
West Central Reporter

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Brooklyn Township Board of Trustees met March 21

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Brooklyn Township Board of Trustees met March 21. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Call to Order

          Chairman Wentling called the regular session of the Lee County Board to order on March

21, 2018 at 9:00 a.m., at the old Courthouse in Dixon.

Pledge of Allegiance

          Chairman Wentling led the pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

          Clerk Myers called the roll. Members present were Chairman Wentling, members,

Bowers, Deem, Farster, Gibler, Gusse, Humphrey, Kitson, Koppien, Leffelman, McClain,

Mimini, Nicholson, Olson, Palen, Shippert, Truckenbrod, Williams and Witzleb. Members

absent were Buhrow, Considine, Mercer, Partington and Thomas.


          Chairman Wentling reminded everyone to turn off their cells phone or mute them.

Pictures will be taken at break in the front hallway on the stairs.

          Sheriff Simonton addressed the Board. He shared pictures of the computer project for the

squad cars. He thanked everyone for coming together to get this project completed. Suspended

driving arrests, registration violations and warrant arrests have almost doubled since getting

these computers installed in the squad cars.

          Sheriff Simonton then gave an update on the Law Enforcement Center Project. He

presented a draft of the new desigu of the Lee County Law Enforcement building to the Board

and explained all areas of the new building. August 1, 2018 is the target date for breaking

ground on the project. Sheriff Simonton answered questions from the County Board Members.

Approval of Board Minutes

          The Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting were approved

without modification.

To Zoning Board

          On a motion by Mrs. Truckenbrod to send to the Zoning Board Petition No. 18-P-1517

Petitioners, Paul Erisman, Tom Wilson, Kurt Weippert, Richard Hann, Chris Rockwood,

Jim Cargill, PPN #06-09-03-200-003, 06-09-03-200-005-, 06-09-03-200-011-, 06-09-03-200-

010, 06-09-03-153-001, 06-09-02-154-002. Properties presently zoned R-2 Single Family

Residential District. Petitioner's desire properties be rezoned to Ag-1 Agricultural District,

second by Mr. Nicholson; motion carried by a voice vote.

To Planning Commission: No Petitions

From Zoning Board

          On a motion by Mr. Deem to approve Ordinance #03-18-001 Petition 18-P-1516 by

Petitioner GreenbergFarrow, PPN 11-16-20-200-005 requesting to rezone the property to

an Ag-1 Agricultural District with a Special Use for the purpose of development of a solar

energy system, second by Ms. Shippert; motion carried by a voice vote.

From Planning Commission: No Petitions

Board Member Comments: None

Public/Visitor Comments

          Attorney Thomas Leach, spoke on the resolution coming before the Board concerning the

Opioid Litigation. He explained that from this litigation the County first would be getting the

manufacturers and distributors to do what they are mandated to do by the Controlled Substances

Act, they are obligated to report suspicious orders and not deliver those orders. Once this is

stopped then it becomes a remediation effort to get the County reimbursed for costs necessary to

remediate the problem with education and then get some meaningful rehabilitation efforts.

          State's Attorney Klahn advised that this is a nationwide effort, we would be the 30th

County in Illinois to join in this litigation. The contingency fee has been reduced to 25%.

          Janice McCoy - Director of the U of I Extension addressed the Board. She presented

their 2017 Impact Report which has been placed on file.

          Chairman Wentling call a break at 9:51 A.M. and called the meeting back to order at

10:13 a.m.

Reports of Committees

          Finance: Mr. McClain gave the Finance report. The retreat for next year's budget will

be held next month.

          Transportation/Solid Waste: Mr. Leffelman gave the Transportation/Solid Waste

report. A municipal tire collection will be coming up in the near future. Bids were opened on

several projects.

          Mr. Farster requested a correction in their minutes to state that Mr. Humphrey seconded

the motion on awarding this bids. Mr. Farster had abstained from this vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Kitson to approve claims, second by Mr. Leffelman; motion carried

by a voice vote.

          Properties/Planning/Zoning: Mr. Nicholson gave the Properties/Planning/Zoning

report. Mrs. McCoy, Director of U of I Extension, had requested some office space in the new

Courts Building which has been denied due to security reasons in that building. Hopefully, there

will be space available once the new Law Enforcement Center gets built. Two evacuation chairs

are being purchased for use in the Old and New Courthouses.

           LOTS (Lee Ogle Transportation System): Mr. McClain gave the LOTS report.

Resolutions will be coming up under new business.

          Mr. Gates, LOTS Director, addressed the Board. LOTS has seen an increase in ridership

from last year by approximately 9%. They are moving forward with the capital project, the

construction of a new maintenance and wash bay. They will be moving forward executing

contracts for FY 2018 and FY 2019. IDOT gave approval for a formal announcement regarding

the new I 39 corridor InterCity Bus and Greyhound route. This will be a capital as well as an

operating project with the purchase of new buses and a new canopy on the front of the Transit

Center. The overall operating expenditures for three (3) years for doing the route from Chicago

to Danville will be roughly 2.6 million, the total project costs is 5.6 million for the I 39 corridor


          Administrative Services: Mrs. Truckenbrod gave the Administrative Services report.

The revised Benefit and Policy Handbook is being worked on and will hopefully be presented

next month.

          Public Safety: Mr. Witzleb gave the Public Safety report. The Sheriff gave an update

on the LEC Project. There will be three resolutions coming up later on the agenda.

          Blackhawk Hills Regional Council: Mr. Deem gave the Blackhawk Hills Regional

Council report. They did not have a meeting last month. Their next meeting is Monday, March

26, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in Lanark. The meeting in May will be May 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. On

April 10, 2018 at the Post House there will be a CEDS meeting for any Board Members who

wish to attend.

          911 Board: Mr. Deem gave the 911 Board report. They are working through the issues

of converting over to Next Generation 911. Their next meeting is Thursday, March 22, 2018 at

5:30 and Monday, May 21, 2018 at 5:30 and will be held at the Public Safety Building in the

community room.

          Tourism: Mr. Palen gave the Tourism report. Several handouts have been placed on

Board Members desks. Advertising will appear in various publications beginning May 12th. The

LeeCountyFun.com website has been revised. There will be a Bee Keeping workshop on March

z4th and Dixon's Annual Founder's Day Celebration will be on April 11 ct,. The Hotel/Motel tax

for January was $3,522.95

          Health Department: Mr. Olson gave the Board of Health report. January and February

financial reports were discussed. The February and March claim registers were reviewed and

approved. The minutes of their meeting are included in the packet. The Ronald McDonald Care

Mobile unit will be in Dixon. The Care Mobile unit provides free or basic dental or medical care

to uninsured or underinsured children up to 18 years of age. Dental days are March 26th and 27th

medical days are April 3rd and 4th. More information is available on the Health Departments


          Tri-County Opportunities Council: Mr. Williams gave the Tri-County Opportunities

Council report. The Council met on February 27, 2018 in Princeton and a handout of their

meeting highlights was placed on the Board Members desks. Their next meeting is March 27,

2018 in Dixon at 7:00 p.m.

          United Counties Council of Illinois (UCCI): Ms. Shipper! gave the United Counties

Council report. A two day seminar was held on February 27th and 28th. The main topic of the

afternoon on the 27th was their insurance program, ICMRT and UMED which we do not

participate in. There was a legislative reception on Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning there

were three sessions, one covering negotiations, a lot of which Lee County is doing correctly.

The UCCI Salary Benefit Survey was distributed and the final session covered Solar Energy.

          Executive: Chairman Wentling gave the Executive report. On a motion by Ms.

Shippert to approve claims, second by Mr. Farster; motion carried by a voice vote.

County Officers Reports, Request for Deposit of Funds, Orders Paid in Vacation

          On a motion by Mr. Deem to approve County Officers Reports, Request for Deposit

of Funds and Orders Paid in Vacation, second by Mr. Koppien; motion carried by a voice


Old Business

          On a motion by Ms. Shippert to approve Ordinance #03-18-002 amending Ordinance

#12-15-001 an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Lee County Enterprise Zone,

second by Mrs. Truckenbrod; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mrs. Truckenbrod to take off the table and approve Resolution #03-

18-003 approving Lee County's participation in Opioid Nuisance Litigation, second by Mr.

McClain; a roll call vote is called:

 YES:                Gibler, Gusse, Kitson, Koppien, McClain, Mimini, Olson, Palen, Shippert,

                         Truckenbrod, Witzleb, Bowers and Wentling.

NO:                   Humphrey, Leffelman, Nicholson, Williams, Deem and Farster.

ABSENT:           Mercer, Partington, Thomas, Buhrow and Considine.

                                                Motion carried by a roll call vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Kitson to table until April the Mendota Hills WECS Project

Decommission Plan and Financial Assurance Plan and Decommissioning Confirmation,

second by Mrs. Truckenbrod; motion carried by a voice vote.

New Business

          On a motion by Mr. McClain to approve Resolution #03-18-004 identifying work

contracts to an Installment Purchase Agreement heretofore entered into by the County of

Lee (LEC Project) second by Mr. Palen; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Gusse to approve Resolution #03-18-005 appropriating

$80,000.00 of County Matching Funds for the replacement of a bridge on Amboy Road,

Federal Aid Secondary Route 185, known as Section 17-00333-00-BR, second by Mr. Olson;

motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Ms. Shippert to accept the State's Attorney's Annual Report for 2017,

second by Mr. Kitson; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mr. McClain to approve Resolution #03-18-006 authorizing execution

and amendment of Section 5311 Grant Agreement; Resolution #03-18-007 acceptance of

the Special Warranty; Resolution #03-18-008 Illinois Department of Transportation -

authorizing resolution, second by Mr. Palen; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Gibler to hold over until April the Public Transportation

Applicant Ordinance and an Ordinance to provide for Public Transportation in Lee

County, Illinois, second by Mr. Kitson; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Witzleb to approve Resolution #03-18-009 to hire RinglandJohnson

Construction as the Design-Builder for the Lee County Law Enforcement Center

Project for the compensation rate of $870,400 for their services, second by Mr. Deem;

motion carried by a voice vote.

          Mr. Henkel addressed the Board on the upcoming resolution on Solar Energy System

fees. The Solar Energy ordinance was approved a couple of months ago but did not have any

fees associated with that which would allow for any changes to be made without having to wait

the sixty (60) days on an ordinance. A lot ofresearch has been done trying to find a fee structure

since this is new to the County. Looking at other counties, they are all over the board, some

charge by square footage, some charge by production. The decision was made to charge by the

megawatt and the fee structure that was chosen was $5,000.00 per megawatt. This is a one-time

building permit fee.

          On a motion by Mr. Gusse to approve Resolution #03-18-010 Solar Energy System

fees, second by Mr. Nicholson; motion carried by a voice vote.

          On a motion by Mr. Palen to approve #03-18-011 the Intergovernmental Agreement

between Lee County and the Village of Compton, (Animal Control), second by Mr. Koppien;

motion carried by a voice vote.


          On a motion by Mr. Witzleb to approve Resolution #03-18-012 reappointing John N.

Prentice as a Trustee of the Paw Paw Fire Protection District for a term ending March 31,

2021; Resolution #03-18-013 reappointing James D. Book as a Trustee of the Dixon

Community Fire Protection District of Lee and Ogle Counties for a term expiring April 30,

2021; Resolution 03-18-014 reappointing Dana Considine to the Sherifrs Merit

Commission for a term of two (2) years, expiring December 31, 2019; second by Mr. Kitson;

motion carried by a voice vote.

Executive Session: None

Mileage and Per Diem

          On a motion by Mr. Kitson to approve Mileage and Per Diem, second by Mr. Palen;

motion carried by a voice vote.

All Bills and Appropriation

          On a motion by Ms. Shippert to approve All Bills and Appropriations, second by Mr.

Leffelman; a roll call vote is called.

 YES:          Gusse, Humphrey, Kitson, Koppien, Leffelman, McClain, Mimini, Nicholson,

                   Olson, Palen, Shippert, Truckenbrod, Williams, Witzleb, Bowers, Deem, Farster,

                   Gibler and Wentling.

NO:             None.

ABSENT:    Mercer, Partington, Thomas Buhrow and Considine.

                                          Motion carried by a roll call vote.

Motion to Adjourn

          On a motion by Mr. Koppien to adjourn this meeting until April 17, 2018 at 6:00

p.m., second by Mr. Witzleb; motion carried by a voice vote.

Adjourned at 10:39 a.m.




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