The Barry City Council met Jan. 5 to discuss employee vacation buybacks.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:
The Barry City Council includes six aldermen elected for four-year terms. They meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at City Hall, 1005 Bainbridge St.
Barry City Council Regular Meeting December 5, 2016
Mayor Rennecker called the regular monthly meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present except Steve Schultz and Terry Beard.
Bob Dieker made a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent. Scott Harris made a motion to pay the bills and Bob Dieker seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.
Mayor Rennecker read the police report, there were 5 traffic arrests. Melvin Gilbert stated that someone tore up the gate to the sewer plant and had to be repaired.
Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrator's report. He attended several meetings which included: YMCA Togetherness kick-off meeting, went with BBA executive committee to talk to Attorney Brenner about lawsuit, PDEDC meeting in Pittsfield, met with Jane Rushford from MECO and drove to Forsyth IL to pick up new picnic tables for the Pool Park. Also talked to Bryan Bower about the issue with the lights at Holy Redeemer Park and Bryan said the ballasts are not working. Bryan wants to replace the existing lights with LED bulbs and eliminate the need for the ballasts. The new lights would cost $150 each and should last 10 years and would save 66% on energy. We would need 8 bulbs and they are made in America. Scott Harris said he has heard complaints about the lights being too bright, nothing about being dimmer. The Council recommended that he check to see if the bulbs come with a warranty before approving.
Jeff Hogge gave Melvin Gilbert's report: three trees have been taken down, the soccer goals have been taken down and stored in the trailers at the sewer plant and battery was replaced in the orange truck.
Bob Dieker gave the Streets and Alley Committee report. They met on November 30 with Debbie Harshman, Scott Harris, Robert Snyder, Jeff Hogge and Bob Dieker attending. They discussed MFT allotment and suggested that the amount be used as follows: Pratt Street overlay - $14,000; Sidewalks - S10,000; and Patching - $7,000. The Committee recommends approval of this appropriation. The committee also discussed the situation with Floyd Hayes. Mr. Hayes operates a shop on Greene Street and currently uses an undeveloped street to load and unload supplies. This street is the only access to the land behind his property and has been surveyed and staked out by Jeff Hart. The committee feels that nothing should be done with street until something is developed on land behind Mr. Hayes property. Melvin Gilbert is retiring on January 3, 2017 and committee welcomed Robert Snyder as the new lead supervisor of the city work crew. The committee also recommends that Alvin Garkie obtain his Class B water license. This is to insure that two people have the certification. Robert Snyder also brought up idea about the possibility of purchasing some kind of equipment to be able to trim trees easier. Jeff Hogge is looking for used pruning lift. Debbie Harshman suggested calling Starks and see if they would know where to purchase one.
Council discussed the Motor Fuel Tax Budget and Bob Dieker made motion to approve with Scott Harris seconding the motion. Roll call taken:
Bob Dieker - yes Scott Harris - yes Steve Schultz - absent Terry Beard - absent Bruce Kendall-yes Debbie Harshman - yes Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays 2 absent. Council discussed the Tax Levy Ordinance. Attorney Brenner proposed the yearly tax levy ordinance. He said the local tax levy will bring in around $99,575 for the City, 10% of the money comes from local taxes. This is based on approved budget. Debbie Harshman made a motion to approve Tax Levy Ordinance and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Roll call taken:
Scott Harris - yes Steve Schultz - absent Terry Beard - absent Bruce Kendall - yes Debbie Harshman - yes Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.
Mayor Rennecker discussed Resolution to combine and rename funds certain funds in water and sewer. The water main replacement and water plant rehabilitation shall be combined and named water infrastructure fund and the sewer main replacement fund will be sewer infrastructure fund for a more efficient means of funding repairs. Scott Harris made a motion to approve the resolution and Bob Dieker Seconded the motion. Roll call taken:
Bruce Kendall-yes Debbie Harshman - yes Bob Dieker- yes Scott Harris - yes Steve Schultz - absent Terry Beard - absent Motion carried to approve the resolution wit 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.
Council discussed the vacation/comp buyback for employees. This is for vacation time and comp time that has not been used. Debbie Harshman made a motion to approve and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Motion approved with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent for 2 weeks vacation/comp time.
Bob Gray and Nick Doellman from Arnold. Behrens, Nesbit and Gray gave the annual audit report.
Debbie Harshman made a motion to adjourn and Bruce Kendall seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
City Clerk