
West Central Reporter

Monday, February 24, 2025

Bond County CUSD Board of Education accepts resignations

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Bond County Community Unit School District No. 2 Board of Education met Monday, Dec. 19.


Bond County Community Unit School District No. 2 Board of Education Truth in Taxation Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes

December 19, 2016

A Truth in Taxation Hearing regarding the 2016 Tax Levy and the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Bond County Community Unit No. 2 were held on Monday, December 19, 2016, in the Greenville Jr. High School Cafeteria.

Board President Edmar Schreiber called the Truth in Taxation Hearing to order at 6:57 p.m.

Those present were board members Doll, Prater, Schreiber, Timmermann, Workman, and Zykan. Others present were Superintendent Wes Olson; Principal Wendy Porter; Principal Gary Brauns; Principal Eric Swingler, Principal Bill Carpenter; Principal Jason Rakers; Assistant Principal David Weller; Technology/Title/Testing Coordinator Meg File; Special Services Coordinator Scott Pasley; Facilities Director Michael Wilhite; Business Manager Dena Petroline; WGEL Jeff Leidel; Advocate Kasey Metzger, Emily Laesch, James S. Spencer, Susan Corbus, Sarah Corbus, Melissa Pierce, Sarah Littlefield, Jane Wilhite, Austin Kastl, Karen Hicks, JoEllen Whitehead, Anne Langham, Margie Chilovich, Laura Miller, Ernie Oakley, Sarah Ralston, E. Harvey, Kristy Schaefer, Christy Bauer, Alan Gaffner, Alicia Eversgerd, Elizabeth Mascote, Heidi Holzinger, Trevor Stoecklin, Barbara Goodson, Cindy Odneal, Ashley Niebrugge, Christina Pashia, Elizabeth Kelley, Lexis Green, Mitchell Sturm, Caleb Gaffner, Dennis Debatin, Hunter Booth.

Board Member Young was absent.

TRINTAXATION Superintendent Olson shared with Board members and the public a description


of the levy process. Taxing districts project expenditures based on the revenues that are expected from all sources of non-tax revenue. The difference between the non-tax revenue and total amount needed to operate is usually the amount that the taxing district will ask to be raised from property taxes. The levy development process is and estimation and not an exact formula. Two key variables are unknown: Equalized Assessed Valuation and expenditures for the school year. The school district can levy in 11 different funds, some at a fixed rate and others are variable rates. In regards to the proposed tax levy, the Corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the fiscal year 2017-2018 will increase 8.51%. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for fiscal year 2017-2018 will decrease 0.04%. Overall, the total property taxes to be levied for fiscal year 2017-2018 will increase 7.15% over the previous year.

There was no public comment concerning the proposed tax levy.

ADJOURN Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, that the hearing be adjourned at 7:03

p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried 6-0.

Board President Edmar Schreiber called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, that the board of education enter into

executive meeting at 7:05 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a Complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity; and collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary

schedules for one or more classes of employees. Roll call vote: Doll, yes; Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion Carried 6-0.

Motion by Doll, second by Timmermann, that the board of education return to open session at 8:21 p.m. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes; Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Doll, second by Timmermann, to approve the Executive Session




minutes of the November 21, 2016 Regular School Board meeting. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Doll, second by Timmermann, to accept the resignation of Keith Kistler, Boys Golf Coach at Greenville High School, effectively immediately. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Workman, to accept the resignation of Trisha Taylor, Special Education Aide at Greenville Elementary School, effective immediately. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes; Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to accept the resignation of Martha Hearn, School Bus Aide, effective December 20, 2016. Roll call vote: Doll, yes; Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to hire the additional Preschool For All Expansion Grant Personnel as listed in Exhibit A.

Exhibit A - Preschool For Ali Expansion Grant New Hires

Kathleen Beloit

NEW HIRE 1st year, Teacher certified 0,5FTEPFAEAide SLLLS

Effective Date: November 14th, 2016

Megan Isringhausen

NEW HIRE 1st year, not teacher certified 1.0 FTE PFAEAide Effective Date: DECEMBER 14th, 2016

Rachelle Hosick

NEW H|RE 1st year, not teacher certified 10 FTEPFAEAide Effective Date: DECEMBER 14th, 2016

Nancy Baldwin

NEW HIRE 1st year PFAE Food Service Personnel.71 FTE (5 hours per day) Effective Date: JANUARY 3RD, 2017

Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

SPECAEDUCATION Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to hire the Special Education Personnel





as listed in Exhibit B.

Exhibit B - Special Education New Hires

Deb Evans w NEW H|RE

1st year, Teacher certified 1.0FTE Special Education Aide

Effective Date: December 1, 2016

Anne Burris


1st year, Not-Teacher certified

1.0 FTE Special EducationAide Effective Date: JANUARY 4th, 2017 (1st Day Student Attendance)

Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes; Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to hire Terry Marshall as the Industrial Technology Teacher at Greenville High School for the remainder of the 20162017 school year. Roll call vote: Doll, yes; Prater, yes; Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, to approve the following Volunteer Coaches: Carrie Baker and Riley Hannula for Greenville Jr. High Volleyball, and Aimee Baker for Sorento School Volleyball for the 2016-2017 school year. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes; Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to approve the volunteer list as

presented. Volunteers with background check complete: Carrie Baker, Jennifer Baldwin, Susan Groves, Riley Hannula, Kacie Hinkle, Connie Kelley, Mary Loeffler, Carolyn Meadows, Nancy Nemnich, and David Poggemoeller. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

REPORTS OF BOARD The Policy & Curriculum Committee met on Monday, December 12, 2016 at 4:00


p.m. A review of policy changes included in Press Plus issue 93 was conducted. Due to the amount of information included in this Press Plus issue, it was decided to continue researching some of the topics and complete the review at the next Policy & Curriculum Committee meeting to be held in January. A Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements will be presented and voted on at the December board meeting. According to the Section 10 of the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act, this resolution must be in place by January 1, 2017. The next Policy & Curriculum Committee meeting will be held on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.

The Buildings, Grounds, & Transportation Committee met on Monday, December 12, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. Facilities Director Mike Wilhite presented bids for new cafeteria tables. Mr. Wilhite is looking into new energy efficient lights. Once installed, the District will receive a rebate on those fixtures through the Illinois Energy Now program. The topic of a sewer easement at the Bus Barn and Tom Doll Soccer Field was discussed. Mr. Wilhite also had information regarding the purchase of playground equipment for KRP using money from the Preschool For All Extension Grant to fund the project. Mr. Olson shared with the committee that he would recommend moving forward with Phase 2 of the Navigate program







which would involve a team coming to take pictures throughout the district for law enforcement officials to have available to them. Transportation Director Sean Traylor shared that no new developments have been made regarding the Transportation Routing Software. The discussion of Bus Driver physicals took place. Mr. Olson shared with the group that the District has not been receiving any categorical payments from the state for Transportation, and the Illinois State Budget issue has not been completely resolved. Due to that fact, the decision to purchase busses made at the November school board meeting has been put on hold.

The Finance Committee met on Monday, December 12, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. to review bills for the month of December, 2016, and review the Finance / Treasurer's report for the month of November, 2016. A review of the proposed 2016 Tax Levy took place. Mr. Olson shared with committee members some of the suggested uses of the Facilities Sales Tax income. Right now, uses of those funds are being limited to school safety and heating and cooling expenditures. He also reported that the District is receiving the GSA payments from the state on time, but have not received any mandated categorical payments, including those for Transportation, since last spring. Due to this fact, the decision to order new busses which was approved at the November board meeting has been put on hold. Compensation for substitute teachers in the District was discussed. The next Finance Committee meeting will take place on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

The Administrators' Reports were presented as printed in the Board Meeting Packet.

Superintendent Olson shared with the group that he could answer any questions regarding the tax levy. There was nothing else to report at this point.

Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval. Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, that recommendations for consent agenda items as follows:

A. Open Meeting Minutes of the November 21, 2016, Regular Board

Meeting B. Leaves of Absence

be approved. Roll call vote: Doll, yes; Prater, yes; Schreiber, yes; Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, that the bills for the month of December, 2016 in the amount of $286,337.88 be approved as listed. Roll call vote. Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, that the financial report for the month of November, 2016, be approved as presented. Roll call vote. Doll, yes; Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion Carried 6-0.

Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to approve the Resolution to adopt the 2016 Tax Levy Option #1 as presented. Roll call vote. Doll, yes; Prater, yes; Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes; Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion Carried 6O.

ခြိုးခြိုိ႔ဦ CERTIFIED Motion by Zykan, second by Workman, to ratify a contract with the Greenville CONTRACT Education Association for the 2016-2019 school years. Roll call vote. Doll, yes,

Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, no, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes.

Motion Carried 5-1.

RESOLUTION TO Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, to adopt the Resolution to Regulate

REGULATE EXPENSE Expense Reimbursements as presented. Roll call vote. Doll, yes; Prater, yes;

*"“F"F"° Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6


FUEL BIDS FOR Motion by Doll, second by Timmermann, to approve the fuel contract on a costTRANSPORTATION plus basis with FS for one year. Roll call vote. Doll, yes; Prater, yes; Schreiber,

yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

CAFETERIATABLES Motion by Timmermann, second by Workman, that the Board approve the

purchase of 19 cafeteria tables from School Specialty. Roll call vote. Doll, yes; Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion Carried 6-0.

SEWEREASEMENTS Motion by Timmermann, second by Zykan, to approve the Right-of-Way

Easements with the City of Greenville to place sewer lines at the Transportation/ Bus Barn Lot and at the Tom Doll Soccer Field. Roll call vote. Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion Carried 6-0.

PFAE GRANT GRoss Motion by Timmermann, Second by Workman, to approve the eight quotes from

MOTOR SKILLS Kaplan for the purchase and installation of KRP gross motor skills development

EQUIPMENT equipment through PFAE Grant funding and at no cost to the District. Roll call vote: Doll, yes, Prater, yes, Schreiber, yes, Timmermann, yes, Workman, yes, Zykan, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

ENS FROM Board member Zykan commented that he is glad that the Board could reach an

agreement with GEA representatives and that we can now focus on the students and teaching. Board President Schreiber reflected on the past few months of negotiations and stated that he hopes to move forward with a positive attitude.

ADJOURN Motion by Timmermann, second by Doll, that the meeting be adjourned at 8:52

p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried 6-0.

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President, Board of Education Secretary, Board of Education Bond County Community Unit No. 2 Bond County Community Unit No. 2 Bond and Montgomery Counties Bond and Montgomery Counties