
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Auburn City Council met June 5.

Auburn City Council met Monday, June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Alderman Rod Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Present: Julie Barnhill, Chris Warwick, Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams

Absent: Tom Berola

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Mike McCarthy, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor’s Comments

Alderman Rod Johnson filled in for Mayor Tom Berola, as he was out of town.

II. Visitors/Public Comments 

A. Auburn Public Library

Representatives from the Auburn Public Library Board were present and wanted to know the status of the library budget. Alderman Johnson informed the group that there would not be action taken at the council meeting with the Mayor absent. Attorney Grischow informed the library board that they needed to present the items listed under article 75-ILCS 5/4-10 pertaining to the Library Annual Report. These items need to be presented to the City for approval.

(75 ILCS 5/4-10) (from Ch. 81, par. 4-10) Sec. 4-10. Within 60 days after the expiration of each fiscal year of the city, incorporated town, village or township, the board of trustees shall make a report of the condition of their trust on the last day of the fiscal year, to the city council, board of trustees or board of town trustees, as the case may be. This report shall be made in writing and shall be verified under oath by the secretary, or some other responsible officer of the board of trustees. It shall contain (1) an itemized statement of the various sums of money received from the library fund and from other sources; (2) an itemized statement of the objects and purposes for which those sums of money have been expended; (3) a statement of the number of books and periodicals available for use, and the number and character thereof circulated; (4) a statement of the real and personal property acquired by legacy, purchase, gift or otherwise; (5) a statement of the character of any extensions of library service which have been undertaken; (6) a statement of the financial requirements of the library for the ensuing fiscal year for inclusion in the appropriation of the corporate authority, and of the amount of money which, in the judgment of the board of library trustees, it will be necessary to levy for library purposes in the next annual tax levy ordinance; (7) a statement as to the amount of accumulations and the reasons therefor; (8) a statement as to any outstanding liabilities including those for bonds still outstanding or amounts due for judgments, settlements, liability insurance, or for amounts due under a certificate of the board; (9) any other statistics, information and suggestions that may be of interest. A report shall also be filed, at the same time, with the Illinois State Library. The board of trustees in a township shall also submit its appropriation and levy determinations to the Board of Township Trustees as provided in "The Illinois Municipal Budget Law", as amended. (Source: P.A. 97-101, eff. 1-1-12.)

B) Melissa Wilcox, Girl Scout of Central Illinois, Membership Recruitment Specialist, introduced herself to the City Council and welcomed information from the council for volunteers, memberships, interests, summer programs that the Girl Scouts could participate in. She also indicated that she did ask for permission to host a table at the upcoming “Movie in the Park” on Saturday, June 10, 2017. Parks Chairman Larry Hemmerle indicated that it would be fine for her to have a table.

III. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill

A. Barnhill presented the meeting minutes from the first meeting on May 15, 2017 for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the meeting minutes and to keep a recorded copy, second by Devos. Voice Vote: AYE: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard And Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: None (8-0-0-0)

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

A. Warwick presented the Bills list from May 16, 2017 to June 5, 2017 for the council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the Bills list from May 16, 2017 to June 5, 2017, second by Andrews. Voice Vote: AYE: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)

B. Amend 2017-2018 Budget

Alderman Johnson requested that the amending of 2017-2018 Budget be moved to the Administration Committee for their review and approval. Motion made by Shephard to approve the moving of the amending of the 2017-2018 budget to the Administration Committee who will be meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers; second by Basiewicz. Vote: Aye: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)

V. Attorney’s Report – Grischow

A. First Reading 1434-17, Appropriations Ordinance

Attorney Grischow presented the First Reading of 1434-17 Appropriations Ordinance to be tabled until the June 19th City Council Meeting due to not having a budget. Motion made by Johnson to table the first reading of 1434-17 Appropriations Ordinance until the June 19th City Council Meeting; second by Garrett. Voice Vote: AYE: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0) 

B. Intergovernmental Agreement for Control Services with Sangamon County Attorney Grischow presented the Intergovernmental Agreement for Control Services with Sangamon County in the amount of $822.41 per year for review and approval. Motion made by Johnson to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for Control Services with Sangamon County in the amount of $822.41 per year; second by Hemmerle. Vote: Aye: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0) 

C. Otter Lake Water Commission Agreement Attorney Grischow informed the City Council that the Otter Lake Water Commission Agreement is not up for discussion until June 19th City Council Meeting. 

D. Alderman Williams asked Attorney Grischow the status of vacating the alley behind Allen Woolard’s property. The city office is still awaiting on some materials to be brought in by Mr. Woolard. The other property discussed (alley behind Mike Spears on Adams Street) had no status as the owner was asked to start the process of speaking with his neighbors, if they are interested. That land would then have to be surveyed and give that information to the City. 

E. Food Truck Ordinance

Attorney Grischow asked the council if they want her to proceed with the Food Truck Ordinance. The Council agreed that since the food truck owners have not officially requested the ordinance, do not continue with an ordinance until needed. Attorney Grischow will keep materials just in case process needs started again. 

F. Executive Session – No session without Mayor in attendance

VI. Department Heads

A. Centko

No Report B. McCarthy

Barton Estate -- Superintendent McCarthy informed the council that the Barton Estate would need some additional manpower hours to clean up the debris left behind from the Operators Clean up. The Council agreed to do this and will have it placed on the lien of the property. 

Ippenson approach on 14921 Kennedy Road – moved to Public Works/Public Utilities Report 

333 Interurban -- Alderman Williams received a phone call regarding the tree down on 333 Interurban. The homeowner would like the city to remove it and haul away the debris. In discussion with the homeowner, he indicated that the pile of debris has become a community dump area in the right away between the homes. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Williams for the city employees to clean up the debris pile at 333 Interurban; second by Shephard. Vote: Aye: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: Larry Hemmerle. Present: None. Absent: None (7-1-0-0) 

C. Ponsler

Office Manager Ponsler reported that Donnie and Nancy Deheve, 302 W. Adams Street is asking to have their sidewalk replaced on the east side of their home. Donnie has had a stroke and is immobile and in a wheelchair. Alderman Williams indicated that he had been over to the property and talked with one of the homeowners and feels that the City should check into what can be done. The road seems to sit up much higher and apparently the water runs off right onto their sidewalk. Superintendent McCarthy has agreed to stop by and talk with homeowner and look at what needs to be done.

VII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

1) Applications for open laborer position

Alderman Johnson asked for the number of Laborer applications that we have received. Superintendent McCarthy indicated that they had received 27 applicantions. Superintendent McCarthy has gone through the applications and weeded out the applicants that are not qualified. Alderman Johnson asked Superintendent McCarthy to continue the process to 5 applicants. These 5 candidates will then be scheduled to come in and interview with the Council. Superintendent McCarthy indicated that he will work on scheduling these interviews. 

2) Bids for cleaning of city office and community center

Alderman Johnson recommended that the city deny the bid presented by Blake Cleaning Services for the cleaning of the city office and community center. Motion made by Johnson to deny the bid presented by Blake Cleaning Services for the cleaning of the city office and community center; second by Andrews. Vote: Aye: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)

Alderman Johnson recommended that the city run an advertisement for a cleaning position within the city office and community center to the council for their review and approval. Motion made by Basiewicz to approve the advertisement for a cleaning position within the city office and community center at a hourly rate of $10 not to exceed 15 hours bi-weekly and applications are due to the city by the close of business Friday, June 16, 2017; second Sheppard. Vote: AYE: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Larry Hemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (8-0-0-0)

B) Public Works/Public Utilities – Hemmerle/Johnson

1) Ippenson approach on 14921 Kennedy Road

Concrete bids came in higher than expected. Alderman Johnson was going to reach out to asphalt companies and determine if the city could utilize asphalt to save costs.

2) Otter Lake Water Commission Sales Agreement

Alderman Hemmerle referred to Attorney Grischow if the Otter Lake Water Commission Sales Agreement address all of the concerns the city has. She indicated that it be in the best interest of the city not to discuss until the June 5 meeting. The Otter Lake Water Commission would be meeting on June 13th.

C) Health & Safety – Williams

No Report

D) Health & Housing – Sheppard

1) Open Lot on Interurban – Standefer

Alderman Sheppard informed the Council that the homeowner at open lot on Interurban has mowed and will have everything cleaned up by the weekend.

2) 13900 State Route 4 – Gardner

Alderman Sheppard has not be able to make contact with the home owner of 13900 State Route 4.

E) Parks – Hemmerle

Alderman Hemmerle reminded everyone that “Finding Dory” is being shown at “Movies in the Parks” this Saturday, June 10, 2017.

VIII. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made by Hemmerle to adjourn at 8:08 p.m.; second by Garrett.Voice Vote: Aye: Ian Andrews, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, LarryHemmerle, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard and Seth Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Abdsent: None. (8-0-0-0)
