
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Quincy City Council met September 11.

Quincy City Council met Sept. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Report of Town Auditing Committee

Quincy Township Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds


Ward 3 The request by Penny Roberts, AirMedCare Network, requesting permission to land the Air Evac Helicopter at Upper Moorman Park on September 30th, from 12:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. for an Exploring Explosion, approved at the September 5th City Council meeting, should be amended to have the location at North Campus Lot K.

Wards 2,4,5,6 By Adventures in Missions, requesting permission to participate in a Charitable Street Collection for overseas mission work, September 22nd from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., standing at the intersections of 24th & Harrison, 18th & Chestnut and 18th & State. Rain date September 29th. They will provide signed waivers to the Clerk before the event and will be wearing reflective vests and have clearly posted signs announcing the Charity/Cause at the intersections.

Wards 2,4,6 By Delta Tau Delta, requesting permission to participate in a Charitable Street Collection for Juvenile Diabetes, October 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., standing at the intersections of 18th & Chestnut and 18th & State. Rain date October 28th. They will provide signed waivers to the Clerk before the event and will be wearing reflective vests and have clearly posted signs announcing the Charity/Cause at the intersections.

Ward 7 By Steve Homan requesting consideration for a special permit to operate a nightclub at 625 Maine presently zoned D1.

Ward 4 By Michael Haubrich requesting consideration for a special permit for a planned development for C1A uses and a “Smoothie King” store with a drive-up window on property at 2032 and 2034 Broadway presently zoned R1C.

Ward 5 By Koontz Development Inc. requesting consideration for a subdivision to be known as Cedar Creek Subdivision under the “small tracts” provision, of property located southwest of the Drakewood First Addition presently zoned R1A.

Ward 4 By Cedarhurst of Quincy Real Estate, LLC requesting consideration for a subdivision to be known as Cedarhurst Subdivision under the “small tracts” provision, of property located east of South 48th and north of Anyka Ln. presently zoned C1B.

Ward 3 By Melissa Hamilton requesting consideration for a special permit for a planned development to operate a wellness spa on the main level of the residence at 2424 Spring presently zoned R1C.

Ward 3 By Laverdiere Construction Inc. requesting consideration for a zoning change from M3 (Planned Industrial) to M2 (Heavy Industrial) for property at 3001 Locust to build an asphalt plant, concrete plant, storage building, and office.

Ward 4 By Jim VonderHaar requesting consideration for a zoning change from C1B (Limited Local Commercial) to C2 (Commercial) for property at 2522 Broadway and unaddressed property to east to build a carwash.

Ward 3 By Adams Telecom Inc. requesting consideration for a special permit for a planned development to allow office, service center and storage uses on property at 3605 North 24th presently zone RU1.

Ward 7 By property owners requesting consideration for zoning changes from R3 (Multi-Family Residential to R2 (Two-Family Residential) for properties at 325, 327, 333, 339-341, 401, 405, 409, 413 and 417 South 12th and at 1225-1227 Kentucky.

Report of the Quincy Plan Commission

Ward 2 The report recommending denial of the requested special permit for a planned development to install nonconforming Standard Outdoor Advertising Structures (billboards) on property located at 831 North 24th was tabled for one week by Ald. Bauer along with the Requests to Speak was tabled for one week by Ald. Farha at the September 5th Council meeting.

Request to Speak

Written request to speak under suspended rules by Tanner Freiburg, 220 Einhaus Lane, on denial of Special Use Permit

Mayor’s Appointments

Kate Daniels, Joel Logue, Macy Ferguson-Smith to the Human Rights Commission


September 17th – 23rd as “Constitution Week”


TIF Downtown Rehab Project Funding Resolution. (Four proposals be accepted for $120,000 in TIF funding for the renovation of 5 rental units.)

Aeronautics Committee, Airport Director and Finance Committee recommending approval that a fuel flowage fee be reinstated in the amount of 10 cents per gallon and that landing fees be increased to 70 cents per 1000 pounds and that any necessary agreements be amended.

Utilities and Engineering Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the quote from Knapheide Truck Equipment in the amount of $8,033.00 for the purchase and installation of a utility service body.

Utilities and Engineering Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the quote of Midwest Meter Inc., of Edinburg, IL in the amount of $189,848.00 for automatic meter reading technology.

Utilities and Engineering Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the low bid of Rees Construction Company in the amount of $224,920.70 for the Larch Road Drainage Improvement Project.

Utilities and Engineering Director, Central Services Committee and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the low bid of Million Construction in the amount of $453,595.00 for the Curved Creek Phase I Project.


Second presentation of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending Article III, Chapter 45 Of The Code Of Ordinances Of Quincy, Illinois, And Ratifying The Collection Of The Hotel Operators Tax. An Ordinance Amending Articles III And IV Of Chapter 45 (Finances) Of The Code Of Ordinances Of Quincy, IL, Confirming The Rates previously Set By Ordinance 9058 And The Ratifying All Amounts Collected Under The Home Rule Municipal Retailers Occupation Tax And The Home Rule City Of Quincy Service Occupation Tax.

First presentation of an ordinance entitled:

Ward 4 An Ordinance Granting A Variation From Zoning Regulations. (125 Woodlawn Rd., increase height of fencing in the side and rear yards from six feet to eight feet.)

An Ordinance Amending Title 3 Administration, Chapter 32 City Council, Section 32.02 Meetings. (Changing City Council Meeting from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.)

Report of Finance Committee

Closed/Executive Session pursuant to 5ILCS 140/7(1)(r) Consideration of Real Estate Purchase
