
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met February 21.

V.I.T. Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Feb. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1.Call to Order

2.Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4.Consent Agenda (Matters to be handled with one motion unless individual items are Removed from the consent agenda before board action.)

A. Approval of Board Minutes

Minutes from Regular 17 January 2018 meeting.

B. Approval of Financial Reports

1. December Revenue/Expense Statement Summary

2. Treasurer’s Report

3. Revenue/Expenditure-Current/YTD

4. Imprest Fund

C. Approval of Bills and Payroll

D. Approval of Activity Fund Reports

January Activity Funds

5.Board Correspondence

A. Other

6.Teacher Input

7.Public Hearing, Petition, or Public Input

8. Scheduled Visitors (None)

9.Informational Discussion and/or Action Items

A. Update: ( Mr. Reynolds) (Informational)Prairieland Conference Appeal by Macomb; Meeting in Monmouth on February 7th.

B. Review: (Mr. Reynolds) Unland Insurance Renewal for 2018-2019 ; outcome of complete compliance check by ROE#26.

C. Outcome of ROE#26 Compliance Visit on 6 February; review findings (Mr. Reynolds)

D. Strategic Plan Meeting Preparations (Mr. Reynolds Administrative Team) Districtwide Strategic Plan Survey February 16- March 1st Board Strategic Planning Meeting March 10th 8 AM- 12PM in Library.

E. School Safety Discussion; future improvements(Administrative Team/ Board)

F. Setting 8th Grade Promotion Night (Ms. Korsmeyer share proposed date)

10. Jr./Sr. High School Report – Ms. Korsmeyer

A. Monthly Report- Need for lunch tables.

B. Other

Elementary School Report – Mr. Klaska

A. Monthly Report

B. Other

11.Unfinished Business/Executive Session

12. Action Items:

Consider approval of resignation of Kathy Thompson, Head Cook effective end of the 2017-2018 school year.

Consider approval of 2 PM Dismissals in March April (List Days).

Consider approval of lunch tables for high school.

Consider affirmation of Charlie Lascelles action plan.

Consider approval of 2nd reading of policies 2:260, 4:15, 4:110, 4:150, 4:170, 5:20, 5:90, 5:100, 5:200, 5:220, 5:240, 5:290, 6:50, 6:60, 6:150, 6:300, 6:310, 6:340, 7:10, 7:18, 7:190, 7:250, 7:260, 7:275, 7:305, 7:340, 4.60-AP-4, 2:100, 5:120.

Consider approval of volunteer coaches for High School Track and High School Baseball.

Consider approval of Frank Tornear as a school bus driver, effective 12-20- 17 retroactively.

Consider approval of Justin Rossmiller as a science teacher, effective 12-20-17 retroactively.

Consider approval of 8th grade promotion night for May, 2018.

Consider approval of sign-on bonus for science teacher, effective date 1 March.

