
West Central Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Christian County Audit /Finance /Purchasing Committee met July 13.

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Christian County Audit /Finance /Purchasing Committee met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Becky Edwards, Chairman-Aaron Allen- Paul Schmitz

Absent: Matt Wells and Vicki McMahon

Others present: Tim Carlson, Laurie Mense, Julie Mayer, Chad Coady, Tom Wall and Jan Bland.

The Finance Committee met on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois. The purpose of the meeting was to address agenda items and any other matters properly brought before the committee. Attendance was taken and Finance Chairman Becky Edwards noted a quorum. There were no public comments.

Chairman Carlson updated the committee on the quotes received for the equipment of the air conditioning equipment and the estimation of other costs to install the units at the courthouse. The quotes for equipment all came in within $3,000 of each other with the low quote from Connor Company at $40,000. The estimated project in total is projected to be $68,500 with Zach doing the work. The project is to be paid from Capital Improvements.

A motion was made by Aaron Allen and seconded by Paul Schmitz to approve the claims as submitted for July 2017. The motion carried.

Office holders who have employees who waive health insurance coverage were notified of the intention to remove the $8800/person assessment from their respective budgets. If staff change or insurance circumstances create a need for coverage to be added to their budget, the account number line item would be allowed to run over appropriately. The savings from the general fund could be as much as $88,000 (plus or minus as the year progresses).

County Clerk Laurie Mense also informed the committee that this year no grant reimbursements will be made for the voter registration grant but hopefully it will be reinstated in the State’s 2019 FY. The revenue line will need to be adjusted.

A letter sent to all county board members concerning a septic issue was forwarded to the Health Department and States Attorney.

A motion was made by Paul Schmitz and seconded by Aaron Allen to adjourn. The motion carried.
