
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lewistown Community Unit School District 97 Board of Education met March 21.

Webp meeting 11

Lewistown Community Unit School District 97 Board of Education met March 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order/Pledge Of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Public Hearing Of Visitors

4. Communications

5. Action Items On The Agenda

5.1 Approval of the minutes

5.2 Approval of payments list

5.3 Approval of the credit card statement

5.4 Approval of the Treasurers report

5.5 Approval of the monthly financial report

5.6 Approval of the FRIS report

5.7 Approval of the Activity funds

5.8 Approval of addition to the attendance policy

5.9 Approval of the policies

2:260 School Board: Uniform Grievance Procedure

4:15 Operational Services: Identity Protection

4:110 Operational Services: transportation

4:150 Operational Services: Facility Management and Building Programs

4:170 Operational Services: Safety

5:20 General Personnel: Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:90 General Personnel: Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:100 General Personnel: Staff Development Program

5:220 Professional Personnel: Substitute Teachers

5:200 Professional Personnel: Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

6:50 Instruction: School Wellness

6:60 Instruction: Curriculum Content

6:150 Instruction: Home and Hospital Instruction

6:300 Instruction: Graduation Requirements

6:310 Instruction: High school Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions;

Re-entering Students

6:340 Instruction: Student testing and Assessment Program

7:10 Students: Equal Educational Opportunities

7:15 Students: Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:20 Students: Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:70 Students: Attendance and Truancy

7:180 Students: Prevention of and Response to Bullying, intimidation, and Harassment

7:190 Students: Student Behavior

7:250 Students: Student Support Services

7:260 Students: Exemption from Physical Education

7:305 Students: Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:340 Students: Student Records

5.10 Motion to approve the low bid of Mechanical Services Inc. and alternate bids6.

Informational Items

6.1 Tentative Teaching Assignments - High School

6.2 Annual Building Inspection ROE

6.3 Special Education Social Worker Agreement

7. Building Report

7.1 Principals report _ HS

7.2 Central Report

7.3 Superintendent Report

8. Committee Report

8.1 Technology

8.2 Safety

9. Closed session for discussion of appointment, employment, performance, termination of personnel and student matters

9.1 Discussion regarding Scholastic Bowl coaches resignation

9.2 Discussion regarding technology resignation

9.3 Discussion regarding the hiring of a pre-school teacher

9.4 Discussion regarding the hiring of a third grade teacher

9.5 Discussion regarding the hiring of a Motion to hire 6th grade teacher

9.6 Discussion regarding Principal contract

9.7 Discussion regarding Principal contract

9.8 Discussion regarding yearbook sponsor

10. Resume Regular Session

11. Executive Session Matters

10.1 Motion to accept resignation of Junior High Scholastic Bowl Coaches

10.2 Motion to accept resignation of technology assistant

10.3 Motion to hire pre-school teacher

10.4 Motion to hire a third grade teacher

10.5 Motion to hire a sixth grade teacher

10.6 Motion to extend Principal contract 7-12

10.7 Motion to approve Principals contract pre-K - 6

10.8 Motion to approve yearbook sponsor

12. Adjourn
