
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Central CUSD board recognizes state scholars

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The West Central Community Unit School District 235 Board of Education met Jan. 18 to recognize state scholars.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:




Wednesday, January 18, 2017

6:00 p.m.

West Central Elementary School Cafeteria

1514 US Route 34, Biggsville, Illinois


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Good News Items

- Recognize Illinois State Scholars

- With the continued support from the community, we recently submitted the collected Box Tops and received a check in the amount of $582.50 to be used for additional resources and supplies at the elementary. Please continue to collect both Box Tops and pull tabs to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

- WCE received the WRAM monthly Spotlight Award with a special recognition given to Mrs. Lumbeck for being the teacher of the month. Check out the radio stations website for more details. http://www.1330wram.com/teacher-of-the-month

V. Approve Agenda Items (Additions/Deletions)

VI. Comments from the Public

VII. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes

1. Regular Meeting, December 14, 2016 (Enclosure)

2. Closed Session, December 14, 2016

B. Financial Activity

1. Consider Payment of Bills (Enclosure)

2. Consider Approval of Activity Accounts (Enclosure)

3. Consider Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure)

4. Review of District Financial Report (Enclosure)

VIII. Action Items

A. Consider Approval of the Julie Burdette Memorial Scholarship (Enclosures)

B. Consider Approval of Purchase of a Van

C. Consider Approval of Proposed Board Policy Revisions – First Reading (Enclosures)

1. Policy 6:300 – Graduation Requirements

2. Policy 7:150 – Agency and Police Interviews

3. Policy 7:190 –Student Behavior

4. Policy 7:200 – Suspension Procedures

5. Policy 7:210 – Expulsion Procedures

6. Policy 7:220 – Bus Conduct

7. Policy 7:230 – Misconduct by Students with Disabilities

8. Policy 7:240 – Conduct Code for Participants in Extra-curricular Activities

9. Policy 7:305 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

IX. Reports

A. Principal’s Report (Enclosures)

1. West Central Elementary

2. West Central Middle School

3. West Central High School

B. Technology Report – Mrs. Frakes (Enclosure)

C. Special Education Report – Mrs. Ayer (Enclosure)

D. Athletic Director’s Report – Mr. Kirby (Enclosure)

X. Discussion Items

A. Five Year Enrollment Projection (Enclosure)

XI. Future Agenda Items

XII. Closed Session – A Closed Session will be held pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act

XIII. Action Items

A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignation

B. Transfers

C. Employment

1. Haz Ross, Part-time Title I Associate (Enclosure)

D. Extracurricular

1. Resignation: Victoria Tapscott, WCHS Assistant Softball Coach (Enclosure)

2. Employment: Amy Olson, WCHS Assistant Softball Coach (Enclosure)

3. Employment: , WCHS Track Coach (Enclosure)

5. Volunteer: Robert Fleming, WCMS 6th Grade Volleyball Coach (Enclosure)

XIV. Future Meeting Dates and Time

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 – Elementary Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.

XV. Adjournment