Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met March 15.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:
The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order
at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Brent Ufkes.
Roll call: Amy Graham/present; Brent Ufkes/present; Ryan Blue/present; Robert
Menn/present; Sherry Huston/present; Brandon Gooding/present; Trish Markley/present.
Additional agenda items: None
Recognition of individuals wishing to speak on stated agenda items: LeeAnn Lambert
addressed the board regarding Science Curriculum.
Guest Speaker: Tricia Kinnamon gave the board an update on projects that PTO would
like to complete at the primary school including a concrete slab with two basketball
hoops, a removable base system and new signs at the primary and middle schools.
Administrative Reports – Mrs. Hardy reviewed her report.
Mrs. Pepple had nothing new to add to her report.
Mr. Butcher had nothing new to add to his report.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Blue to approve the consent agenda
as presented. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes;
Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
Science Curiculum - A discussion was held regarding Mrs. Lambert’s proposal for new
Science “Techbooks”. This will be an action item on the April agenda.
Staff Luncheon - Board members were reminded of the staff luncheon which will take
place on May 25th.
Summer Food Program - Mrs. Graham updated the board on plans to host the summer
food program again through the kitchen/cafeteria at Illini West High School. Memorial
Hospital will be sponsoring the program and it will run June 5th through July 28th.
Primary School Handbook - Mrs. Pepple discussed the changes/updates to the handbook
and this will be an action item on the April agenda.
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mrs. Markley to approve the Risk
Management Plan as presented. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr.
Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion
carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Blue and seconded by Mrs. Huston to enter into executive session at
7:55 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel and collective bargaining. Roll call:
Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr.
Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Ufkes to exit executive session at
8:21 p.m. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs.
Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Huston and seconded by Mrs. Markley to approve the resignation
of Eli Denecke as middle school music teacher effective at the end of the 2016-2017
school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes;
Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Menn to approve the resignation of
Dawn Peel as middle school teacher effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs.
Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Blue and seconded by Mrs. Markley to employ Robert Eaton as
elementary teacher for the 2017-2018 school year at the certified contract rate. Roll call:
Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr.
Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Huston to adopt the resolution to
reduce in force full-time certified staff member Rose Fisher at the end or the 2016-2017
school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes;
Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Menn to adopt the resolution to
reduce in force full-time non-certified staff member Judy McGaughey at the end of the
2016-2017 school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr.
Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Ufkes and seconded by Mr. Menn to adopt the resolution to reduce
in force full-time non-certified staff member Tyler Walker at the end of the 2016-
2017school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr.
Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mr. Blue to adopt the resolution to
reduce in force full-time non-certified staff member Jodi Burling at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr.
Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Markley and seconded by Mrs. Huston to approve the new
elementary principal contract as presented with Mike Snowden for the 2017-2018, the
2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 school years with a base salary of sixty-five thousand
dollars ($65,000) for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr.
Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs.
Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Ufkes to approve the Memorandum
of Understanding between Carthage Elementary Education Association and Carthage
Elementary School District #317 as presented. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr.
Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs. Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs.
Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Huston to adjourn the meeting at 8:30
p.m. Roll call: Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Ufkes/yes; Mr. Blue/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mrs.
Huston/yes; Mr. Gooding/yes; Mrs. Markley/yes. Motion carried 7-0.