
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met April 19.

Community Unit School District 4 Board of Education met Wednesday, April 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order

Approval of Agenda

Closed Session - The Board will enter Closed Session to discuss: (1) student discipline issues (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), and (2) Collective Bargaining, the appointment, Compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). The Board will re-enter Open Session upon concluding Closed Session discussions or at 7:30 p.m., whichever is earlier. An additional Closed Session may be necessary if all discussions are not concluded prior to returning to Open Session.

3. Public Participation

3.1 Special Recognition 

3.2 Visitors 

3.3 Correspondence

4. Consent Agenda 

4.1. Approval of March 15, 2017 Regular Session Minutes and March 29, 2017 Special Session Minutes 

4.2 Approval of Bills Payable 

4.3 Approval of Activity Funds Reports 

4.4 Approval of Fund Balances 

4.5 Approval of End of Month Report for Previous Month 

4.6 Approval of Personal Items

5. Action Items

5.1 Approval of IESA Membership Renewal for 2017-2018

5.2 Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement for Boy's Football Cooperative with Payson

5.3 Approval of Bid for new Laptops.

5.4 Approval of bid for installation of New Telephone System.

5.5 School Board members must fill out and sign a Statement of Economic Interest

5.6 Approve District Treasurer's Bond for Gina Whelan

5.7 Approve resolution for inter-fund loan in the amount of $50,000 from O&M Fund to Transportation Fund

5.8 Approval of Expulsion of Student J

5.9 Approval of Expulsion of Student K

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Building and Grounds Committee

6.2 Curriculum Committee

6.3 Finance Committee

6.4 Technology Committee

6.5 Transportation Committee

7. Information Items

7.1 FOIA Requests

7.2 Mrs. Shelby Maas, Guidance Counselor, has received a very positive parent letter appreciating her work.

7.3 Principals' Reports

7.4 Superintendent's Report

8. Adjournment

8.1 Adjournment

8.2 Next Meeting - The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2017, in the Unity High School Library at 6:00 p.m.
