
West Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Godfrey Capital Projects Committee prioritizes projects

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The village of Godfrey Capital Projects Committee met Nov. 15 to prioritize projects.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

"The Godfrey Capital Projects Committee oversees infrastructure within the village."

Capital Projects Committee GODFREY, ILLINOIS November 15, 2016

Mr. Stumpf called the Capital Projects Committee of the Village of Godfrey to order at 10:00 a.m. on November 15th, 2016 at the Village of Godfrey Wastewater Treatment Facility, 4725 Brecht Lane, Godfrey, Illinois.


Present: Mike Stumpf, Mayor Mike McCormick, Bill Orrill, Jeff Weber, Joe Hughes, Eldon Williams, William Catalano, Craig Noble and John Uhl, Advisor.


Visitors: Kimberly Caughran - Director of Parks

APPROVALS OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the November 1st, 2016 were approved.

Public Comments:

Old Business

A. Streets – A question was asked if Mr. Lewis understood which street projects were on his 2017 list to be done by the Public Works department. Mayor McCormick answered that he believes that Mr. Lewis understood which streets were to be worked on.

B. Sanitary Sewer- There has been no further action since last meeting. Mr. Noble discussed the status of the Villa Marie Interceptor Extension and the Rock Gate Manhole Control repair. Mr. Uhl informed Mr. Noble that Juneau has turned in an invoice for 100% completion the engineering design service for this work.

The modeling of the system will continue sometime this or next week. The end results of all of this modeling are to have a plan to submit to the EPA by August 31 2017. The committee discussed the realism of the parameters and what types of principles were used for the modeling.

Sewer lines in the business district for the possibilities for cure in place by Visu-Sewer will be started by February. Also the possible seven clean outs, in the Business District, that need to be replaced with manholes will mostly likely need easements prior to do the work.

Kane Mechanical will be installing the new check valves today at the Frontenac Lift Station. It is hopeful that this will alleviate the overflow problems there.

C. Storm Water- No Report

D. Parks- Ms. Caughran presented to the Committee, with a handout, the proposed Park and Rec Capital Budget. It was said that no capital budgeting was needed for fiscal 2016-2018. The board members went through each proposed project and discussed the type of work and grants that were involved with each project.

There were also discussion about ADA park projects and plans for the bike (share) trails and the issues with ADA. This included the bathroom facility at the Homer Adams Park. At this time, the doors that enter into the men and women facilities are not ADA accessible. There were some ideas on how these could be fixed. No Action was taken on these talks. Also, it was mentioned that this bathroom facility roof would need to be repaired. Mr. Weber stated that the roof repair work could be a capital budget project. But no action was taken at this time.

There were discussions on the drainage issue around the playground area of the Homer Adam’s park at the Village Hall. There was a mention of a rain garden.

Ms. Caughran will get back to the committee about some of the issues that were discussed. She stated that there was a line item in the budget for ADA projects.

There was a discussion that International Mulch has supplied material for projects in the St. Louis County Parks for the protective ground cover around the playground equipment. Ms. Caughran will try to make contact with the St. Louis County Park District and International Mulch to discuss the type of ground protection system is used and how it is made.

Mr. Hughes said he would like a working document for budgeting forecasts.

E. Discussion of Sales Tax Initiative - With Glen Carbon passage of their Sales Tax proposal, Mr. Stumpf will continue to research the benefits of a sales tax increase.

F. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects within the business district- Mr. Catalano asked the Committee to think about how the Village may approach underutilized or undeveloped properties to foster the type of development desired. Question; "What is the Village willing to do or support?" In addition, he inquired about which undeveloped areas the Capital Projects Committee supports in providing access and infrastructure.

He noted the Village is currently reviewing boundaries for the current business district and contemplating the creation of a second district.

G. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects outside of the business district. No Report


Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the 2017 Capital Projects Committee meeting schedule, with the July 4, 2017 meeting being cancelled because of the Holiday. Mr. Orrill seconded. Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn at 11:30 a.m. by Mr. Weber. Seconded by Mr. Williams. Motion Carried.

Our next meeting will be on December 6th, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Wedding-Secretary