Nauvoo-Colusa Community Unit School District #325 Board met February 12.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1.0 Call to Order by Mrs. Sandy Stevenson, School Board Vice President
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice President Sandy Stevenson.
2.0 Roll Call
Present: Mrs. Little, Mrs. Poe, Mr. Schmitz-by video conference, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Stevenson.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried.
Also Present: Mr. Young, Mr. Matt Longenecker, Mr. Jeff McCarty, Mrs. Miller.
3.0 Pledge of Allegiance
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4.01 Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for January 2018
Mrs. Poe made the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for January 2018 with a second
by Mrs. Snyder. Ayes-5, Nays-0.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
5.0 Financials
5.01 Pay Bills for January 2018
Mrs. Little made the motion to pay the bills for January 2018 with a second by Mrs. Poe.
Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
5.02 Approve Financial and Treasurer Report for January 2018
Mrs. Snyder made the motion to approve the financial and treasurer report for January 2018 with a
second by Mrs. Poe.
Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
This year N-C spent $1,285,131 in the education fund compared to $1,111,507 spent in the
education fund last year. In the operation and maintenance fund, N-C spent $118,552 this year
compared to last year the district had spent $148,330. The district spent $172,159 in the
transportation fund compared to $247,114 last year. The district spent $1,575,842 this year
compared to $1,506,951 last year at this time in those three funds for a difference of $68,891 more
this year compared to last year.
The 31st of January completed 58% of the 2018 fiscal year. The district expended 48.2% of the
education budget, 35.3% of the operations and maintenance budget, and 51.4% of the
transportation budget. Fund balances as of January 31, 2018: Education: $1,293,053 Operation
and Maintenance: $528,280 Transportation: $236,495 and Working Cash: $176,215. The four Major
Fund Balances: $2,234,043. Total Fund Balance for all funds: $3,376,406.
Fund balances as of January 31, 2017: Education: $1,070,907 Building: $443,460 Transportation:
$167,660 and Working Cash: $146,115. The four Major Fund Balances: $1,828,142. Total Fund
Balance for all funds: $2,830,265.
The district has $405,901 more this year compare to last year in the four major funds. The district
has $546,141 more this year compared to last year in total fund balance.
6.0 Recognition of the Members of the Audience
6.01 Public Comment
There was no public comment.
7.0 Superintendent’s Report
7.01 Transportation Report
Mr. Young reported that everything is going well with transportation.
7.02 Elementary Report
Mr. Ayer’s report was included in the board packet.
7.03 Other
Mrs. Snyder distributed a rough draft of the superintendent’s evaluation to the board. Mr. Young
reported that the staff is leaning towards the Go Math program. He feels we are heading in the right
direction with the changes that are being made.
8.0 Action Items
8.01 Consider the Acceptance of the Bid for the Replacement of the Gymnasium Bleachers- Phillips
and Associates Mrs. Little made the motion to accept the bid from Carroll Seating Company for
$86,000 for the replacement of the gymnasium bleachers with a second by Mrs. Snyder.
Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
8.02 Consider Hiring a Junior High School Head Track Coach
Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Jacob West as the head track coach with a second by Mrs.
Snyder. Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried..
8.03 Consider Hiring a Junior High School Assistant Track Coach
Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Megan West as the assistant track coach with a second by Mrs.
Poe. Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
8.04 Consider Hiring a Junior High School Assistant Track Coach
Mrs. Little made the motion to hire Kami Althar as the assistant track coach with a second by Mrs.
Poe. Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Schmitz-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
8.05 Consider the Approval for the Superintendent to Seek Bids for the Bread, Milk, Fuel, Mowing,
Snow Removal, and Pesticide Management for the Fiscal Year 2019.
Mrs. Poe made the motion to approve the Superintendent to seek bids for the bread, milk, fuel,
mowing, snow removal, and pesticide management for the Fiscal Year 2019 with a second by Mrs.
Aye-5, Nays-0.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.
9.0 Communications and Correspondence
9.01 Presidents’ Day- No School February 19, 2018
9.02 Regular School Board Meeting- March 19, 2018- 6:30 p.m.
9.03 Easter Break-Spring Break- March 29-April 2, 2018
9.04 Regular School Board Meeting- April 16, 2018- 6:30 p.m.
10.0 Adjournment
Mrs. Poe made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. with a second by Mrs. Snyder. Ayes-
5, Nays-0.
Absent: Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Siegfried. Motion carried.