Village of South Jacksonville Board of Trustees met April 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Comments from the Floor
Clerk’s Report
1. Approve Regular Session Minutes of March 1, 2018
2. Correspondence
Treasurer’s Report
1. Approve Treasurer’s Report – February 2018
2. Approve Payables – March 2018
Mayor’s Report
1. Summer Sewer Sign-Up – Free April 1st -30th / $5.00 May 1st -May 31st. Deadline May 31st.
2. SJFD Auxiliary Trivia Night – Saturday April 7th
3. Hydrant Flushing – Week of April 9th
4. Godfrey Park Restrooms Open April 15th
5. Rural Fire Renewals
6. Village Cleanup Days
7. Building Permits
8. Codification Update
Committee Reports
1. Personnel
2. Planning & Public Facilities
3. Public Protection
4. Finance
5. Parks and Tourism
Action Items
1. Ordinance Approving Loan – School Project
2. Ordinance Approving TIF Surplus
3. Approval of ePay Contract
4. Ordinance – Stop Sign on Orlando at Greenwood
5. Approval purchase of new furnace for Village Hall
6. Resignation – Part-time Police Officer
7. Approval of Hire – Part-time Police Officer
8. Tourism Grant – Rotary Fishing Tournament Ad
Old Business
New Business