
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Auburn City Council amends utility charges

Webp meeting 04

The Auburn City Council met March 6 to amend utility charges.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:

City of Auburn

Council Minutes

March 6, 2017

Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Present: Barb Stamer, Chris Warwick, Tom Appelt, Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. Absent: Ed Madaus,

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhliker, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney; Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor's Comments

. VisitorS

March 6, 2017

Mayor Stamer introduced County Clerk Don Gray and County Auditor Andy Goleman, Mayor Stamer asked for status on the Barton Estate at 1027 West Adams Street. Grischow reported that it should be placarded in the next few days to notify the public of the intent to demolish. Mayor Stamer announced that as her administration comes to an end she was committed to improving the sidewalks, she is asking the council come up with a plan for sidewalk improvements. As the budget talks approach she would like the Council to keep the sidewalks in mind.

Don Gray reported that his office is prepared for the upcoming election and announced the hours early voting would be open to the public. Eligible voters can also vote by mail and a balot can be requested via the internet to get a mail in balot. Voting registration closes soon. Andy Goleman gave background on how he became County Auditor and how his office monitors the financial operations within Sangamon County, Andy is also involved with the budgeting process. He also passed out an informational pamphlet regarding the County Auditor's office. Todd Brummett from 14929 Bab Road addressed the Council regarding the proposed TF District. Todd stated he is a lifelong resident of Auburn and has raised his two boys in Auburn. Todd felt that the Council has not gotten the public's full opinion on the TIF District and that the Council has already invested the money for the TIF District and feels they have to move forward even if the TIF District is wrong for Auburn. Todd also felt that growth that could be created by the TIF would change the small town feel of the community and that the growth could be too rapid. Taxes will go up, more tax money will be needed and more city staff will need to be hired. He urged the Council to get more public input on the TFF. Dave Rikas spoke about the TIF; he is not a fan of the TIF. Dave thought the TIF should be on the west end if a TF would move forward. He felt the people administrating the TIF gave us a cookie cutter version of a TIF. Dave had an intergovernmental agreement for tax abatement for his business when they built in Springfield. What he did, did not require a TIF to make it happen. Rikas also said the mindset of the community needs to change, we ran Magro's and Poggenpohl's out of town and they were viable businesses.

III. City Clerk's Report - Warwick


Warwick reported that a Bi-Annual Review of the Closed Session Meetings was held earlier today 03/06/17 and the committee agreed to open up the following meetings; 12/07/15 meeting, 12/21/15 meeting, 03/07/16 meeting, 06/20/16 meeting, and the 09/06/16 meeting. A motion was made by Berola to open the announced meetings, second by Johnson. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ed Madaus. (7-0-0-1). Warwick presented the 02/21/17 meeting minutes for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Devos to approve the meeting minutes and destroy the recorded copy, second by Williams. Voice Vote: AYE:Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: Nome, ABSENT: Ed Madaus. (7-0-0-1).

IV. City freasurer’s Report - Appelt

Appet presented the Bills List from 02/22/17 to 03/06/17 for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the Bills List, second by Hemmerle. Voice Wote: AYE:Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Matt Gilock, Larry Hemmerle, RodJohnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: Nome, ABSENT: Ed Madaus. (7-0-0-1).

W. Attorney - Grischow


March 6, 2017

Grischow presented for First Reading Ordinance 1433-17 an Ordinance making amendments to Chapter 24, Article - Rates and Charges for Utilities. Grischow asked the Council to review the changes made and get back to her with any changes if

necessary. Grischow reported that she spoke with the School District's attorney and they have not had a chance to review the proposed reduced TIF size. Berola reported that Darren Root had not had a chance to review the information with the attorney, Berola said that Root wanted to talk about it further. Berola made a motion to table Ordinances 143017, 1431-17, and 1432-17 until the 03/20/17 council meeting, second by Johnson. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ed Madaus. (7-0-0-1). i. Grischow reported that Kline and Associates did revise the map to the

requested size and did update the TIF information and legal descriptions. They removed the downtown hotel and restaurants. The updated information will be ready for the Council and the public to view before the next council meeting on 03/20/17. ii. Devos stated that we have had two public meetings regarding the TF and in his opinion the school does not want it, or the public. He does not believe we have the population to support at IF. Williams said he is also not in favor of the TIF. Johnson is leaning towards the TIF because of its reduced size now.

VI. Department Heads

a. Centko

i. Centko asked that the Council set the pay rate for the part time dispatcher that

is starting soon. ii. Centko reported that to purchase Narcan, a drug which counteracts opioid overdoses, we must enter into an intergovernmental Agreement with Sangamon Count so we can purchase the kits. Each kit costs $75 per kit. iii. Gillock made a motion to set the following rates for the part time dispatcher, $9.00 per hour during training, $9.50 during probationary period, and $10.00 after 1 year and probationary period is over, second by Berola. AYE: Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, and Seth Williams. NAY: Julie Barnhill, Larry Hemmerle, and Rod Johnson. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ed Madaus, (4- 3-0-1). b. Karhliker

i. Karhliker provided an estimate to Hemmerle regarding plumbing work at the

Veterans' Park restrooms. Hemmerle asked for another estimate So we can have a comparison. ii. Karhiker reported that the trim has been installed at the concession stand. The health department asked for screen door at the door. Karhliker said a screen door cannot be mounted on the door. Berola recommended the magnet closing screens like at the football concession stand. iii. Johnson asked about a start date for the new City garage. Karhliker reported

the targeted date is 04/01/17. C. POnser

i. No report. WI. Committee Reports

a. Administration

i. There will be a committee meeting regarding the FY2018 budget on Thursday

03/16/17 at 6:30 PM b. Public Works

i. No report. C. Public Utilities

i. No Report. d. Health & Safety

i. No report.

ii. Williams asked about speeders at North 10 Street and West Maple Avenue to see if stop signs could be placed at the intersection to slow people down. An ordinance would be needed to erect stop or yield signs. Karh liker will look at the current signage and report back to the council. e. Health & Housing

i. No report.

f. Parks

i. Hemmerle announced that they have two of the three dates for the Movies in the Park; the dates are Saturday 06/10/17 and Saturday 08/12/17.

Vlll Adjournment

a. A motion to adjourn was made by Devos at 8:18 PM; second by Johnson. Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Matt Gillock, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ed Madaus. (7-0-0-1).

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Warwick City Clerk