
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Liberty Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met April 19.

Liberty Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met April 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Recognition of Visitors and Staff - a limit often minutes per group

a. Public Comment - This is the only time of this meeting open for public comment.

b. Stephanie Hodgson-more robotics & science/math simulations 

3. Discussion Items to be added to the Agenda

4. Routine Consent Agenda

a. Approval of the Agenda

b. Approval of the following Minutes: March 22, 2017 Regular Board Meeting 

c.Approval of the Bills, Payroll, and Additional Bills presented at the meeting 

d. Approval of the Treasurer's Report 

e. Approve the Financial Summary Report

f. Approve the Food Service Report

g. Approval of the Activity Report

5. Consent Agenda

a. Amend the 2016-17 School Calendar. 

b. Approve IESA Membership for 2017-2018. 

c. Approve Letting Bids for Dairy Products. 

d. Approve the first reading of PRESS Policy. 

e. Approve the Summer Ball League Agreements and fees for summer 2017. 

f. Approve the Official's Payment Schedule for 2017-18.

6. Board Discussion and Action

a. Review and set breakfast & lunch prices for 2017-2018. 

b. Approve complimentary school passes, guidelines for sign-ins and selling of Indoor & Outdoor High School season tickets, High School All Sport, Indoor & Outdoor 5'-8" season ticket, 5'-8th All Sport, and the Ultimate Eagle ticket for 2017-18.

c. Approve the gate prices for extra-curricular events in 2017-18.

d. Approve the Pre Disciplinary Expulsion Agreement.

e. Professional Learning Communities early out for 2017-18.


e. Elementary Principal’s Report

f. High School Principal's Report

g. Superintendent's Report

h. Board Member's Report

7. Closed Session: To consider the following subjects: a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; c) the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the District; d) the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District; e) the sale or purchase of investments, f) emergency security procedures; g) student disciplinary cases; h) the placement of individual students and special education programs and other matters relating to individual students; i) approval of Closed Session Minutes for distribution to the public; and j) pending or threatened litigation.

8. Action items to be addressed resulting from executive session discussion.

9. Personnel Report, to consider Appointment, Evaluation, Employment, Dismissal of Employees

10. The Board reserves the right to take up, consider and act upon any other and further matters necessary or convenient for the orderly operation of the district and its schools.

11. Adjournment
