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Jersey Community School District No. 100 Board approves board policies

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Jersey Community School District No. 100 Board of Education met Thursday, Oct. 20.

Here are the minutes as provided by Jersey Community School District No. 100:

Board of Education Regular Meeting Open Session October 20, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 100 was held Thursday, October 20, 2016 in the office of the Board of Education. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Sherry Droste, Vice President. Other board members present were: Stan Kary, Secretary; Peggy Perdun, Julie Pohlman, and William Yamnitz. Board member Terrie Kallal arrived at 7:02 PM and board president Ed Test was absent. Also in attendance were Lori Franke-Hopkins, Superintendent; Alan Churchman, District Administrator; Chip Fabry, Director of Special Education; Lisa Schuenke, Director of Finance and Human Resources; Mary Schell, Principal/Early Childhood Director; Cory Breden, Principal; Jason Brunaugh, Principal; Kristie Hurley, Principal; Michelle Brown, Principal; Debbie Trochuck, District Secretary; District Educators Scott Tonsor and Genevieve Mossman; and Melissa Meske, the Jersey County Journal.

The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance.

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Pohlman to approve the following consent agenda as presented:

I. Minutes & Finance

A. Approve Board Minutes 1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - September 15, 2016 b. Special Meeting - September 12, 2016 2. Closed Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - September 15, 2016 (Held) b. Special Meeting - September 12, 2016 (Held)

B. Bookkeeper's Financial Position/Treasurer's Reports

C. Budget Report - August & September 2016

D. Approve Expenditures - October 2016

II. Personnel Items

A. Accept Resignation(s)

1. Rachel Maupin, Assistant Girls’ Soccer Coach, effective immediately 

2. Brett Beauchamp, Yearbook Sponsor, effective immediately

B. Approve Extra-Curricular Assignment(s)

1. Rehire Spring 2017 Coaches

a. Head Coaches

Darren Perdun Baseball Julie Muenstermann Softball Brad Kimble Girls’ Soccer

Harold Landon Boy's Track Megan Taake Girl's Track Dan Diamond Boy's Tennis Gwen Brunaugh Scholar Bowl (Co-Coach) Julie Geers Scholar Bowl (Co-Coach) 

b. Assistant Coaches

Bob Siemer Baseball Chelsea Crnokrak Softball Curt Schroeder Boy's Track Kit Crawford 7th & 8th Boy's Track Courtney Schroeder Girl's Track Brenda McCreary 7th & 8th Girl's Track Jan Witt IMS Poms 2. Brad Kimble, Speech Coach

C. Approve Leave of Absence - None

D. Approve Non-Certified Personnel - None

E. Approve Temporary Disability Leave - None

F. Employ Certificated Personnel

1. Jon Adkins, Driver Education

G. Employ Educational Support Personnel

1. Jill Heitzig, Special Education Paraprofessional, West Elementary, effective immediately 

2. Carrie Margherio, Title I Paraprofessional, West Elementary, effective immediately 

3. Margaret Welbourne, Title I Paraprofessional, West Elementary, effective immediately 

4. Karyssa Tefertiller, Title I Paraprofessional, East Elementary School, effective immediately 

5. Beth Smilack, Title I Paraprofessional, Illini Middle School, effective immediately

On roll call, Droste, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes. Motion carried.

Terrie Kallal entered the meeting at 7:02 P.M.




Enrollment and Suspension and Expulsion Reports August/September Enrollment and Suspension & Expulsion reports were provided for informational purposes.

Principals’ Reports Mrs. Hurley, Principal, East Elementary, reported that parent/teacher conferences were well attended. Teachers continue to meet with parents who did not make it in on the scheduled days. She also reported that Mrs. DeSherlia’s students have become international travelers by visiting other countries through virtual travel.

Mrs. Brown, Principal, Grafton Elementary, reported that their school carnival will be held Friday, October 28th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. She invited the board to their November 10th Veterans Day assembly to be held at 10:00 A.M. with Jim Eads as guest speaker.

Mr. Brunaugh, Principal, Illini Middle School, reported on a great turn-out for parent/teacher conferences and an undefeated 7/8 grade girls’ basketball team. The girls’ basketball tournament will be hosted by Illini this coming weekend. Red ribbon week will run through next week with the theme You Only Live Once – Be Drug Free.

Mr. Breden, Principal, Jersey Community High School, reported that data from the PSAT just completed by Juniors should be received in 6-8 weeks which will assist high school staff in building curriculum to prepare students for the spring test. Mr. Breden also reported on purchases made with Career and Technical Education (CTE) funds which provide lots of great opportunities for students in vocational classes. He also reported that homecoming went very smoothly. 

Mrs. Schell, Principal, expressed that it was great to be back at West Elementary and shared a few stories about her first few days back. She reported that parent/teacher conferences went well with teachers continuing to meet with parents who were not able to attend on the scheduled days. They had a huge turnout for Grandparents Day. Also, the Key Club facilitated a diaper drive donating over $300.00 in diapers and $400.00 in gift cards for the Birth-to-Three program. Also, they are preparing for a monitoring visit.

Directors’ Reports District Administrator Mr. Churchman reported testing for lead was done at each building and results indicated levels well below allowable levels. Also, the state has approved the replacement of the baseball bleachers. He reported on the School Moms program he created using carryover Title I funds which identifies students struggling at school and home, and provides a staff member to build relationships, see that needs are met, and work collaboratively with teachers.

Special Education Coordinator Mr. Fabry reported that two seniors have completed their requirements and are on schedule for early graduation. This will drop the number of students at Journeys to six.

Director of Finance and Human Resources Mrs. Schuenke expressed her thanks to everyone for their support during the transition to this position and during her father’s illness.

Director of Technology Mr. Norman reported on the NaviGate Prepared program which will assist staff and first responders in the event of an emergency. He also reported that the Bring Your Own Device program has gone very well.

Early Childhood Director See Mrs. Schell’s report above.

Superintendent Report Dr. Hopkins will report during discussion.


1. Board Policies – Second Reading and Adoption

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Perdun to approve the second reading and adoption of board policies to be placed in the board policy manual as presented.

6:130 – Program for the Gifted 6:300 – Graduation Requirements 7:150 – Agency and Police Interviews 7:190 – Student Behavior – Renamed and Rewritten 7:200 – Suspension Procedures -- Rewritten 7:210 – Expulsion Procedures – Rewritten 7:220 – Bus Conduct 7:240 – Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities 7:305 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries 2:70 – Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies 2:70-E – Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment – New to the District 2:120 – E1 – Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member – New to the District

2:120 – E2 – Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members 2:240 – E1 – PRESS Issue Updates – New to the District 2:240 – E2 – Developing Local Policy – New to the District 6:100 – Using Animals in the Educational Program 7:10 – Equal Educational Opportunities within the School Community - NEW 7:270 – Administering Medicines to Students 8:90 – Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs 8:110 – Public Suggestions and Concerns Policies Undergoing 5-Year Review 1:10 – School District Legal Status 1:20 – District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements 1:30 – School District Philosophy 2:10 – School District Governance 2:130 – Board-Superintendent Relationship 3:10 – Goals and Objectives 3:30 – Chain of Command 4:80 – Accounting and Audits 5:150 – Personnel Records 6:255 – Assemblies and Ceremonies

6:260 – Complaints about Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs 7:280 -- Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease 7:285 – Food Allergy Management Program 6:130 – Program for the Gifted 7:290 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

On roll call, Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes. Motion carried.

2. Overnight Trip – Jazz Festival

A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Kallal to approve the overnight trip request of Erin Bittles for the Jazz Ensemble to attend the Jazz Festival in Rolling Meadows, Illinois as presented. On roll call, Kary, yes; Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes. Motion carried.


1. Student Participation Report

Mr. Tonsor, Athletic and Activities Director, presented information on all of the various athletic teams, academic groups and activities offered to students from middle school through high school including number of participants, successes, number of staff members serving as coaches and sponsors, and schedules. Mr. Tonsor relayed that statistics show students who participate in extracurricular activities do much better academically. He expressed thanks to Jersey Community Hospital, Alton Physical Therapy, our athletic trainers, the PAC and all those donating to provide the new scoreboard at the sports complex.

2. Strategic Plan

Dr. Hopkins reviewed the goals and progress of the strategic plan created in 2014. Discussion was held.

Dr. Hopkins took a moment to show respect for fallen officer Blake Snyder.

Dr. Hopkins recognized Those Who Excel winners. They were Board President Ed Test; Jessica Brady, Early Career Educator; Jackie Wittman, Student Support Personnel; and Jersey CUSD No. 100 Family, Team Category. Dr. Hopkins noted that the Team award is an entire community award.

Dr. Hopkins recognized district principals as October is National Principals Month.

Dr. Hopkins expressed appreciation for district board members in honor of Boss’s Day.

Dr. Hopkins passed out Just Be Jersey cards promoting modeling good character.

OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Kary referred to an article he read highlighting farmers who collaborated to donate proceeds from part of their grain harvest to local schools. He volunteered to pursue the idea in this area with the assistance of another board member. Mrs. Droste agreed to help.

BOARD PRESIDENT’S PREROGATIVE Mrs. Droste, who knew deceased officer Blake Snyder, spoke about not losing sight of our blessings and not taking things for granted.

She also shared how John O’Leary, author and inspirational speaker, who was severely burned as a child, was encouraged through that difficulty by Cardinals broadcaster Jack Buck. Mr. Buck

reportedly asked himself daily “What more can I do?” and followed through with actions.

Mrs. Droste also asked for continued prayers for Mr. Test and his family.

Mrs. Droste made the following announcements:

November 10 – Half-Day In-Service with an 11:30 dismissal for students.

November 11 – Veterans Day – No School

CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Pohlman to move to closed session. On roll call, Perdun, yes; Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes. Motion carried.

The board moved to closed session at 8:31 P.M.

The board returned from closed session at 9:44 P.M.

A motion was made by Pohlman, seconded by Kallal to resume open session. On roll call, Pohlman, yes; Yamnitz, yes; Droste, yes; Kallal, yes; Kary, yes; Perdun, yes. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Kary, seconded by Perdun to adjourn. An aye or nay vote was taken with all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

The regular meeting of October 20, 2016 adjourned at 9:45 P.M.