
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Godfrey Board of Trustees accepts lowest diesel fuel bid

Webp meet

The village of Godfrey Board of Trustees met Jan. 4 to accept the lowest diesel fuel bid.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Godfrey Village Board meets every first and third Tuesdays of the month at the village hall."

GODFREY, ILLINOIS Regular Meeting January 4, 2017

The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Godfrey was called to order by Mayor Michael McCormick at 6:35 p.m., January 4, 2016 at the Village Hall, 6810 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, Illinois. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Sarah Johnes, Karen McAtee, Joe Springman, Mark Stewart, Michael Stumpf, Eldon Williams and Michael McCormick. Absent: None

Village Attorney Present: Tom Long Budget Director Present: Joe Hughes Building Code and Zoning Administrator: Laura Dixon Director of Parks and Recreation Absent: Kimberly Caughran Director of Maintenance: Jim Lewis Village Engineer Absent: Josephine Emerick

Mayor McCormick asked for the approval of the minutes for the December 6, 2016, meeting. Minutes were approval with no objections from Board.

FINANCIAL REPORT Joe Hughes, Budget Officer, presented the Financial Report for revenue received during the month of November 2016: $501,695 to the General Fund; $39,923 in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund; $246,826 in the Sewer Fund; $67,930 in the Business District; and $ 7,697 in the TIF District for a combined total of $864,071. The fund balances at the end of November 2016 were: $7,955,042 in the General Fund; $1,076,984 in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund; $3,896,778 in the Sewer Fund; $ 3,108,264 in the Business District; and $ 48,726 in the TIF District for a combined total of $ 16,085,794.

STANDING COMMITTEES: PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: Chairman Williams moved for the approval of the lowest bid for 625 flyers for 911 Mailing for Emergency Services from Lynn’s Printing, Alton, Illinois at a cost of $219 and postage of $307, seconded by Trustee Stewart. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Williams reported that the next meeting of Public Safety Committee will be February 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Hall.

FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Stewart moved to waive the bond requirement for 2017 Raffle License and waive the filling fee, contingent on received require paperwork.

1. Alton Wood River Sportsman’s Club 2. Riverbend Growth Association 3. Alton Moose Lodge 951

Seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Aye-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved to give authorization to Mayor McCormick to one table at cost of $ 600.00 for the Beverly Farm’s Diamonds and Denim Event February 20, 2017 and also additional seat if needed; and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to pay as a February 2017 prepaid Accounts Payable, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved to give authorization to Mayor McCormick to one table at cost of $ 450.00 and Congratulatory Ad $50 for the Pride Local Celebrity Road January 19, 2017 and also additional seat if needed; and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to pay as a February 2017 prepaid Accounts Payable, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved to accept the lowest bid received for the 2017 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel from TriCounty FS Inc. of Jerseyville, Illinois at a cost of $1.843 per gallon for Unleaded and $1.948 per gallon for Diesel, seconded by Trustee Johnes. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Williams. Nays- Stumpf, Absent-None. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the lowest MFT bid received for the 2017 Programs unit bid prices pending required 7-day waiting period as prescribed by IDOT as presented: Beelman Logistics, LLC, East St. Louis, Illinois, Crush Slag at cost of $19.60; Bluff City Minerals, Maryland Heights, MO, CA-7, Furnished Only F.O.B. Bidder’s Plant at a cost of $9.25 per Ton; CA-6, Furnished Only at a cost of $5.95; Kimaterials Inc. of Godfrey, Illinois; Stone Rip Rap, RR3, Furnished only at a cost of $11.50; and Kienstra Illinois, LLC, Wood River Illinois, SI Concrete at a cost of $84.00 per Ton; PP Concrete at a cost of $92.00; and Delivery Charge for Loads at a cost of 50.00 Per load; Mahoney Asphalt, LLC. of Swansea, Illinois, Bituminous Patching Materials at a cost of $68.00 per unit;

Hot Mix Asphalt Surface Course Mix C, N50 Furnished Only at a cost of $48.00 Per Unit, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent- 0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Fall 2016 Sludge Transportation to the Sinclair Farm Jerseyville, Illinois billing from Wm. Rexing Trucking of Godfrey, Illinois at a total cost of $6,480.00, and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to pay as a February 2016 prepaid Accounts Payable, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Spring and Fall 2017 payments for Land Application Program of $5,000 and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to make payments, after applications are completed, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of a Work Order for Surveying, Design Engineering, Permitting and CMOM for the Northeast Inceptor/Monticello Area Sanitary Sewer Improvements with Heneghan and Associates, P.C. for Engineering Services at a cost not to exceed $210,000, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of a Work Order for Preliminary Engineering Report for an SSO Elimination Plan for four areas with Heneghan and Associates, P.C. for Engineering Services at a cost not to exceed $38,000, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Impeller on the Flygt Pump No. 2 at the Stanka Lane Lift Station Repair with Vandevanter Engineering of Kansas City, Missouri at a cost of $3,959.76, and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to pay as a February 2017 prepaid Accounts Payable, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved to give authorization to Kimberly Caughran, Director of Parks and Recreation to apply for the 2017 Madison County Parks Enhancement Program (PEP) Grant to upgrade Homer Adams Park with Seating, Playground Equipment, and Surfacing and to give authorization to seek the bids and proposals for the project, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2017-01, MADISION COUNT 2017 PEP GRANT Chairman Stewart moved for Approval Of Resolution 2017-01, Resolution Authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation To Apply For Park Commission Funds From Madison County 2017 PEP Grant, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried. Chairman Stewart moved, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for Kimberly Caughran, Director of Parks and Recreation and Jessica Wiedman, Supervisor of Recreation to attend the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association Conference – January 2017- Chicago, Illinois, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams, Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved to allow the Village Engineer and the Stamper Lane Phase 2 Engineer SMS, to negotiate the temporary construction easements, permanent drainage easements and right-of-way as needed for the Stamper Lane Phase 2 Improvements. Offers shall be based on the appraisals currently being prepared and reviewed, and with a total not expected to exceed $30,000, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Façade Improvement Grant for Gerard Fischer, American Family Insurance Company, 3014 Godfrey Road for $8,045 to Lumpkin Properties, LLC of Godfrey, Illinois and to give authorization to the Village Treasurer to pay as a February 2017 prepaid Accounts Payable, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Accounts Payable for the month of January 2017 General Fund $ 492,188.63 and the Motor Fuel Tax Fund $ 40,359; and the Street Department $ 22,426.17, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Aye-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart moved for the approval of the Payroll Account for the period of 11/01/2016 to 12/10/2016 for the Village for a total payroll of $138,252.05, mileage of $153.63 and payroll taxes of $30,157.29, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Aye-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Chairman Stewart reported that the next meeting of the Finance Committee will be February 6, 2017, after the close of the Public Safety Committee.

COMMITTEE REPORT: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Mayor McCormick reported that the next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee will be January 13, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.

PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Laura Dixon, Building and Zoning Administrator, reported that the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 20, 2017 has been cancelled.

COMMUNITY PLANNING, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE Chairman Tom Long reported that the next meeting of the Community Planning, Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee will be on January 11, 2017 at 6:15 p.m.

SPECIAL PROJECTS SEWER COMMITTEE Trustee Springman reported that the next meeting of the Special Projects Sewer Committee will be January 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Village Hall.

GODFREY CLIMATE PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY COMMITTEE Chairman Nate Keener reported that the next meeting will be January 9, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. at the Village Hall.

CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Chairman Mike Stumpf reported that the next meeting of the Capital Projects Committee will be January 17, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Sewer Facility.

COMMUNICATIONS: Trustee Stewart moved to place all of the correspondence on file in the Clerk’s office: Email from Craig Noble, Email from Chris Sichra, Email from Susie Stephan, Email from Debbie Edelman, Email from Al Pranatis, Email from Alan Winslow, Summons Larry & Marsha Leflore, Foreclosure notice – Leflore, Azavar Government Solutions Client Update, Lis Pendens – 4733 Brecht Ln, Proof of Service 26601 Pine Lake Dr, December 2016 Clerk’s Revenue.

Seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

OLD BUSINESS: No old business at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION 2017-02, APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION FOR SUPPORT OF THE ALTON REGIONAL CONVENTION & TOURISM BUREAU Trustee Stewart moved for the approval of Resolution 2017-02, A Resolution For Support Of The Alton Regional Convention & Tourism Bureau, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams. Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

ZONING MATTERS: 01-2017 ORDINANCE, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF GODFREY, ILLINOIS, TO GRANT A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR 519 GRACE STREET, GODFREY, ILLINOIS FOR THE OPERATION OF A CLIMATE CONTROL STORAGE UNIT BUSINESS Laura Dixon, Building and Zoning Administrator, presented the “Report of Decision” from the Planning and Zoning Commission for Fred Whitworth for a Special Use Permit for the operation of climate controlled storage units in the bottom level of the structure at 519 Grace Street. Trustee Stewart moved to suspend the rules for final consideration of An Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The Village Of Godfrey, Illinois, To Grant A Special Use Permit For 519 Grace Street, Godfrey, Illinois For The Operation Of A Climate Control Storage Unit Business, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams. Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

Trustee Stewart moved for the final approval of Ordinance 01-2017, An Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The Village Of Godfrey, Illinois, To Grant A Special Use Permit For 519 Grace Street, Godfrey, Illinois For The Operation Of A Climate Control Storage Unit Business, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams. Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

ORDINANCE 02-2017, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF GODFREY, ILLINOIS, TO REZONE 9 VACANT LOTS IN SYCAMORE HILLS DEVELOPMENT FROM R-3 TO PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONDOMINIUMS Laura Dixon, Building and Zoning Administrator, presented the “Report of Decision” from the Planning and Zoning Commission for Sycamore Hills Development, LLC from R-3 Single Family Residential District to PRD Planned Residential Development for the construction of condominiums. Trustee Stewart moved to suspend the rules for final consideration of An Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The Village Of Godfrey, Illinois, To Rezone 9 Vacant Lots In Sycamore Hills Development From R-3 To PRD Planned Residential Development For The Construction Of Condominiums, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams. Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

Trustee Stewart moved for the final approval of Ordinance 02-2017, An Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The Village Of Godfrey, Illinois, To Rezone 9 Vacant Lots In Sycamore Hills Development From R-3 To PRD Planned Residential Development For The Construction Of Condominiums, seconded by Trustee Stumpf. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Johnes, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Stumpf, Williams. Nays-None, Absent-None. Motion carried.

OPEN FORUM – TRUSTEES Clerk Whisler report that the Secretary of State Driver’s Facility would be at Village Hall on January 31, 2017, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Trustee Stewart moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Trustee Williams. Poll of Board: Ayes-6, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Pamela E. Whisler, M.M.C., Village Clerk


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