McDonough County Board met March 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The monthly meeting of the McDonough County Board was held at the McDonough County Courthouse at 7:00 p.m. roll call resulted in 20 present and one absent (Hiel). Sheriff Rick Van Brooker made the opening declaration. Board Member Sims led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exhibit 1
Board Member Aurelio moved with second by Board Member Oster to approve the minutes of February 15, 2017. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Exhibit 2
The report from Public Defender, Nigel Graham for the month of February 2017 was received and filed. Chairman Schwerer stated cases were 827 at beginning of the month and 833 at the end of the month.
Exhibit 3
The report of Sales Tax collected in December 2016 was received and filed. Sales tax was down $ 81 (2016 total $ 34,352 down), PSST was down $ 6,722 (2016 total $ 59,038 down) and Transportation was down $ 3,361 from last year’s amount for the month.
Exhibit 4
The report of Balances and Investments from County Treasurer Graves was received and filed.
Exhibit 5
The report of Circuit Clerk Wilson for the month of February 2017 was received and filed.
Exhibit 6
The report from County Clerk DeJaynes on Warrants Issued in Vacation was received and filed.
Exhibit 7
The Transfer of Appropriations of Monies was referred to the Finance Committee. Chairman Henry reported a transfer of $150,000 from the Insurance Clearing Fund to the Mutual Medical Payment Fund to cover expenditures for the employees’ health insurance plan.
Exhibit 8
Board Member Aurelio moved to approve the report of the Finance Committee as read with Board Member Dixon seconding the motion. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 8A.
Exhibit 9
Board Member Toland moved with Board Member Marcott seconding to dispense with the reading of the claims report and to approve it as approved by the Claims committee. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 9A.
Board Member Sims moved with Board Member Nissen seconding to approve Appointment of George Dixon to replace Tony Coniglio on the Extension Board. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Exhibit 11
Board Member Oster moved with Board Member Sims seconding to approve Appointment of Paul Trimmer to replace Charles Neblock on the Veterans Board. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Exhibit 12
Board Member Aurelio moved with Board Member Mahr seconding to approve Appointment of Julie Melvin to replace Ray Bunch on the Public Aid Appeal Board. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Exhibit 13
Board Member Cox moved with Board Member Sims seconding to approve McDonough/Henderson County Intergovernmental Agreement Highway Engineer. Committee Chairman Kelso explained this is to continue the share agreement to split a County Engineer 70/30 based on road miles. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 13A.
Exhibit 14
Board Member Sims moved with Board Member Nissen seconding to approve 2017 Bituminous Resolution. Engineer Hickman stated that amounts were slightly lower than last year’s costs. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 14A.
Exhibit 15
Board Member Cox moved with Board Member Marcott seconding to approve 2016 Supplemental County Maintenance Resolution. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 15A.
Exhibit 16
Board Member Mahr moved with Board Member McGrew seconding to approve Resolution for Bushnell Township County Aid Project # 1741-12 (2000N-2100E). Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 16A.
Exhibit 17
Board Member Sims moved with Board Member Aurelio seconding to approve Resolution for Sciota Township County Aid Project # 1643-26 (2000N-1000E). Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 17A.
Exhibit 18
Board Member Sims moved with Board Member Shouse seconding to approve Resolution for Lamoine Township County Aid Project # 1653-23 (550N-550E). Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 18A.
Exhibit 19
Board Member McGrew moved with Board Member Aurelio seconding to approve Agreement with Hutchinson Engineering for Mound Township Bridge Design (1550N). Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 19A.
EXHIBIT 20 Board Member Cox moved with Board Member Sims seconding to approve Hutchinson Engineering for Design Repair to Structure 055-3037 (Plymouth Blacktop). This is to replace 7 beams on the bridge. Engineer Hickman was asked why we needed an outside Engineering firm, he stated that this & all bridge design required a Structural Engineer and he does not have that certification. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 20A.
Exhibit 21
Board Member Mahr moved with Board Member Henry seconding to approve Resolution Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia. State’s Attorney Kwacala explained this would allow for revenue for offenses not considered criminal. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 21A.
Exhibit 22
Board Member Aurelio moved with Board Member Mahr seconding to approve Resolution to Amend FY 2017 McDonough County General County Fund-Coroner Grant Budget. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 19 yes, one absent and one pass as Exhibit 22A.
Exhibit 23
Board Member Toland moved with Board Member Oster seconding to approve Ordinance to Provide for Public Transportation. Chairman Schwerer introduced Nathan Cobb, Transit Director, and he explained this is the annual Ordinance necessary to receive funding. He distributed ridership numbers and stated that there is no cost to those over 60 with the County’s funding. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Other Chairman Schwerer stated that there is a copy of the Ordinance on Travel Policy in the monthly packet. At the HR & Planning meeting it was determined to set a $ 2,000.00 maximum limit and we roll call all claims. This will be on next month’s Board agenda.
The Storm Spotter class will be April 4th at the 4-H Center. It will begin at 6 p.m.
Chairman Schwerer entertained a motion that Days and Miles are checked, Roll be called and the Board adjourn until Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Board Member Aurelio made the motion which was seconded by Board Member Oster. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 20 ayes. With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Sheriff Van Brooker gave the closing declaration.