
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Godfrey Public Safety Committee met June 5.

Webp city

Village of Godfrey Public Safety Committee met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Roll Call: Present: Schrumpf, McAtee, Springman, Stewart, Weber, Williams and Mayor McCormick Absent: None

Chairman Williams asked for approval of the minutes of the May 1, 2017 meeting. Trustee Johnes moved for the approval of the May 1, 2017 minutes, seconded by Trustee McAtee. Poll of Committee: Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Earlene Scott – 2815 Curvey Street – Consideration Of Street Light Placement

 Requester did not show for meeting.

Old Business: ESDA Committee Update – Chris Sichra

Chris Sichra, reported on the ESDA Committee as follows: Update on city hall generator repair status, Kimberly has informed us that the village has contracted Barret heating & cooling to repair the generator, they have ordered some repair parts they believe will fix the problem, we are currently waiting on the delivery of the parts.

B. The last Code Red sign up drive, was held on May 18th 2017 from 10AM- 1PM, Chris informed the committee that in order to reach out to more of our older residents Godfrey ESDA has formed a collaborative partnership with the Hayner Public Library District and the event was successfully held at the Alton square library branch. As a result of the success, we may look to hold regular drives at the alternate locations periodically. Chris was also able to obtain several NOAA “ALERT” programmable weather radios donated from the Illinois Emergency Management Services Association to give out to residents signing up.

C. AVEC’s letter of recommendation & sponsorship from the village so that they may join the ILSARC (Illinois Search & Rescue Council) was sent out on May 18th.

D. A discussion was held regarding the County EMA update meeting held on April 25th: There will be some changes on how the county will set up its EOC during disasters to support smaller communities, for instance, ESF (Emergency Support Function) pod systems will now be employed based on the ESF function group concept (similar to what is at the state level EOC), and fewer county staffing resources will be called in during incidents or County EOC activation, those called in will work in much smaller groups than previously done with focus of each group being on the ESF supported, one important change with a smaller staffing contingent is that individual communities will now be required to develop their own localized IAP’s (Incident Action Plans) instead of relying on the county EMA, the better a local community is prepared will make it easier for that community to develop a IAP for the designated operational period, Godfrey should be in good shape and will not notice much difference in the county’s reduction of localized incident operational involvement.

1. New Business:

A. 4 new large village maps have been professionally laminated and mounted on foamboard for use in the village EOC during disasters. These maps are designed to be used with dry erase markers for briefings and strategic planning during recovery missions. Labor & cost of the work was split between donations from Chris’s business: “Sichra Consultation Services LLC” and “Picture this & More” framing business on West Delmar.

B. A new 55 inch 4k HDLED large screen monitor has been purchased for use in the village EOC/conference room as a donation from a local business “Hendrickson Collision Repair” earlier this month. The wall mount system & cables were donated by “Sichra Consultation Services L.L.C.”

C. The 2017 annual MOU renewal with Jerseyville has been completed & is on file.

D. A discussion was held regarding comments made by trustee Nathan Schrumpf at the last village board meeting pertaining to village contractors being required to have (& show proof) of worker’s comp insurance. There was some concern that we may either lose some of our existing contractual assistance (like Elite Tree Service) for disaster recovery or that it may potentially be more difficult to secure new emergency contract agreements. Going forward the ESDA committee will insure any new (or annual renewals) of emergency contracts will contain a copy of the state law required workers comp insurance if it applies to them.

New Business: No new business at this time.

Trustee Weber moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m., seconded by Trustee Schrumpf. Poll of Committee: Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-0. Motion carried.
