Christian County Audit/Finance/Purchasing Committee met June 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Present: Becky Edwards, Chairman-Aaron Allen-Vicki McMahon - Paul Schmitz
Absent: Matt Wells
Others present: Tim Carlson, Donna Hibbetts, Brian Wilbur, Sheridan Pulley, Betty Asmussen, Mary Rhodes, Bob DeClerck, Laurie Mense, Mike Havera, Greg Grigsby, Amanda Cole, Nancy Martin, Margaretha Strawn, and Jan Bland.
The Finance Committee met on Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois. The purpose of the meeting was to address agenda items and any other matters properly brought before the committee. Attendance was taken and Finance Chairman Becky Edwards noted a quorum. There were no public comments.
Sheridan Pulley was asked to review with the committee the $130,000 bond that is levied for the County. In 2018 that obligation will be fulfilled which was paid for the bonds to the Illinois Counties Insurance Trust of which the County belonged for coverage of the liability/work compensation coverage. The first issuance of the levy for the bonds was in 1996. We should consider a bond renewal for a ten-year term. There are many questions and decisions to be made concerning the reissuance of bonds. The chairman and treasurer will be in contact with a bond council to make application and for further understanding of the process and necessity for the County.
Nancy Martin, Administrator of the Christian County Health Department presented her projected budget for the upcoming year. Her funding is solely based on fees and grants. With the lack of a State budget, the grants continue to dwindle or are totally eliminated. She reported that she is now below a two-month reserve for the health department and will be working with the County and the Health Board as to implementing temporary changes.
Greg Grigsby presented his budget noting that everything was status quo. He explained continuing education seminars are required annually and the investigator line item is mostly done by him but he does need money for big cases. Also noted was the office supplies should go down once the paperless system is implemented in the courts.
Amanda Cole, the County Extension Director distributed a listing of staff for the four counties and explained that she reduced her budget from what Christian County levies from $160,000 to $135,500. Part of that reduction is due to lower salaries for retiring employees and other monies pledged by other organizations.
Zach Hicks, County Buildings Supervisor explained that one unit has completely failed and the others continue to struggle. The units that currently cool the third floor were installed over 20 years ago and have had continued repairs due to no regular maintenance. Since Zach has been here there are daily checks on the equipment. Even with that the system has issues and doesn’t function with any energy efficiency. An area company has submitted a bid on the materials needed to convert the entire system. Zach would change over a unit at a time and may need to work on an evening schedule. This would take time to convert. It was requested that other quotes be obtained since this was a large project. A motion was made by Aaron Allen and seconded by Becky Edwards for Zach to reach out for at least two other quotes on the equipment and system layouts, consult with the Board Chairman and if reasonable proceed to order the equipment [the project will be paid from the capital improvement fund]. The motion carried.
The annual prevailing wage ordinance was presented for approval. As notice was received from the Illinois Department of Labor with updated prevailing wage rates effective June 5, 2017, the ordinance adoption was so moved by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Aaron Allen and the motion carried.
Treasurer Betty Asmussen informed the committee that in 2016 that grant program was dissolved. Since April 2017 one of the two companies paid off their economic development load received from the County and the second owes $6,000 and has four years left to pay it off. The current balance is $43,849.36. Since the program was dissolved by the State, any money in that account is to become the county’s money. A motion was made by Becky Edwards and seconded by Vicki McMahon (due to the air conditioning situation) transfer $40,000 into the capital improvement fund and leave the balance in the CDAP account until the last loan has been paid off. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Vicki McMahon and seconded by Matt Wells to approve the payment of the claims submitted for June. The motion carried.
Recently, a meeting was held with the five chairmen and/or representatives of the county boards: Christian, Montgomery, Bond, Fayette and Effingham who share the ROE #3 budget. At a previous meeting, our county requested at least a 5% reduction in her budget. As submitted and final, Julie Wollerman cut $4,000 from each county equaling a 5%. For Christian County, the reduction still requires $80,959 plus $8800 health insurance benefits from our general fund.
A motion was made by Becky Edwards and seconded by Aaron Allen to go into executive session for the purpose of 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiation matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives to review a grievance from AFSCME Local 3776. A roll call vote polled all ayes. The motion carried.
A roll call vote polled all ayes to come out of executive session from Aaron Allen and seconded by Matt Wells for the above stated reason. After hearing the union and discussing the issues, the grievance was denied.
A motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Becky Edwards to go into executive session for the purpose 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiation matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. A roll call vote polled all ayes. The motion carried.
A roll call vote polled all ayes to come out of executive session from Vicki McMahon and seconded by Aaron Allen for the above stated reason. No action was taken.
A motion was made by Aaron Allen and seconded by Vicki McMahon to adjourn. The motion carried.