Brooklyn Township Board of Trustees met February 20.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Chairman Wentling called the regular session of the Lee County Board to order on
February 20, 2018 at 9:00 A.M., at the Reagan Transit Center (LOTS) at 210 E. Progress Drive,
Dixon, IL due to the elevator being out of order at the old Courthouse in Dixon.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Wentling led the pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Clerk Myers called the roll. Members present were Chairman Wentling, members,
Bowers, Buhrow, Considine, Deem, Farster, Gibler, Gusse, Humphrey, Kitson, Leffelman,
McClain, Mimini, Nicholson, Olson, Palen, Shipper!, Truckenbrod, Williams and Witzleb.
Members absent were Koppien, Mercer, Partington and Thomas
Chairman Wentling thanked everyone for being flexible on moving the County Board
meeting. He also thanked Greg Gates, Executive Director of LOTS, for hosting the meeting. He
reminded everyone to mute or tum off their cell phones.
Sheriff Simonton recognized Larry Schremp who is retiring after 20 years of service in
Corrections of the Sheriffs Department. Sheriff Simonton present Mr. Schremp with a plaque
and he received a round of applause.
Sheriff Simonton gave an update on the Lee County Law Enforcement Center Project.
Plans are being reviewed and updated for the new site. Solar and clean energy are being looked
at. Blackhawk Hills has been here to discuss the grant opportunities for this. Groundbreaking
time could possibly be in June and hopefully have the foundation intact that they would be able
to work inside next winter. The construction management finn is very excited about the new
site, because it's a clean site and will not be connected to an existing building.
Approval of Board Minutes
The Minutes of the January 16, 2018 Regular Board Meeting were approved without
To Zoning Board
On a motion by Mr. Deem to send to the Zoning Board Petition 18-P-1516, Borrego
Solar Systems Inc. PPN #ll-16-20-200-005, Lee Center Township, development of a Solar
Energy System, second by Mr. Kitson; motion carried by a voice vote.
To Planning Commission: No Petitions
From Zoning Board: No Petitions
From Planning Commission: No Petitions
Board Member Comments
Mr. Kitson announced that the Insurance Committee meeting will be held m the
conference room in the Assessor's Office at 1 :30 p.m. today.
Public/Visitor Comments
Andy Shaw, Blackhawk Hills, explained the ordinances coming up under old and new
business concerning the amendments to the Enterprise Zone. The Mt. Morris amendment will be
acted on under old business and he will be submitting this to the State.
The second ordinance is an add territory application for Rochelle and Dixon. The
Rochelle project is for a specialized nursing home and the Dixon project is for the expansion of
Anchor Road Storage.
Mrs. Janice McCoy, U of I Extension, had a handout for the Board showing their
Calendar of Events which has been placed on file. Mrs. McCoy also reminded the Board
Members of the 2018 UCCI - University of Illinois Extension Leadership Academy. If you
apply and are accepted all of your expenses are paid. She also had a calendar of the Local
Government W ebinars.
Reports of Committees
Finance: Mr. Olson gave the Finance report. The Committee discussed and agreed to
the purchase of a Tahoe for the Coroner's Office. The budget for 2018/2019 was discussed.
Mrs. Janice McCoy from the U of I Extension is requesting 2,300 square feet to lease from the
County. This is being referred back to the Properties Committee. The sales tax check last month
from the State was $96,270.00, which is coming in above average, to date we have received
$471,681.00. The auditors were here the last two weeks and everything went smooth. The
tipping fees for the landfill came in at $53,763.00.
Transportation/Solid Waste: Mr. Leffelman gave the Transportation/Solid Waste
report. Coming up under appointments will be the resolution for the reappointment of the
County Engineer. Solid Waste is working on a new electrical recycling program.
On a motion by Mr. Leffelman to approve claims, second by Mr. Deem; motion carried
by a voice vote.
Properties/Planning/Zoning: Mr. Nicholson gave the Properties/Planning/Zoning
report. The minutes from their meeting are in the packet. There will be a resolution for the
DOAP Grant and the position for a mechanic at LOTS coming up under new business.
There was discussion over the Courthouse wall that is being repaired with Board
Members requesting the materials be picked up, fencing put up where it has not been backfilled,
lawn be reseeded early and a completion date.
LOTS (Lee Ogle Transportation System): Mr. McClain gave the LOTS report. Mr.
Greg Gates added that they have started the request for qualifications for the capital project for
the maintenance and wash bay that will be located between the Reagan Transit Center and the
new Law Enforcement Center.
Administrative Services: Mrs. Truckenbrod gave the Administrative Services report.
Claims were approved. The County Clerk turned in her Annual Report. Reminder that early
voting has begun and the Old Courthouse is a Campaign Free Zone. Administrator Wittenauer is
working on combining the Benefit and Policy Handbook into one document, drafts copies are
Public Safety: Mr. Witzleb gave the Public Safety report. The Sheriff gave an update
on the LEC Project. The Sheriff presented a resolution for the part-time bailiffs and the Merit
Commission. State's Attorney Klahn requested a replacement hire. All of these will be
addressed under new business. Sheriff Simonton also presented his Annual Report and this is
available to be viewed in the Chairman's office.
Blackhawk Hills Regional Council: Mr. Deem gave the Blackhawk Hills Regional
Council report. Their last meeting was January 22, 2018 and Mr. Deem was unable to attend.
Their next meeting will be March 26, 2018 at 6:00 P.M.
911 Board: Mr. Deem gave the 911 Board report. The minutes of their meeting are
included in the agenda packet. The Next Generation 911 equipment has been installed. The
network is still being held up by the State of Illinois. The antenna tower has been restructured
and completed last week, an additional base station has been added at the PSAP. Their next
meeting is scheduled to be held at the Dixon Public Safety Building community room on
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 5:30 P.M.
Tourism: Mr. Palen gave the Tourism report. The Northwest Illinois Blackhawk
Waterways completed their visitors guide and a copy will be available for Board Members next
month. Additional Lee County Visitors Guides have been distributed to 51 locations in 9
different communities throughout Lee County. Midway Drive-In Theatre which opened on 1950
has been recognized as the oldest drive-in theatre in Illinois. Tourism is in the process of
reorganizing their website. The December Hotel/Motel Tax was $4,509.92.
Health Department: Mr. Olson gave the Board of Health report. They did not have a
meeting this month, there was no report.
Tri-County Opportunities Council: Mr. Williams gave the Tri-County Opportunities
Council report. They met last month in Dixon and they will be meeting again next Tuesday in
United Counties Council of Illinois (UCCI): Ms. Shippert gave the United Counties
Council report. The January meeting was held in Springfield, the main topic was Sexual
Harassment. Lee County has already adopted the new policy. The Leadership Academy
applications are available. They have five (5) sessions and you need to attend four ( 4) in order to
get credit. Their next meeting will be on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
Executive: Chairman Wentling gave the Executive report. The minutes are in the packet
and everything will be addressed under old and new business. On a motion by Mr. Kitson to
approve claims, second by Mr. Palen; motion carried by a voice vote.
County Officers Reports, Request for Deposit of Funds, Orders Paid in Vacation
On a motion by Mr. Farster to approve County Officers Reports, Request for Deposit
of Funds and Orders Paid in Vacation, second by Mrs. Truckenbrod; motion carried by a
voice vote.
Old Business
On a motion by Mr. Kitson to approve Ordinance #02-18-001 amending Ordinance
No. 12-15-001 an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Lee County Enterprise Zone
(adding Mt. Morris), second by Mr. McClain; motion carried by a voice vote.
State's Attorney Klahn advised that he is requesting some defining language of the
triggering event in the decommissioning plan that was discussed last month. He is asking that
this plan be approved subject to his approval of the additional language on the triggering event.
On a motion by Mr. Nicholson to approve #02-18-002 Green River Wind
Decommissioning Plan, second by Mr. Williams; motion carried by a voice vote. (*Note:
State's Attorney is working on defining language for fmal copy.)
New Business
On a motion by Ms. Shipper! to approve Resolution #02-18-003 authorizing execution
and Amendment of Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement, second by Mr.
Nicholson; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Gibler to accept the Annual Report dated November 30, 2017 for
the Lee County Clerk and Recorder, second by Mrs. Truckenbrod; motion carried by a voice
On a motion by Mr. Gusse to approve #02-18-004 Illinois Department of
Transportation - Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Amboy Road Bridge,
second by Mr. Deem; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Kitson to approve #02-18-005 Illinois Department of
Transportation - Agreement for County Engineer's Salary, second by Mr. Olson; motion
carried by a voice vote.
Dave Anderson, Lee County Engineer explained the addendum agreement and the escrow
On a motion by Mr. Palen to approve #02-18-006 Addendum to the Mendota Hills
Road Use Agreement and #02-18-007 Escrow Agreement, second by Mr. Leffelman; motion
carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Considine to approve Resolution #02-18-008 increasing the pay
rate of part-time bailiffs to $16.00 per hour, second by Mr. Witzleb; motion carried by a voice
On a motion by Mr. Witzleb to approve the State's Attorney's request for a
replacement hire, second by Mr. Kitson; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Nicholson to approve the Lee Ogle Transportation Systems
(LOTS) request for a mechanic position, second by Mr. Palen; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Kitson to hold over until March the Ordinance amending
Ordinance #12-15-001 an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Lee County
Enterprise Zone, second by Mr. Witzleb; motion carried by a voice vote.
State's Attorney Klahn advised the settlement agreement deals with multiple parties.
State's Attorney Klahn has represented Lee County throughout these proceedings, there has been
no additional expenditures. He is recommending approval of this agreement.
On a motion by Ms. Shipper! to approve #02-18-009 Green River Wind Farm
Settlement Agreement, second by Mr. Olson; motion carried by a voice vote.
State's Attorney Klahn is looking for the possibility of Lee County participating in this
nationwide opioid litigation. This would be a separate lawsuit for Lee County-agatrrsrtlre-------
manufacturers under a public nuisance theory. There is a structure of what the attorney's would
receive regarding this lawsuit. State's Attorney Klahn requested that Board Members review the
resolution and it will be addressed next month.
Sheriff Simonton advised it's not only recovery they are going after, they have a four
pronged process, prevention, education, return to treatment, along with enforcement of the
opioids, this plays into the prevention part of it. The Sheriff cannot go after the drug
manufacturer where this lawsuit can nationwide. This will help with the prevention part of the
opioid influx in Lee County.
On a motion by Mr. Farster to table until March the Resolution approving Lee
County's participation in Opioid Nuisance Litigation, second by Mr. Kitson; motion carried
by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Buhrow to approve Resolution #02-18-010 appointing Mr. Terry
Zinke to the position of Lee County Weed Control Superintendent, second by Mr.
Leffelman; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Nicholson to approve Resolution #02-18-011 reappointment of
David M. Anderson as Lee County Engineer for a term of six (6) years, second by Mr.
Kitson; motion carried by a voice vote.
On a motion by Mr. Witzleb to approve Resolution #02-18-012 appointing Jared
Nicholson to the Lee County Sheriff's Merit Commission for a five (5) year term from
February 20, 2018 through December 31, 2022, second by Mr. Deem; motion carried by a
voice vote.
Executive Session: None
Mileage and Per Diem
On a motion by Mr. Kitson to approve Mileage and Per Diem, second by Mr. Williams;
motion carried by a voice vote.
All Bills and Appropriation
On a motion by Mr. McClain to approve All Bills and Appropriations, second by Mr.
Nicholson; a roll call vote is called.
YES: Farster, Gibler, Gusse, Humphrey, Kitson, Leffelman, McClain, Mimini,
Nicholson, Olson, Palen, Shippert, Truckenbrod, Williams, Witzleb, Bowers,
Buhrow, Considine, Deem and Wentling.
NO: None
ABSENT: Koppien, Mercer, Partington and Thomas.
Motion carried by a roll call vote.
Motion to Adjourn
On a motion by Mr. Witzleb to adjourn this meeting until March 20, 2018 at 9:00
a.m., second by Mr. Considine; motion carried by a voice vote.
Adjourned at 10:16 a.m.