City of Jacksonville Heritage Cultural Center Board will meet on January 4.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes – December 7, 2017
Financial Report
2018 Board Officers Nomination and Approval
Committee Reports:
1. Employee/Staff Management
▪2018 Board meeting schedule
▪Membership mailer and donor card
2. Volunteer Recruitment/Management
3. Fundraising and Budgeting
▪Illinois Heritage Association Proposal
4. Acquisitions/Archives & Historian
▪Collections policy
5. Exhibits/Facilities
▪Update on Old Post Office
▪Temporary exhibits at Public Library, other locations
▪Genealogical Society update
6. Special Events, Public Education & Promotion
▪Bicentennial exhibit update
7. Interns
▪Update on cataloging project
Old Business
New Business
Public Comment