
West Central Reporter

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Spoon River Valley Community Unit School District 4 Board met November 13.

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Spoon River Valley Community Unit School District 4 Board met Nov. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mr. Utsinger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. ROLL CALL: Present: Ms. Angela Braten Mrs. Lisa Quick

Dr. Patricia Eathington Mr. Mark Thomas

Mrs. Lynn Phelps Mr. Gary Tompkins

Mr. Warren Utsinger


Staff: Superintendent Christopher Janssen

PreK - 12 Principal Jody Collier



5. CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Mr. Utsinger and seconded by Mrs. Phelps to approve the consent agenda. The motion passed 7-0.

5.1 Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes of October 9, 2017.

5.2 Approval of Financial Reports

5.3 Approval of Bills in the amount of $230,396.82


6.1. Tom Crabtree from Stifel presented bond options.

6.2. Superintendent Janssen reviewed with the board the IASB Resolution survey and updated the board on the water situation.

6.2.1. Mr. Janssen reported on the administrative team meeting with CUSD Fulton Co. #3 (CUBA).

6.3. Mr. Janssen reviewed student achievement scores with the board. The results were very good overall. We are on the right track, but there is still room for improvement.

6.4. The board of Education Retreat has been rescheduled for December 5th at 4pm.

6.5. The board discussed the substitute teacher rate. We are the lowest in the area and may need to consider raising our rate.

7. CALL FOR CLOSED SESSION: The board moved to Closed/Executive session at 7:51pm following a motion by Dr. Eathington and seconded by Mr. Utsinger to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district. The motion passed 7-0.

RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The board returned to open session at 8:14pm. following a motion by Mrs. Quick and seconded by Dr. Eathington. The motion passed 7-0.


APPROVED: 8.1. A motion was made by Mrs. Quick and seconded by Mrs. Phelps to approve the purchase of a dongle for the heating/cooling system upgrade. The motion passed 7-0;

APPROVED: 8.2. A motion was made by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Ms. Braten to approve the second reading of press policy updates: 2:20-E, 2:210, 2:220-E3, 2:260, 4:60-E, 4:70, 4:170-AP1-E1, 4:170-AP1-E2, 4:170-AP4, 6:80, 6:120-AP1-E1, 6:120-AP3, 6:120-AP3-E1, 6:180, 6:210, 6:290, 6:310-E, 6:330, 7:20, 7:80, 7:140-AP, 7:160, 7:180, 7:275, 7:340-AP1-E2, 7:340-AP1-E5, 7:340-AP2, 7:340-AP2-E1, 8:20-E, 8:70. The motion passed 7:0;

APPROVED: 8.3. A motion was made by Mrs. Quick and seconded by Mr. Utsinger to approve the posting of bids for fuel. The motion passed 7-0;

TABLED: 8.4. A motion was made by Ms. Braten and seconded by Mrs. Quick to table the posting of the tax levy. The motion passed 7-0;

APPROVED: 8.5. A motion was made by Mr. Utsinger and seconded by Dr. Eathington to hire Thomas Myers as a bus driver. The motion passed 7-0;

APPROVED: 8.6. A motion was made by Mrs. Phelps and seconded by Mrs. Quick to approve plumbing work in the elementary boys restroom. The motion passed 7-0 and;

APPROVED: 8.7. A motion was made by Mr. Utsinger and seconded by Dr. Eathington to approve hiring Toshio

VanMiddlesworth as a high school boys assistant basketball coach. The motion passed 7-0.

9. ADJOURNMENT The board adjourned at 8:34pm following a motion by Mrs. Quick.
