
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met Feb. 13.

Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 Board of Education met Feb. 13.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

1. President Russ Bishop called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following Board members were present: Josh Roberts, Chris Goode, Rodney Knittel, Chris Weller, Elliott Turpin, Brandi Rynders and Russ Bishop. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Bowman, Elementary Principal Chris Raynor, High School Principal Beth Bettis, Ron Plogger, District Architect Tony Audo, and Kevin Heid from Stifel, Inc., Jacob Bollman, Joe Kinser, Jeremy Lansaw and Becky McClelland.

2. Rynders motioned and Knittel seconded to approve the Agenda as presented. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Goode, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motioned carried.

3. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to approve the January 23, 2016 regular meeting minutes and executive session minutes as presented. Upon roll call Roberts, Weller, Turpin, Goode, Knittel, Rynders and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

4. Goode motioned and Roberts seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon roll call Turpin, Rynders, Weller, Roberts, Goode, Knittel and Bishop voted Aye. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 1 attached to the Official Minutes)

5. District Highlights – Jacob Bollman, District Chorus/Music/Band instructor gave an update to the Board of Education on the 2018 trip to New York. He reported the bus is currently filled with a waiting list and parent meetings and payment schedules are in place. The next drama, “Spamalot”, will be performed at the High School Auditorium on March 9-11th. Junior High and High School Solo and Ensemble contests will take place in March.

6. Ron Plogger reported on Facilities/Transportation: 

-Currently updating specifications for bids for a new bus as Bus # 2 has over 99,000 miles

-HS Gym sidewalk will be coated as soon as weather permits

-HS boy’s locker room door was replaced

-Southside will install one new divider in girls’ locker room

-DOT Foods made a site visit to the football field for the grant for new scoreboard

-Water testing results were sent to Illinois Department of Public Health

-High School bleacher curtain was repaired until it can be taken to Jacksonville

-Band Room heater is not working. There are currently four heaters in the band room area. Ron will meet with Ken Albrecht to discuss their removal and replacement with one unit

7. District Architect, Tony Audo, updated the Board on the Elementary Gym Renovation bid process for Phase 1. Audo recommends that the lowest bid from Morrissey Construction be rejected since the bid did not conform to specifications. The next lowest bid was from Limbaugh Construction for $346,676. Audo will send a letter of intent to Limbaugh Construction and will inform Morrissey Construction that their bid was rejected. He also recommends the bleacher bid and Phase 2 bid go out in the next few weeks. (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)

8. Elliott Turpin reported on the Greenfield Foundation for Education Excellence. The annual pork chop fund raiser will be held on Sunday, March 19th at St. Michael’s Hall. The next meeting will be February 15, 2017.

9. Superintendent Bowman reported on:

-District Calendar update

-Hire Elementary Crossing Guard

-Greenfield-Northwestern Sports Coop update-next meeting is March 8, 2017

10. Superintendent Bowman presented a Letter of Agreement for a property line survey from Benton and Associates, Inc. Ameren will be replacing electrical service to the Elementary School and must locate the northeast and northwest property boundaries. The cost of the survey will be $1,500.00. (See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)

11. Principal Raynor presented information on forming a Pee Wee Girls’ Basketball program comparable to the current boys’ program. The current intramural program would be eliminated in favor of this fall program.

12. Superintendent Bowman and Josh Roberts updated the Board of Education on the football field scoreboard. DOT Foods from Brown County completed a site visit for the $5,000 grant that has been requested. The Tiger Backer board is requesting permission to send out a letter asking for advertising to help with the costs of this project. Discussion followed concerning the sign placement, scoreboard placement and fee for advertising.

13. The Board of Education needs to pick a date for the re-organization of the Board after the April elections. At this special meeting new members will be seated, officers elected and any other business matters will be discussed. The meeting must occur between April 26 and May 2.

14. Opportunities for Citizens to Speak – Josh Roberts urged the community to call Tiger Backer members or attend a meeting to voice their suggestions for the football field scoreboard.

15. Roberts motioned and Rynders seconded to go into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. Upon roll call Rynders, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried. Knittel motioned and Roberts seconded to return to Open Session at 8:25 p.m. Upon roll call Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

16. Knittel motioned and Goode seconded to accept the lowest responsible bid for the Elementary Gym Project Phase 1 bid from Limbaugh Construction for $346,676. Upon roll call Weller, Rynders, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)

17. Roberts motioned and Weller seconded to hire Bob Langley as the Elementary Crossing Guard, effective immediately. Upon roll call Rynders, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

18. Knittel motioned and Rynders seconded to approve the contract from Benton & Associates Inc. to perform a property line survey at the Elementary School for $1,500.00. Upon roll call Knittel, Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)

19. Goode motioned and Weller seconded to authorize the Tiger Backer organization to solicit advertising for the Football Field Scoreboard project. Upon roll call Roberts, Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Knittel and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

20. Roberts motioned and Turpin seconded to authorize the Resolution providing for the issuance of approximately $800,000 general obligation school bonds, (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2017, for the purpose of building and equipping an addition to the Greenfield Elementary School Building, altering, repairing and equipping one or more school buildings and facilities and improving school sites. Upon roll call Turpin, Goode, Weller, Rynders, Knittel, Roberts and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 4 attached to the Official Minutes)

21. Knittel motioned and Goode seconded to authorize the date of May 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for the Sine Die board meeting for Board re-organization. Upon roll call Goode, Weller, Rynders, Knittel, Roberts, Turpin and Bishop voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

22. Knittel motioned and Weller seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned.