Beardstown Park District Board met January 31.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The January meeting of the Beardstown Park District board of commissioners was held on January 31 at
the Schewe Community Center. Travis Schroll called to order and roll was taken. Commissioners
present included Johnny Hardwick, Bob Schaefer and Travis Schroll. Also in attendance were Park
Director Jason Brockschmidt, Secretary-Treasurer Greta Unland, and Attorney T.J. Wessel.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Schaefer a second by Mr.
The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Mr. Schaefer a second by Mr. Hardwick.
The claims list was approved on a motion by Mr. Hardwick and a second by Mr. Schaefer.
Mr. Brockschmidt informed the board that the Park District received a $500 grant from Walmart.
Mr. Brockschmidt discussed the winter programs we have going on and are upcoming tumbling recital
that will be held on March 24. Also, starting in February we have youth programs; dodgeball, kick ball
and wiffle ball.
Mr. Brockschmidt informed the board that the IDNR Grant has been approved and a payment will be sent
out within the next 30 days.
Mr. Brockschmidt discussed the progress of the pool. Mr. Brockschmidt asked the board for approval for
a pay request from Contegra in the amount of $343,476.90, which the board approved pending lien
waivers on a motion by Mr. Schaefer and a second by Mr. Hardwick. Also, within the pool discussion was
the sound system. The board approved the bid from Mason Sound System. There was discussion about
purchasing the well screens; however, no decision was made.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Schaefer and a second by Mr. Hardwick.