Jacksonville City Council met Aug. 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Reading of the Minutes – August 14, 2017
Presentation of Petitions
Mayor’s Report
City Attorney’s Report
1. First reading of an ordinance amending the Jacksonville Municipal Code, Chapter 3 Alcoholic Beverages, Article II Retail Sale, Division 2 Licenses Section 3-37, Location; change of location; limitations on number issued – increase Class D, DD, E, EE and BH licenses by one, total 17 (Agsel Inc. d/b/a/ Mangia – and decrease Class A, AA, B, BB, C, CC, Club and Bowling Alley licenses by one, total 46 (Fill n Fly Petroleum Inc.).
2. Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2017-R-114, A Resolution Authorizing waiver of advertisement for bids; and accepting proposal for demolition of property located at 673 South Fayette.
3. Resolution authorizing waiver of advertisement for bids and accepting proposals for demolition of property located at 673 South Fayette, 502 South Prairie, and 840 North Main.
City Clerk’s Report
Public Comment
Consent Agenda
1. City Treasurer’s Report – July 31, 2017
Parks & Lakes
Planning & Public Works
1. Resolution authorizing waiver of advertisement for bids and accepting proposal for the maintenance of Municipal Parking Lots.
Public Protection
Special Studies
1. Resolution authorizing payments from the Waterworks & Sewerage Projects Fund for services rendered/improvement projects.
2. Resolution waiving bids and accepting proposal for the Raw Water Transmission Main Project.
Committee Reports
Parks & Lakes
Planning & Public Works
1. First reading of an ordinance amending the Jacksonville Municipal Code, Chapter 28 Traffic and Vehicles, Article IX Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 1 Generally, Section 28-162 No Parking Zones Designated.
Public Protection
Special Studies
Old Business
New Business