
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Southwestern Community Unified School District No. 9 Board told district improved its PARCC and ACT test results

Webp hs test 11

Southwestern Community Unified School District No. 9 Board of Education met Tuesday, Oct. 18.

Here are the minutes as provided by Southwestern CUSD No. 9:



The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session on October 18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Don Little-President asked Randy Gallaher- Secretary to call roll showing those members present were: Don Little-President, Randy Gallaher-Secretary, Steve Reed, Dara Simmons, Tim Baker, Mike Wegener, Brad Skertich- Superintendent and Rose Bagley-Recording Secretary. Visitor’s sign-in sheet is attached.

Don Little-President led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment: None

Approval of the Minutes: A motion was made by Mike Wegener and seconded by Don Little to approve the minutes of the Special School Board Meeting of September 20, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of September 20, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Review and Approval of Bills: A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the September Bills. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Simmons, Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Don Little to approve the September Imprest Bills. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Randy Gallaher to approve the September Extra Pay and Substitute Pay. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Review and Approval of the Financial Report: A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Don Little to approve the Financial Report as presented showing a balance in the Education Fund of $2,963,777; Operations and Maintenance Fund of $1,228,060; Transportation Fund of $-88,991 Working Cash Fund of $1,690,630. Mr. Skertich reported that We have not gotten categorical payments. Politicians in our district have been contacted asking about getting the categorical payments. The money has been vouchered by the state but the comptroller has not released it. We should have gotten our 4th categorical payment for last fiscal year in July but we have not gotten it. There is growing concern that we may not get all of our categorical payments. We have received around 73% of the local taxes. Once we hit that 98% mark we will live on all Federal, Grant and State money. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, and Reed Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Correspondence and Recognition: None

Committee Report: The Finance Committee will be meeting soon, The Facility Committee will be meeting on HVAC soon.

Superintendent’s Report Resignations: None

A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Mike Wegener to approve the employment of Kim Chestney, Full-Time Custodian, effective September 30, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Simmons, Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Dara Simmons and seconded by Tim Baker to approve the employment of Charles Mathis, Full-Time Custodian, for the 2016-17 school year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons and Gallaher Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Recalls: None

Volunteer: A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Steve Reed to approve Jason Weller, High School Boys’ Basketball Volunteer, for the 2016-17 school year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Retirement: A motion was made by Don Little and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve the retirement of Mary Cambron, Nurse, at the conclusion of the 2018-19 school year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Randy Gallaher to approve the retirement of Steve Wooley, Teacher, at the conclusion of the 2020-21 school year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Leave of Absence/Maternity Leave: None

Substitute List: A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Steve Reed to approve Substitute List #3. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

Enrollment and Suspension Report: A motion was made by Dara Simmons and seconded by Don Little to approve the enrollment and suspension report showing an enrollment of 1466, There were 13 suspensions and no expulsions for the month of September. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, and Simmons Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

District Highlights: Principals Diane Milner, Scott Hopkins and Mark Bearley reported on the 2016 PARCC and ACT results. On the PARCC tests, Southwestern’s average was equal to or better than the State average in 23 of the 28 categories. Southwestern’s average was better than the State average in 12 of 14 categories for students receiving a score of a 3,4, and 5. In the high school, 83% of the students got a 3, 4, and 5 compared to the State average of 51%. Only 20% of the students met or exceeded last year. Mark Bearley reported that all juniors used to take the ACT but now they don’t all take it. Every junior was given a chance to take it. In 2017, juniors will take the SAT. Grades 9 and 10 will take pre-SAT. Grades 3 through 8 will take the PARCC. Mr. Skertich commended the administrative team, teachers and students on the improved scores.

Old Business: There was a 2nd Reading of Press Plus Policy Update, Issue 92 July 2016 and a motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Dara Simmons to adopt Press Plus Policy Updates. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons and Gallaher Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

New Business: A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve the Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Sale of Personal Property in Accordance with 105 ILLS 5/10-22.8. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Dara Simmons to approve the Resolution providing for the issuance of approximately $300,000 Taxable General Obligation Limited Tax School Bonds, Series 2016, of the District, for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of the bond to the purchaser thereof. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker and Wegener Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Tim Baker and seconded by Don Little to approve the addition of a Middle School Softball Club for the 2017-18 school year. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Little, Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener and Reed Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Randy Gallaher and seconded by Steve Reed to authorize the Superintendent to distribute School District/School Report Cards in early November once the information is released by the Illinois State Board of Education. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Simmons, Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed and Little Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

At 8:22 pm, a motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Mike Wegener to go into closed session for “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity,” Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Gallaher, Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little and Simmons Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

At 8:50 pm, a motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Randy Gallaher to go into regular session, Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Baker, Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons and Gallaher Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

A motion was made by Steve Reed and seconded by Don Little to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: Wegener, Reed, Little, Simmons, Gallaher and Baker Nays: None MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Rosemary Bagley Recording Secretary