Christian County Audit/Finance/Purchasing Committee met April 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Present: Becky Edwards, Chairman, Aaron Allen –Vicki McMahon—Paul Schmitz
Absent: Matt Wells
Others present: Tim Carlson, Betty Asmussen, Julie Mayer, Chad Coady, Donna Hibbetts, Mike Havera, Bruce Engeling, Mike Mayer, Mike Frazier, Dan McNeely, Gary McNeely, Bob DeClerck and Jan Bland.
The Finance Committee met on Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 6:43 p.m. in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois. The purpose of the meeting was to address agenda items and any other matters properly brought before the committee. Attendance was taken and Finance Chairman Becky Edwards noted a quorum. There were no public comments.
Work Comp Premium:
The 2016 Work Comp audit was completed in February and Dan McNeely came before the committee to note the increase to the premium. The 2016 policy premium was $69,039 and after the audit (based on payroll and job duties) an additional premium is due in the amount of $4,257. It was noted that these rates will vary from year to year as some work comp rate codes increased and some decreased. The additional amount is a one-time adjustment and is included in the claims submitted for April charged to the appropriate line item.
West Central Development Council Resolution:
Recently a letter was received from West Central Development Council requesting the annual renewal resolution. When Mr. Cavanaugh was unable to attend the meeting, Becky Edwards spoke to Michael Sherer the Executive Director. Past history and current reasoning was explained. For ten years or more the WCDC has requested our county to pay $6,000 annual dues for writing grants for entities within our county. Many years ago, we had no grants to be written and chose not to participate. The only problem was without a Resolution in support of the grant writing organization, WCDC could not assist other local governments in Christian County. After review by States Attorney Havera, the Resolution it was determined it is just for support and not the promise of dues. In the past, WCDC has written grants for Edinburg, Pana and Kincaid. A motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Vicki McMahon to adopt R2017 CB 008. The motion carried.
Mobile Home Tax Sale Certificate Resolution:
Treasurer Betty Asmussen presented for approval the resolution to issue a certificate of purchase for a mobile home at Richwood Manor, 200 N. Pine, Lot 60 in Pana Township [parcel # 11-25-15-PL-060]. Pursuant to a public auction sale, Michael L. Mays and Tina K. Mays have deposited $695.00 for the purchase. A motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Vicki McMahon to adopt R2017 TR 006. The motion carried.
Claims for April Approved:
All claims were signed by committee members, and a motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Aaron Allen to approve the claims submitted for April 2017. The motion carried.
Budget Items for Review:
• Finance Chair Becky Edwards reported that this week a meeting was held with Julie Wollerman, the Regional Office of Education Superintendent. As of two years ago Christian County is now in a consolidated ROE group of five counties: Fayette, Bond, Montgomery, Effingham and Christian. The total budget of all counties is then divided for payment by the Equalized Assessed Value. Our percent due is based on approximately 28% of the total budgets combined. Referencing the salary line item, Christian pays $44,000+ for the total of salaries. The staff member for Christian is paid approximately $24,000 including benefits. In preparation for directing our county offices to reduce their salaries by 5%, the same was suggested to Julie Wollerman and/or to address the salary line item for each county to pay only the amount of their staff person thus creating a savings for the general fund.
• A review of postage using stamps verses a machine to weigh each parcel will be discussed with the departments. This is in relationship to daily usage not bulk mailings.
• Finance Chair Edwards has requested the reduction of budgets should be 5%. Further, the discussion of other areas of the budget were discussed and Edwards notified the Committee that she was encouraged to see there could be a significant amount of savings (possibly $150,000 to 200,000) in some of those areas allowing the actual percentage requested from the Elected Office Holders could be reduced, possibly to 3%. However, she emphasized the Office Holders should base their budgets on the 5% requested not knowing the outcome of the other line items. If other areas produce projected savings, we may be able to reduce the actual to 3%. Chairman Edwards goal is to reduce the budget by $330,000.00 for FY 2018.
• Look into the distribution of the levy.
• Consider consolidating insurance premium to a single line item which would allow some variance from waived employees.
• To discuss with departments the possibility to buy items at a bulk rate like copy paper, folders and other common items.
Animal Control Incinerator:
As discussed during the Highway meeting, the incinerator continues to need repairs and attendant supervision during the 6-8 hour usage period. It is also recommended replacing the fire brick within the unit estimated at $15,000 plus cost. Joelynda Conrad does a good job of finding homes or rescues for the cats and dogs brought in to the pound, so the county’s pound use has been minimal. They do offer the local vets cremation for groups of animals at $.45/pound. In review of the gas bill, it appears extremely high and as noted above and there has to be someone supervising when the incinerator is in use. The committee agrees with the Highway committee about the elimination of the use of the incinerator even if it is temporary and not to do the repairs at this time. A motion was made by Aaron Allen and seconded by Paul Schmitz to prepare a letter to send to the veterinarians that the County will no longer be accepting animals for cremation. The motion carried.
Dates are Set for Budget Hearings in May:
Department head memos concerning the budget will be sent out next week. The hearings will be scheduled for Monday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 24.
Circuit Clerk Vacancy:
Circuit Clerk Julie Mayer notified the committee that she has a vacancy in her department. As in the past with money in her budget she notified the board chairman and finance chairman of the vacancy. At this time, she will post the position and evaluate the upcoming circumstances.
Illinois County Insurance Trust:
Paul Schmitz updated the committee on the ICIT 01 liability claims and projected obligation. As of March 23rd, there were four open work comp claims of which will continue to be open for several more years. At some point the “01” trust will run out of money and each member county at that time will be assessed an amount. It will be an obligation to the county forever.
Executive Session:
A motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Vicki McMahon to go into executive session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Pending litigation and 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1): the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body & (2): collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. A roll call vote polled all ayes: Vicki McMahon, Aaron Allen, Paul Schmitz, Becky Edwards. The motion carried. [Page 2—4/13/2016]
A motion was made by Vicki Mahon and seconded by Aaron Allen to come out of executive session pursuant to the above statement. A roll call vote polled all ayes: Vicki McMahon, Becky Edwards, Aaron Allen, Paul Schmitz. The motion carried. No action taken.
A motion was made by Aaron Allen and seconded by Vicki McMahon to adjourn. The motion carried.