
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Minier Board met May 2.

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Village of Minier Board met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The May 02, 2017 Regular Board meeting held at the Village Office, 110 W. Central, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Keneipp.

Trustees present: Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom

Also present: Chief Weseloh, Supt. of Public Works Schopp, Officer Delaware, Officer Edwards, Officer Johnson, Sergeant Hodgson and Jeff Brooks with Grainland Coop.

President Keneipp recited his Oath of Office.

President Keneipp addressed Officer Michael A. Hodgson. Hodgson recited his Oath of Office and was officially promoted to Sergeant with Minier Police Department.

Trustees Devine and Greathouse recited their Oath of Office.

A motion was made by Greathouse and seconded by Nystrom to approve the 04/18/17 minutes as written. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.

President Keneipp mentioned to the Board that Ryan McCabe had been into the office and had discovered that one of his two lots is already zoned commercial. The Zoning Officer is also aware of this development.

A motion was made by Beccue and seconded by Greathouse to Approve and Keep in Closed Status the 04/18/17 Executive Session Minutes as Written Pursuant to 2(C)1 of the Open Meetings Act to Discuss Employment and Salaries of Personnel.

Chief Weseloh addressed the board and presented his reports for the months of March and April.

Delavan will have their D.A.R.E graduation program next week. Chief Weseloh discussed internet safety with grades 3-5. This is required by the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Illinois State Board of Education presented to Olympia West regarding Internet Safety.

The Police Department sponsored a Life Flight class. There were approximately 35 attendees from area agencies. The Helicopter was unable to land as previously planned due to flight deployment. The training was still very beneficial and informative.

Officer Hodgson attended Drug Enforcement Officers Association Conference in Peoria. He felt that it was a good course with good presenters. Weseloh stated that the information provided will be helpful for our department during the course of drug investigations.

The Police Department sponsored training for The Regional Central Illinois Emergency Response Team. The training was at a vacant house in Minier and it went very well. It provided an educational opportunity not only for the S.W.A.T Team but for our officers, as well.

The squad car went to MidState Collision Repair last week for painting. The hood has been repainted and looks good.

Officer Brammeier attended and completed the Illinois Juvenile Officer Certification Course. This will be another resource and benefit for the department.

The Board received the Public Works report.

The Water/Sewer Monthly Report was standard.

Work has been getting done at the park. More of the water main has been extended into the park. Rain has delayed work.

The water tower has been cleaned and the lettering repainted. Schopp thinks it looks very good.

Clean up day in Mackinaw started Monday. It took approximately a day and a half to complete. Close to 14 tons were hauled to the landfill at around $1,000.00. Schopp anticipates close to the same for the Village, possibly a little bit less. He expects the process to be smooth.

Schopp received the report from the EPA. He will address this at the next meeting.

Schopp reported that a semi ran over a fire hydrant at Western and Central. No major issues came of this. They may need to move the hydrant.

A motion was made by Beccue and seconded by Greathouse to Approve

The Monthly Bills as presented and allowed. General Fund $15,874.77 Water $11,733.69; Sewer $6,726.98; Imig Park Fund $16,440.50. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Beccue and seconded by Greathouse to Approve Ordinance #840, “Peddlers/Solicitors/Transient Merchants.” There was brief discussion of the previously reviewed changes. Weseloh is comfortable with the changes that were made. All entities with current permits will be notified via letter of the changes.

A motion was made by Greathouse and seconded by Beccue to Approve the Transfer of $30,000.00 from IL Fund General Fund to the regular General Fund Checking Fund. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.

One Call Now System was discussed at some length in regards to the use, the breakdown of payment and how it would be utilized. The cost will be split between the Village/ESDA, Police Department and Public Works and the Little Mackinaw Township Fire Protection District. The use of the system will expand to the township due to the usage of the fire department. The database will be maintained at the Village.

A motion was made by Beccue and seconded by Devine to Approve the Purchase of One Call Now System in the Amount of $1,086.75 to be Split Four Ways in the Amount of $271.68 Each for Minier Police Department, Minier Public Works Department, Minier ESDA/Village of Minier and Little Mackinaw Township Fire Protection District. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.

Jeff Brooks with Grainland addressed the board and explained that he was here to discuss the questions and concerns raised at the previous meeting. There was brief discussion regarding the route that would be taken should Chicago Street be closed. They are trying to tie both blocks together to reclaim grain from the South. They would like to be able to accommodate larger tractors, wagons and semis. There is currently no good way to fix the issue without tearing down the concrete elevator and they don’t want to do that as it still serves a purpose. Keneipp pointed out some issues in regards to flow and drop. There is also a concern with the entrances to the trailer park and what should occur in the event of a need for evacuation. This would cut down on the access for EMS and Fire. Brooks stated that Grainland was not opposed to putting in an additional road, but wondered if an 80,000 pound road was necessary. Grainland traffic would not be using it. There was discussion about the pit. It would be drivable. Keneipp is concerned about the elevation. Beccue does not want to give up Chicago. He feels that it would not only hinder access to the trailer park but also impede growth in that direction. Keneipp agreed and stated that rerouting by the post office would be reasonable. Brooks was disappointed that the board does not wish to close the street but asked if they would be open to an underground conveyor belt. The board was open to further discussion on this. Brooks informed the board that there will be other issues that need to be addressed. For example, adding a new dryer which would require an addition gas line and tank. Schopp said that Gronewold is currently investigating this and that much of it is dependent upon the size of the tank. He will contact Attorney Gronewold for an update on progress. Safety concerns and setbacks need further discussion. Grainland is still researching fuel sources for the dryer.

Brooks exited the meeting.

President Keneipp gave a description of current licenses in the Village and what businesses were holding them. He inquired as to whether FS getting a pour license would cancel out their option to sell packaged liquor. A new license would need to be created or restructured in order to avoid that. Beccue is not in favor of this. He pointed out that parking would be an issue and there would be too much congestion. Schopp stated that the property is not currently maintained well as it stands and that parking in the back of the building would not be sufficient either. Keneipp raised concerns regarding the age of the cashiers. Devine questioned whether line of sight would be an issue. Weseloh agreed that proper monitoring would be difficult without video surveillance. Devine also feels that this move would not help the Village financially and would only dilute business from other areas. Keneipp also questioned whether this would open the door for other businesses in the Village to request the same. The Village cannot bend a rule to accommodate one business. A motion was made by Beccue and seconded by Devine to Deny the Written Request from Future Petroleum to Amend Chapter 13, Section 13-10, Number of Licenses. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.

The Clerk reported that the new Village Treasurer has started and things seem to be going well.

Kim Logsdon will be coming to the next meeting to discuss a fund raiser for Olympia West.

There is nothing new to report on Ameren at this time.

President Keneipp reported that the Kiwanis met this evening and he gave a brief rundown of events lined up for Corn Daze in August.

Schopp stated that the playground equipment at the Olympia West park will be coming out the first week in June and new equipment will be added in its place. Public Works will be pouring the concrete and the area will be re-mulched.

Devine stated that there were many items to include in the Welcome Bags and that Sasha had done a great job rounding them up.

A motion to adjourn at 8:32 pm was made by Beccue and seconded by Greathouse. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried.
