
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board of Education met February 27.

Canton Union School District 66 Board of Education met February 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

Board Vice-President Jane Lewis called the special board meeting to order at 5:31 PM in the boardroom.

2. Roll Call

Board members present and answering roll call were Ben Bishop Lori Coleman, Matt Kees, Jane Lewis, Jake Snowman, and Tom Snowman. Absent was board member Leonard Barnard.

3. Amendments to Agenda

There were no amendments to the agenda.

4. Recognition of Audience Requests to address Board of Education

There were no audience requests to address the Board of Education.

The Board reviewed interview questions, determining specific questions for each board member to ask during the interviews, and discussed the process for the four scheduled interviews.

5. Closed Session

A. Discuss the employment and compensation of a specific employee of the public

body [5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)]

Board member Bishop moved to enter closed session to discuss the employment and compensation of a specific employee of the public body. Tom Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, T. Snowman, Coleman, Kees, Lewis, and J. Snowman. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 5:53 PM.

The Board returned to open session at 10:00 PM.

8. Adjourn Special Meeting

Board member Coleman moved to adjourn the special meeting. Bishop seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Bishop, Kees, Lewis, J. Snowman, and T. Snowman. Motion carried.

Vice-President Lewis declared the special meeting adjourned at 10:02 pm.
