary classrooms. The committee also recommended that the Junior High Computer lab be  upgraded with new computers as soon as possible. The current computers are five years old.

Recently purchased Google chrome books are in place and being used regularly in 5th grade classrooms. Karen Wolfe will be in the District in February to do Google training for all staff.

10. The December board meeting is set for Monday, December 19, 2016. School will not be in session on that day and district office staff would like to move the meeting to Monday, December 12, 2016.

11. Josh Roberts reported on the recent Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop meeting held on October 5, 2016. Schedules were reviewed with the note that some schedules will change during the course of the school year. The Committee is recommending that the coop be extended to include 6th grade boys’ basketball for the 2016-2017 school year. The inclusion of 6th grade boys will be reviewed next year.

12. Elliott Turpin reported on the Greenfield Foundation for Educational Excellence. There are two fall fundraisers planned and they are a cash drawing with $10 tickets. A chili cook-off will be held on the city square on Saturday, October 22, 2016. The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 19, 2016.

13. Superintendent Bowman announced that School Board Member Appreciation day is November 15, 2016. Board members are invited to the District office at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 2016 before the regular board meeting for pizza. Principal Appreciation Day is October 21, 2016.

14. There was no Executive Session.

15. There was no action on the Facilities report.

16. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve Board Policies 2:70-Vacancies on the School Board; 7:270-Administering Medicines to Students; and 8:90-Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs. Upon roll call Rynders, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, and Goode voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)

17. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to purchase three Promethean Boards for $12,024.58 and update the Junior High Computer lab at a cost of $25,374.58 as recommended by the Technology Committee. Upon roll call Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, and Rynders voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

18. Goode motioned and Roberts seconded to move the December Board meeting to Monday, December 12, 2016. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Rynders and Knittel voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

19. Goode motioned and Rynders seconded to add 6th grade boys’ basketball to the Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop for the 2016-2017 seasons. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Rynders, Knittel and Roberts voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

20. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to approve the resolution authorizing the issuance of general obligation alternate bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $800,000, for the purpose of building and equipping an addition to the Greenfield Elementary School building, altering, repairing and equipping one of more school buildings and facilities and improving school sites. Upon roll call Goode, Rynders, Knittel, Roberts and Turpin voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)

21. Correspondence--A thank you note was read from the family of Barbara Young for a memorial gift in her honor.

22. Announcements--SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook will be speaking to high school students on Thursday, October 20th. SIUE film crew will record this event and all board members are invited to attend.

23. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried.

Russell S. Bishop


Joshua R. Roberts


1. Regular Meeting

2. Agenda approved

3. Budget Hearing and regular minutes approved

4. Consent agenda approved

5. Erate Update

6. Finance Update

7. Transportation/Facilities

8. District Water Testing

9. Technology Committee Report

10. December Board meeting date

11. Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop Report

12. Foundation Report

13. Board Member Appreciation Date

14. Executive Session-none held

15. Facilities-No action

16. Board Policies 2:70, 7:270, 8:90 approved

17. Approved purchase of Promethean Boards and upgrade Elementary Computer Lab

18. Approved December 12, 2016 Board Meeting date

19. Approved addition of 6th grade boys’ basketball to coop

20. Approved general obligation alternate bonds for $800,000

21. Correspondence

22 SIUE Chancellor to visit HS

23. Adjourned