Winchester Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Feb. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Board of Education, Community Unit School District No. 1, 149 South Elm Street, Winchester, Illinois counties of Scott, Morgan and Greene, met in regular session on Tuesday February 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM in the Board of Education office located at 149 South Elm Street in Winchester, Illinois.
President Steve Moore called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Ron Coultas, Steve Weder, Phyllis McGuire, Jody Clanton, Joe Little and Steve Moore. Trista Freeman was absent. Also present were Superintendent David C. Roberts, WHS Principal Denny Vortman, WGS Principal Andy Stumpf, District Bookkeeper Angie Slagle and Administrative Assistant Becky Lashmett.
Coultas motioned, with a second from McGuire, to approve the minutes of the January 16th regular meeting. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve the financial reports and bills to be paid. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
The principals provided an update on student activities and accomplishments as well as a report of upcoming events. Mr. Stumpf announced implementation of a committee to work on the 2018-2019 scheduling and Mr. Vortman reported 47 students attended Freshman Orientation. Mr. Roberts will be meeting with representatives of CTS to review the final punch list on the WGS renovations.
The issue of new football field bleachers was revisited, with it being noted the existing bleachers do not meet current ADA and safety codes. Concerns were raised regarding use of any WIT proceeds, and after several minutes of deliberations, President Moore indicated the matter would be tabled until later in the meeting.
A first reading was conducted on revisions to board policy #358 Pediculosis Capitis (head lice) due to a change in ISBE recommendations on exclusion from school and on policy #486.5 Sexual Harassment due to recent legislative action. A second reading and adoption will be slated for the March meeting.
Coultas motioned to approve the request of the Post Prom Committee to use the facilities on April 28th. McGuire seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
President Moore asked the status of any outstanding Freedom of Information requests, and Superintendent Roberts reported there were none pending.
President Moore asked for questions or comments from the audience, and Shirley Jacquot asked why the individual school teams had to pay to have their line-ups on the video board in the gym. Mr. Vortman responded that each team was responsible for the production costs. Kirby Lawson asked if there were plans to increase recess time in the gym rather than in the classroom, and Mr. Stumpf said that one of the goals of the scheduling committee is to get each class at least some recess time in the gym.
Coultas motioned at 7:24 PM to enter into executive session for personnel and student discipline matters. Weder seconded the motion and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
Coultas motioned at 8:02 PM to return to open session, with a second from McGuire. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, absent; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being five yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
Clanton motioned, with a second from Little, to accept the resignation of Karlee VanDeVelde as WCC Cheer sponsor. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, absent; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being five yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
McGuire motioned, with a second from Little, to employ LPN 1-on-1 aides Diane Potter and Melissa Moore. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
Coultas motioned, with a second from Little, to accept the retirement notice of Mike Brockhouse effective September 1, 2018. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
Clanton motioned, with a second from McGuire, to employ Kim Gordley as special route driver for an early childhood single trip. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being six yeas and no nays, the motion passed.
After further discussion and deliberation, Little motioned to approve the placement of new football bleachers on district grounds by the Cougar Boosters, with the district contributing $18,000 annually for five years. Weder seconded the motion, and roll call vote resulted: Coultas, no; Weder, abstain; McGuire, no; Clanton, no; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being two yeas, three nays and one abstention, the motion failed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.